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Thread: Chappaquiddick Wasn't the Only Scandal

  1. #16
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    Mike, would you also say that they have stuck their noses into others society? I mean Muslims and Christians have been at it for centuries.

    As of today's times, they are making a Reality show out of cutting the heads off of people for spite, burning them alive and well as drowning them, not to mention kidnapping children in Africa and making slaves of them or just outright slaughtering them. They kill each other and commit all of the atrocities that one can even think up, to torture and murder others.

    Color me wrong, but I think that anybody that thinks that that kind of stuff is "okay" because it is all a part of their culture, that is truly sick.

  2. #17
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    On further thinking it occurs to me that they have said that they would force us to become one of them, force. Save the lecture for that type of sick, I am just against grown men taking adolescent girls as wives, treating women like they are property and thinking it is okay to beat or kill them for no reason at all without facing justice.

    The muslims rant, rave and kill gay people, yet they rape little boys and think that is fine. Again, that is not right, I don't care who you are and I am appalled that you would even take the time to say that maybe we are the problem.

    That type of behavior should never be condoned in ANY society.

  3. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    On further thinking it occurs to me that they have said that they would force us to become one of them, force. Save the lecture for that type of sick, I am just against grown men taking adolescent girls as wives, treating women like they are property and thinking it is okay to beat or kill them for no reason at all without facing justice.

    The muslims rant, rave and kill gay people, yet they rape little boys and think that is fine. Again, that is not right, I don't care who you are and I am appalled that you would even take the time to say that maybe we are the problem.

    That type of behavior should never be condoned in ANY society.
    And all of that is the problem. All societies have different norms. They do things their way and we do things our way. What is right and what is wrong to any particular society all depends on their traditions.

    For a simple example of no real consequence to me, Koreans like to eat dogs. In my book, that is totally and completely wrong! Dogs are our friends and family members, not food!

    To take that a step farther, some societies have been know to eat humans. Totally disgusting to us "civilized" folks, but it is the norm for them. Who are we to say they are wrong and must cease hundreds of years of tradition? They probably think we are wrong by not eating humans. Who is right?
    The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible - Arthur C. Clarke

  4. #19
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    The problem starts when we all overlap and have to coexist. I think just about every place has some sort of laws that people have to follow. Most society's condemn murder, maybe it is not enforced, by chances are it is illegal, either with their laws or the religious beliefs.

    Walking into a house without removing your shoes may be frowned upon, but killing the homeowner for telling you it is not right to wear shoes is wrong.

    If anybody should try to eat my dog or me personally, there WILL be a murder!

  5. #20
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    That is the problem. It wasn't that long ago cultures were fairly isolated. Today, we have instantaneous communications worldwide. We can travel to almost anywhere in the world in a matter of hours, instead of months and years. It's no wonder we have culture clash. We will continue to have that problem until the strongest kill the others. Then, the cycle will start over again.

    The only question is which culture will prevail. Regardless of who that may be, there will be a lot of deaths.
    The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible - Arthur C. Clarke

  6. #21
    Wannabe is offline Nov 5, 1946 - Nov 19, 2018
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    We have our views on what is right and they have their views on what is right for the. All of that is fine as long as we stay separated. The rub comes when they say that we are wrong and they have the only right way and want to either convert us or kill us. How do you tell the difference between the totally passive muslim from the moderate and radical muslims. (Even spell check wants to legitimize the word muslim by wanting to capitalize it).
    I truly want to do the Christian thing and be forgiving and not hating. But I can also see how being like that could be the cause of our downfall. It is a difficult and complex subject. What is right???

  7. #22
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    I don't know "what" is right for someone else. But I believe "who" is right depends upon who has the biggest stick and the will to use it. At some point, things are going to get really ugly. I hope Syria isn't the catalyst that kicks things off. I think Putin would like that.
    The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible - Arthur C. Clarke

  8. #23
    Wannabe is offline Nov 5, 1946 - Nov 19, 2018
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike View Post
    I don't know "what" is right for someone else. But I believe "who" is right depends upon who has the biggest stick and the will to use it. At some point, things are going to get really ugly. I hope Syria isn't the catalyst that kicks things off. I think Putin would like that.
    That reminded me of Teddy, Mike. "Speak softly and carry a Big Stick".

  9. #24
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    I don't have any problem with other cultural norms I don't have any problem with other religions I don't have any problem with different thought processes I don't have any problem with different ways to dress. I do have a problem that I have to change my lifestyle my culture my norms to accommodate those that are different than mine. I guess what I'm saying it's a two-way street. From what I hear from my left it's pretty much a one-way Street you must accommodate accept and deal with any and all intrusions into your deeply held culture. Be sure of one thing the left has no tolerance it's their way or the highway. I know it's very tempting to believe otherwise but it's just not simply true and the facts bear that out.
    OPINION....a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

  10. #25
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    Honda you have the same feelings that I do. I don't too much care what others do, just do not make me change to fit into your world. The biggest thing that I have a problem with, is these punks running around with their pants down below their butts showing their underwear. That is not something I want to see and I know my wife does not care to see it, nor my daughters or granddaughters either.

    You want to wear your hair spiked, have at it. No eyebrows or covered in tattoos, go for it. Just do not make me change something for your viewing pleasure, and I can promise you that my drawers will always be pulled up to my waist.

  11. #26
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    Even those kind of guys that walk around with their ass crack showing that does not even really bother me I just don't want people tell me what I have to accept and what I have to believe. For instance I don't believe that a man can wake up one morning and decide he's a woman and go into the restroom at Target and take a piss with the women. I don't believe in that I think that's an intrusion into what I believe in and I will never ever yield that belief that's just one example of many that is attempted to be shoved down our throats frankly I'm pretty sick of it.
    OPINION....a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

  12. #27
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    San Antonio, Tx.
    Repost of my thoughts, which have not changed —

    Keep the Muslim immigrants out of our borders — all of them or as many as we can at this late date. There are some who foolishly believe Muslims are just like us only differing by praying on mats pointed to Mecca with their faces on the floor. Wrong! Their history belies their intentions toward you. Do not be beguiled by the weakest among them; be warned by their most violent and pernicious and be aware it is impossible to tell the difference. Ask yourself, what is the value to us from the world of Mohammedanism? What of value has it contributed to human society in the last 500 years? Name one worthy thing besides couscous it has given the world in that time?

    There is one common thread for all the misery, death and suffering in the Middle-East, which is pervasive and dominant...Islam. To welcome its adherents and believers into your midst is to welcome coming misery, suffering & death in equal proportions until they reach majority at which time misery metastasizes. The formula here is not hard to discern. They complain about discrimination as a minority until they gain control at which time their discrimination against other religions is all consuming. There is a ring of fire and death around Muslim territory in the Middle-East, South-East Asia, Africa and the 'Stans. Any area Islam touches is consumed by and impaled by the eon-and-a-half-old program of proselytizing with force by their zealots of the religion. To invite them in is to invite the enemy into your camp. Keep Islam at the ring.

    While the plight of these peoples is in most cases heart-rending, there is a huge problem with taking them in, which the Europeans are confronting now. The elephant in the room is that the very source of problems and their own miseries that cause the influx in the first place will be brought with them - Islamism. The Jihadis are not radical Islamists, they are fundamental Islamists who actually believe what their holy texts command, consequently acting thereon. Whichever sect to which they ascribe, the other half is trying to exterminate and vice versa because of something as stupidly inane as a disagreement over who was to rule the religion after its hideously violent and malevolent founder croaked. If they will kill each other willy-nilly for something so trifling, it should be no surprise they will joyfully kill you, yours and your dog with no thought whatsoever.

    I have little doubt that if Aztec priests were still around ripping beating hearts out of maidens and tossing them down the steps of their pyramids, we would still find the same elements who excuse Muslims their zealotry would be excusing the priests as deserving of our ecumenical consideration, after all, "They want the same things we want." No, they do not.

    No country could be condemned for refusing infusions of large foreign populations of people infected with a dread disease or pestilence, yet I submit that is exactly what the religion most of these immigrants bring with them is. Don't you quarantine the exposed to a disease before the possible carriers can spread the pathogen, not wait to see if it manifests? Like those exposed to the ebola virus, rationality decrees you exclude entry, but unlike ebola those carriers of Islam never reach a point at which they can be considered safe. Certain numbers of them can and will turn terrorist positive at any moment. This has been proven over and over and over, as the stacks of dead bodies of non-believers will attest. It is a social conundrum...what do you do with a terminally infected group of carriers? There is no baby here, it is all bath water.

    Yes, this opinion is discriminatory. Somehow "discrimination" got an unjustified bad rap. Discrimination is a basic and fruitful self-preservation imperative choosing between that which is beneficial and that which is not; that which is inimical and that which is not. When groups have a long and documented predilection for killing/subjugating your kind, you must, at the least, shun them.

    Would you invite the Mafia to come settle down in your community? One difference: the Mafia has not been known to gratuitously bomb your marathon races.
    “You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.” — Too fundamental to have an attribution

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