If you make or use computers and a wide variety of electronics or sophisticated metal alloys the Chinese have you by the ‘nads...or at least they do until this resource comes on line. The thing you are using to read this now undoubtedly has numerous of these vital and irreplaceable metals in the chain bringing it to you and probably in the device in front of you now.

This find could forestall China extortion on these critical metals, wherein China has had a near monopoly on much of it...and has used their monopoly in the recent past to force its way against rivals. It was just a matter of time until the Chinese did it to the U.S.

This article is lacking in detail as to how exactly the minerals can be mined and at what depth, although an accompanying chart looks like the “mud” containing the metals is in thousands of feet of depth. It will be a challenge, but a necessary one to rob the Red Chinese from their stranglehold on these modern necessary materials.

