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Thread: The N word.....

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apache Junction, AZ

    The N word.....

    Not that I don't believe any of us haven't used that word before, but I hope many of us put that way behind in the past.

    As for if Trump used it or is still using it, that's his problem. What scares me more is the latest to come about the way he ran his show during tapings as reported by Tom Arnold. Seems Tom has seen the man in action and if what he mentions still happens today that scares the hell of of me.

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Crescent City CA. where the redwoods meet the sea.
    Many years ago we all said that word didn't know any difference.

  3. #3
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    San Antonio, Tx.
    You’ll have to do a better job of what that pinnacle of truth and light, Tom Arnold, says he observed for those of us who do not know, Fred. You sound like you assume we keep up with Tom.

    Seems as though you used the power of the “N-word” to troll this thread, when you merely wanted eyes to pump another thought altogether. Do you want to discuss the word with its wildly outsized impact or the thoughts of another loony actor?
    “You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.” — Too fundamental to have an attribution

  4. #4
    Wannabe is offline Nov 5, 1946 - Nov 19, 2018
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    It seems to me that if you use the term 'N-word' you might as well use the original term. What is the difference? Both conjure up the same image whatever that may be for each person. Why is it ok for certain people to say a word and it is ok but if certain other people say the same word it is racist? Word games.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wannabe View Post
    It seems to me that if you use the term 'N-word' you might as well use the original term. What is the difference? Both conjure up the same image whatever that may be for each person. Why is it ok for certain people to say a word and it is ok but if certain other people say the same word it is racist? Word games.
    Good points.
    The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible - Arthur C. Clarke

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Crescent City CA. where the redwoods meet the sea.
    When very young my Mother read Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn to us and that word was in kids reading.

  7. #7
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    Columbia, S.C.
    Quote Originally Posted by Billy_Rightwing View Post
    When very young my Mother read Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn to us and that word was in kids reading.
    No wonder your such a heathen!!!
    This is your mind on drugs!

  8. #8
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    San Antonio, Tx.
    I have a list of verboten words and terms. I might post them some day to see how many survive the censor program just for fun, but then regular readers would never know what’s missing. Seems some words are inherently evil and someone might be offended...offense being the absolute worst thing that one can imagine.
    “You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.” — Too fundamental to have an attribution

  9. #9
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    I think it is more of a "gotcha" moment, instead of it actually hurting someones feelings. Like was pointed out earlier, the word used to talk to a buddy or a pal, such as "What's up my nigga", as a greeting, sang in songs and used in jest, would hardly rankle the collars of these same people by changing the last "a" in the word to an "er". Are they going to tell me that the letters "E and R" changes the meaning of a word so significantly, that it goes from a friendly greeting to an outright screw you?

    I would like to see the day when people get a bit offended at being called anything but American. If you put any other name before American with a hyphen, you are the racist, you are pointing out blatantly that there is a difference. Actually it does not really matter to the majority of us, most of us do not see colors or major differences in each other, which should surprise a whole bunch of those on the left. When I take my first look at a person I have just met, the color of their skin means very little to me at all actually. My first judgement is whether they are liberal or Conservative to be very honest and my reasoning for that judgement is are they going to become completely unhinged at some little thing that is said? Are they going to be all butt hurt over something that was said in jest or read some silly meaning into something that was not meant to be offensive at all.

    I come from a background of Construction and Oilfield, where F-bombs other choice words are used as adjectives in daily conversation. Like the military, we are not separated by color or any other fancy sorting descriptor, we instead are judged by how well you can pull your share of the weight. If at the end of the day the whole group can look at each other and say "good job, see you tomorrow", that means you are in, you proved your worth by doing your job.

    Maybe the separation of skin color, sex, sexual preference or any other way that a person can try and make themselves different, matters only in the world where hard work is not usually warranted, I really do not know, do not really care. When you make yourself different, however you choose to do it, you handicap your own damn self, nobody has done that for you. You want to be equal, but you separate yourself by having to put some fancy tag on it. Who cares? Are you proud because of the tag, or are you proud to be a cog in the gear, just like everybody else is? What about those who are not able to pin a descriptor on their person, are they now being judged or singled out because of the LACK of a fancy moniker? Does it make them somehow different because they are just a plain old person?

    Too much is placed on the physical description of a person and not enough on the person itself. I blame that on the ones who decide that they NEED to be different to matter. The extra name really means little to most of us and we do not see it like that at all. The feigned action of being hurt or offended by something as stupid as words does not compute to us, we simply do not make those judgements towards people to begin with. You are another person to us, no more no less, and I suppose some might take offense to that as well. If you need to feel special, go talk to your momma, because otherwise you are just one of the gang to the rest of us.

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