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Thread: Now we know how NYT got all of their info

  1. #1
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    Now we know how NYT got all of their info

    One of the NYT reporters was sleeping with the security director of Senate intelligence. If that does not tell you that we have a major swamp that needs draining I don't know what would. The security director, the one who is supposed to be in charge of security, has been caught with having diarrhea of the mouth and lying about it to the FBI.

    Well, like most of us knew, the NYT does not have reporters, they have whores, who grab information while they meet in bed.

  2. #2
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    Crescent City CA. where the redwoods meet the sea.
    Lets hope our commander and chief will pour some of those leaks over there heads.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    San Antonio, Tx.
    The reporter sleeping with the head security guy for the Senate Select Intelligence Committee who was pumping her with secret information as well as other things did not work for the NYTs at the time.

    This Conservative Treehouse article makes the point that the case against Wolfe was squared away in December last year and not presented to a grand jury until last month. There must have been more going on in the intervening 5 months and the author’s speculation is that Justice is zeroing in on others probably including other reporters Wolfe was feeding info., maybe with the forced cooperation of Wolfe himself.

    Can reporters be charged as accomplices to sharing government secrets?

    The article identifies the folllowing reporters so far enumerated but not named in documents filed by Justice in the indictment —

    Reporter #1 is likely Manu Raju of CNN.
    Reporter #2 is definitely Ali Watkins of New York Times.
    Reporter #3 is likely Marianna Sotomayor of NBC
    Reporter #4 is likely Brian Ross of ABC

    This may be the opening shot by Trump’s Justice Dept. at leakers and the press which cultivates them.
    “You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.” — Too fundamental to have an attribution

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