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Thread: Worst week in my memory

  1. #46
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    Columbia, S.C.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Grubb View Post
    Ever think what he might accomplish without all the accessory BS?

    Now excuse me---- but I am having far too much fun watching Trump act like a cat trying to cover chit on a tin roof

    Just listened to Rep Will Hurd--- of Texas---- obviously that is one more Texan that sees what Trump is---- maybe you boys should listen to him
    I'm not taking shots at you Dave. Day after day somebody accuses somebody of making everything political, to wrapped up,.......(i'm paraphrasing here), in there Koolaid or hanging out with the good old boys or some such derogatory thing. "You all don't want to talk you just to want call each other names!" Not many a post goes by that your not trashing him or accusing about something, being a liar? WHO! What politician doesn't lie. Which president doesn't engage in hyperbole, he'll never surpass Obama so why the rage now? Burning emotions. I've found that there is a lot of truth to the old saying about being aware of the man that hollers to loud and long. So let's discuss and not get hung up on how he ties his shoes.
    What's he doing good, what could he do good without starting WWIII. What's he doing bad, why? Because you hate him or because he's a liar. What could he do better. All of this while remembering he's just a man, doesn't matter that's he's president be's still just one man with the majority fighting him at every step.
    This is your mind on drugs!

  2. #47
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    San Antonio, Tx.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Grubb View Post
    ...Just listened to Rep Will Hurd--- of Texas---- obviously that is one more Texan that sees what Trump is---- maybe you boys should listen to him
    What did Rep. Hurd say that gathered your interest? He is my representative and I am interested.
    “You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.” — Too fundamental to have an attribution

  3. #48
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    Columbia, S.C.
    He's consentrating on Trump Ripping children out of their parents arms.
    This is your mind on drugs!

  4. #49
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    Well would Hurd also be in the Dave's camp of "lying politicians". Comparing his voting record with what he spouts from his mouth, I would consider him a big liar. But I also understand that he was trashing Trump and that seems is all that matters.

    Hurd actually has to play the game like that because the new Mexican borderline is around Austin right now, we have lost territory to another Country and few realize it.

  5. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by wacojoe View Post
    What did Rep. Hurd say that gathered your interest? He is my representative and I am interested.
    No need to hear it second hand.
    "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity, an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty” ---Sir Winston Churchill
    "Political extremism involves two prime ingredients: an excessively simple diagnosis of the world's ills, and a conviction that there are identifiable villains back of it all." ---John W. Gardner
    “You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” ---C. S. Lewis

  6. #51
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    If anybody is playing into the hands of Putin it is those on the left who keep bashing Trump and talking about Russia. What are the Russians trying to accomplish? Chaos, the Dems are doing Putin's job for him and they are just to ignorant to realize it. The MSM is making Russia the headline every single day, a marketing ploy that many companies would die for....and all they had to do was put the idea in the heads of the left that Trump was somehow working with the Russians. Ummmm Trump has been a very successful businessman for decades and has he ever once been in a perfect direct relationship with the Russians?

    C'mon people, think about what kind of BS you are being fed. Trump was never involved with anything that the left has been yakking about. He has received awards for helping, blacks, women those who have had difficulties in their lives, etc. Never has he been reported to have Russian contacts and trying to overthrow the govt in any way. It is all a big F'n lie and people are falling for it hook, line and sinker. Sheeple, you are being deceived.

  7. #52
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    You are the blind one.
    "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity, an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty” ---Sir Winston Churchill
    "Political extremism involves two prime ingredients: an excessively simple diagnosis of the world's ills, and a conviction that there are identifiable villains back of it all." ---John W. Gardner
    “You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” ---C. S. Lewis

  8. #53
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    Let's look at this reasonably...

    Clinton was involved heavily with the Russians, their oligarchs gave the Clinton Foundation tens of millions of dollars.

    They paid Bill 500,000 for a single speech

    Obama was caught on a hot mic telling Medvedev to send a message to Putin that "he would have more flexibility after the election"

    Schumer welcomed Putin and had a deal going to promote a Russia owned Gas station chain.

    The list goes on and on. Now let's look at all of the contacts that Trump has publicly made with Russia....


    The left has concrete evidence that Hilliary and Obama and Schumer had multiple contacts with Russian leadershipp and Clinton made a fortune off of them, and for what? Favors maybe? This Russia collusion thing is nothing but a farce, generated out of hatred and is going to cost the Dems a lot of seats in power. Main street folks don't give a damn about any of this, they want their people working for them at home, not the party that is circling the drain rapidly. I have sad it many times, people voted Trump in to get away from this type of circus, they wanted real relief for their families, because politicians were doing nothing for them.

    They were elected to represent the people at home, not the party at large.

  9. #54
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    Apache Junction, AZ

    Sums it up for me.

    "Everyday I beat my own previous record for number of consecutive days I've
    stayed alive."

    'Take care of yourself, and each other.'

  10. #55
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    I can't help but feel some level of compassion for those trying to shore up this clown show after the performance they delivered this week. Sad showing for the US on the world stage--we don't even look like we belong there

    As if to keep up the stupidity Trump spears Montenegro ---and gains even more points:

    Ranko Krivokapic, Montenegro’s former president of parliament and current leader of the country’s Social Democratic Party, told the BBC on Wednesday in response to the NATO comments that Trump was “the strangest president in the history of the United States.”

    Krivokapic also seemed underwhelmed by Trump’s performance or knowledge of Montenegro, saying, “Foreign policy is not his big thing.”
    If that isn't enough, this is the week that just keeps on giving, with the "incredible offer" to question former Ambassador McFaul announced with great pride by Trump on Monday and now that his crew got him back in the can for the time being is rightfully rejected---you have to give those poor folks credit---this is like running around after a kid without his diaper and a really bad case of diarrhea
    Last edited by Dave Grubb; 07-19-2018 at 02:31 PM.
    "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity, an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty” ---Sir Winston Churchill
    "Political extremism involves two prime ingredients: an excessively simple diagnosis of the world's ills, and a conviction that there are identifiable villains back of it all." ---John W. Gardner
    “You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” ---C. S. Lewis

  11. #56
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    Sure is funny how Trump is always 3-4 moves ahead of his haters and then when he makes them look like fools they shut up, change the subject and findsomething else to make fun of him about....till he does it again....

    And it's been going on since he was elected.....

    Some people can't learn......

  12. #57
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    Okay I was hoping that the left would wise up but it looks like it is not going to happen. Trump did not get to this place in his life by being a stupid man. He did not get his money from his daddy. He is not as stupid and dumb as what people make him out to be. He also did not steal all of the money he has made. That being said, he strategies and outwits his competitors and waits for them to make a mistake. Ask 16 Republicans and a whole bunch of Democrats how he outwitted them.

    This is the scenario that the "dumb idiot Trump" has laid out for the Dems. He has taken a page or two out of the war strategist Sun Tzu and adapted them to his strategy. The best one is going to be fight the enemy where they are not. Trump has laid out a plan for the Dems to actually screw themselves and he is using the media that hate him to do it. They do not even know they are falling into the spiders trap until the fangs come out. He makes a comment that can be taken as red meat for his detractors and of course they run like hell with it. While the Dems are out talking about how wrong and dumb it was, Trump just carries on with what he is doing. The media work perfectly into the plan by keeping the focus on the comment and all of the pundits are spending all of their time kicking him in the chins and laughing at his stupidity.

    While this is happening the Dems have made it very public that all they want to do is resist everything he does. That again is more chum for Trump and another piece of his plan. The Dems are all focused on the "story of the day" and bashing him, while the Repubs are working on their jobs. Trump throws out a bloody piece and the sharks go for it, then the Repubs work on reforming the tax code and giving everybody a tax break. The Dems are livid that businesses are getting one as well and attack it and every single one of them vote against it. The Repubs pass the bill and now we all get tax reform.

    The next thing on the agenda was the Wall, which everyone laughed about and mocked. He had their attention focused on a wall and then he decides to throw in that he will be willing to allow DOUBLE the amount of illegal immigrants or dreamers as they are known, to stay above what the Dems were wanting and also offering a way to get citizenship. The Dems in their blather are not going to let that idiot get away with any thing and they all go out and make TV appearances and speeches saying they will not vote for this.

    Trump kicks sand in the faces of most of NATO and so the Dems again have a hayday with that. They seem to forget that they have been saying the same thing to American citizens, "You are not paying your fair share", evactly what Trump told the NATO allies. The allies decide that since many other US POTUS's have said it, Trump is the one that won't blink and promise to ante up.

    He next goes to NKorea and meets with the leader of the country, something that no other POTUS has ever done. The Dems go nuts again saying it was giving Kim more recognition that he deserved and they do off on another rant.

    He then goes to Russia and meets with Putin, lets him know what is expected of him and to quit the BS. Of course the dems are again foaming at the mouth all over again about the Russian interference. Throughout all of this time the Repubs have been working at their jobs, getting things done, while the dogs are barking.

    The Dems have been forced to go much farther left and now their old time "A" team legislators are being replaced by super left wing zealots and the young are revolting at the Pelosi and Schumer controlled party. The old timers are forced to lean further left to keep up and now they are so far gone that many of the Independents and Blue Dogs can not follow. Remember this is the lead-up to a midterm that the Dems really want to win to regain power.

    Now it is the midterm general election, Trump has kept the Dems occupied by preying on their hatred and set them up for a massive landslide defeat. He made them take a side, which in turn was to be against anything and everyhting that Trump might have wanted to accomplish. They have no platform to tell the voters about, they all voted against the tax bill, they voted against even bringing up the DACA reform, they wore out the Russia card and now they have nothing, absolutely nothing. What are they going to say on the campaign trail, "I was against Trump all the way"? They can not make any promises because they have already voted against all of the things that are helping normal people on main street. The tax cuts, all they can say is we will raise your taxes by taking away that blasted tax cut. They can not say they are going to help the Mexicans because they voted against that as well. The middle class who have been voting Dem for years are not going to vote for these fools either.

    It is a perfect storm and Trump used their hatred against them, they got snookered and they are just to mad right now to know it. The left wing media is so focused on making up lies or really stretching the truth and have been complicit in helping Trump, their hated enemy the whole time. All of them together are not in the place where they need to be, passing legislation that helps the American people, keeping them safe and making sure that future generations are not saddled with a huge debt. Keep talking garbage Dems, I got a case of popcorn and this show is going to be one of a kind.

  13. #58
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    Trump is so smart he won a election the Democrats, Clinton and Obama rigged for him to loose.....and yet he won.

    Now look at all the pissed off, sore loosers who hate trump and want to see America fail.....

    They would rather have had a crooked president in the white house by a illegal and crooked election than to see Trump win all they do is talk **** ad whine and dry while looking for ways to talk **** about hi,.

    But remember this, at the days end Trump is president, he's rich and none of the whining crybabies can say they are rich and the President.....

    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    Okay I was hoping that the left would wise up but it looks like it is not going to happen. Trump did not get to this place in his life by being a stupid man. He did not get his money from his daddy. He is not as stupid and dumb as what people make him out to be. He also did not steal all of the money he has made. That being said, he strategies and outwits his competitors and waits for them to make a mistake. Ask 16 Republicans and a whole bunch of Democrats how he outwitted them.

    This is the scenario that the "dumb idiot Trump" has laid out for the Dems. He has taken a page or two out of the war strategist Sun Tzu and adapted them to his strategy. The best one is going to be fight the enemy where they are not. Trump has laid out a plan for the Dems to actually screw themselves and he is using the media that hate him to do it. They do not even know they are falling into the spiders trap until the fangs come out. He makes a comment that can be taken as red meat for his detractors and of course they run like hell with it. While the Dems are out talking about how wrong and dumb it was, Trump just carries on with what he is doing. The media work perfectly into the plan by keeping the focus on the comment and all of the pundits are spending all of their time kicking him in the chins and laughing at his stupidity.

    While this is happening the Dems have made it very public that all they want to do is resist everything he does. That again is more chum for Trump and another piece of his plan. The Dems are all focused on the "story of the day" and bashing him, while the Repubs are working on their jobs. Trump throws out a bloody piece and the sharks go for it, then the Repubs work on reforming the tax code and giving everybody a tax break. The Dems are livid that businesses are getting one as well and attack it and every single one of them vote against it. The Repubs pass the bill and now we all get tax reform.

    The next thing on the agenda was the Wall, which everyone laughed about and mocked. He had their attention focused on a wall and then he decides to throw in that he will be willing to allow DOUBLE the amount of illegal immigrants or dreamers as they are known, to stay above what the Dems were wanting and also offering a way to get citizenship. The Dems in their blather are not going to let that idiot get away with any thing and they all go out and make TV appearances and speeches saying they will not vote for this.

    Trump kicks sand in the faces of most of NATO and so the Dems again have a hayday with that. They seem to forget that they have been saying the same thing to American citizens, "You are not paying your fair share", evactly what Trump told the NATO allies. The allies decide that since many other US POTUS's have said it, Trump is the one that won't blink and promise to ante up.

    He next goes to NKorea and meets with the leader of the country, something that no other POTUS has ever done. The Dems go nuts again saying it was giving Kim more recognition that he deserved and they do off on another rant.

    He then goes to Russia and meets with Putin, lets him know what is expected of him and to quit the BS. Of course the dems are again foaming at the mouth all over again about the Russian interference. Throughout all of this time the Repubs have been working at their jobs, getting things done, while the dogs are barking.

    The Dems have been forced to go much farther left and now their old time "A" team legislators are being replaced by super left wing zealots and the young are revolting at the Pelosi and Schumer controlled party. The old timers are forced to lean further left to keep up and now they are so far gone that many of the Independents and Blue Dogs can not follow. Remember this is the lead-up to a midterm that the Dems really want to win to regain power.

    Now it is the midterm general election, Trump has kept the Dems occupied by preying on their hatred and set them up for a massive landslide defeat. He made them take a side, which in turn was to be against anything and everyhting that Trump might have wanted to accomplish. They have no platform to tell the voters about, they all voted against the tax bill, they voted against even bringing up the DACA reform, they wore out the Russia card and now they have nothing, absolutely nothing. What are they going to say on the campaign trail, "I was against Trump all the way"? They can not make any promises because they have already voted against all of the things that are helping normal people on main street. The tax cuts, all they can say is we will raise your taxes by taking away that blasted tax cut. They can not say they are going to help the Mexicans because they voted against that as well. The middle class who have been voting Dem for years are not going to vote for these fools either.

    It is a perfect storm and Trump used their hatred against them, they got snookered and they are just to mad right now to know it. The left wing media is so focused on making up lies or really stretching the truth and have been complicit in helping Trump, their hated enemy the whole time. All of them together are not in the place where they need to be, passing legislation that helps the American people, keeping them safe and making sure that future generations are not saddled with a huge debt. Keep talking garbage Dems, I got a case of popcorn and this show is going to be one of a kind.

  14. #59
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    Here you go boys---grab a fresh kool-aid---sit down and watch the MSM spin this story.

    You can't make this stuff up---I also cannot help feel for these folks---at that stage in their career they don't deserve this crap.
    "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity, an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty” ---Sir Winston Churchill
    "Political extremism involves two prime ingredients: an excessively simple diagnosis of the world's ills, and a conviction that there are identifiable villains back of it all." ---John W. Gardner
    “You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” ---C. S. Lewis

  15. #60
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    Like I said, keep on sneering.....

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