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Thread: What you see

  1. #1
    Join Date
    All Over

    What you see

    .....might not be what you think it is.

    A Jewish bookie was at the races playing the ponies and losing his shirt.

    He noticed a Priest step out onto the track and blessed the forehead of one of the horses lining up for the 4th race. Lo and behold, that horse - a long shot won the race

    Next race, as the horses lined up, the Priest stepped onto the track.
    Sure enough, he blessed one of the horses.

    The bookie made a beeline for a betting window and placed a small bet on the horse.

    Again, even though it was another long shot, the horse won the race.

    He collected his winnings, and anxiously waited to see which horse the Priest would bless next. He bet big on it, and it won.

    As the races continued the Priest kept blessing horses, and each one ended up winning.

    The bookie was elated. He made a quick dash to the ATM, withdrew all his savings, and waited for the Priest's blessing that would tell him which horse to bet on.

    True to his pattern, the Priest stepped onto the track for the last race and blessed the forehead of an old nag that was 100/1. This time the priest blessed the eyes, ears, and hooves of the old nag. The bookie knew he had a winner and bet every cent he owned on the old nag.

    He watched dumbfounded as the old nag pulled up and couldn't even finish the race. In a state of shock, he went to the track area where the Priest was.

    Confronting him, he demanded, 'Father! What happened? All day long you blessed horses and they all won. Then in the last race, the horse you blessed never even had a chance. Now, thanks to you, I've lost every cent of my savings!'

    The Priest nodded wisely and with sympathy.

    "You are not Catholic are you my son?"
    "No, I'm Jewish"

    "That's the problem", said the Priest, "you couldn't tell the difference between a blessing and last rites".
    "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity, an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty” ---Sir Winston Churchill
    "Political extremism involves two prime ingredients: an excessively simple diagnosis of the world's ills, and a conviction that there are identifiable villains back of it all." ---John W. Gardner
    “You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” ---C. S. Lewis

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Columbia, S.C.
    That's my problem.
    This is your mind on drugs!

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