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Thread: If walls don't work

  1. #1
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    If walls don't work

    I'm not sure I understand the Democratic liberal opposition to it. In the big scheme of things the cost is not that substantial especially if you look at the recently signed budget. So if it's going to fail and not accomplish the purpose stated by the administration that would be a tremendous egg right on their face. Or could it be that walls work and the opposition party does not want it to work. I'm sort of trying to figure that out for myself.
    OPINION....a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

  2. #2
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    The reason the Dems do not want the wall is that it will stop the flow of folks they need to enslave in order to gain votes. If these people sneaking in over here were so important and do so much good, why didn't they do all that good back in their own homeland?

    It costs taxpayers billions of dollars every year just to support the illegals with welfare, medical care, housing, legal fees, special school teachers and many other drains on our system. The wall would pay for itself many times over in a very short period of time and would make our borders much safer.

    If the illegals coming into America were voting Repub, you can bet that the wall would have already been built and it would make the great wall of china look like a picket fence.

  3. #3
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    Crescent City CA. where the redwoods meet the sea.
    Now the libs are weeping and moaning about the gard going down there, just letem in.

  4. #4
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    I find it funny that the Dems are having heartburn over the Military and the National Guard, who are supposed to be making sure that Americans are protected and safe, are being asked to guard our National borders. What do they think the use for the military is for? Are they to fight wars anywhere but in the Country they represent? Then why do the Dems bitch about American soldiers going other places to fight and then hamstring them with dumb ROE so that the military is now in grave danger.

    Send the military down to guard our borders, the liberals are going to complain either way, might as well be safe while they are bitching.

  5. #5
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    Apache Junction, AZ
    And just what are the guards orders Tx?

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  6. #6
    Wannabe is offline Nov 5, 1946 - Nov 19, 2018
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    Quote Originally Posted by FredK View Post
    And just what are the guards orders Tx?
    Personally I would want them to protect our borders. It doesn't have to be complicated, but usually is when there is a liberal finger in the pie.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    ......What do they think the use for the military is for? Are they to fight wars anywhere but in the Country they represent? ....
    Pretty much. The Posse Comitatus Act and subsequent revisions limit what the military, including the guard can do.
    The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible - Arthur C. Clarke

  8. #8
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    I'm actually quite perplexed about this issue I don't live in a border state I do understand that drugs come through our Southern border and I do understand that at times it has been quite porous. I just don't know whether a wall is the answer or not but I do think we need an answer
    OPINION....a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

  9. #9
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    We just need to enforce the law. Ignoring it got us to where we are today with millions of illegals living here wanting to become legal. For many reasons, we do not need a wall.
    The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible - Arthur C. Clarke

  10. #10
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    The Posse Comitatus Act
    I realize that and I also believe it is a good thing, it means the Govt can not order the military against American citizens. Great law to have and it keeps the military from running roughshod over us like it does in other Countries like Russia, NKorea and how the Nazi's handled their people.

    Having the military patrol and secure our border against outsiders however is fine. They will not be looking at or for American citizens, they will be assisting the Border Patrol or ICE as it is now called by just being there. They can not make arrests but they can present a presence, which can act as a deterrent to those wishing to sneak in.

    I lived right on the border for almost 20 years, still have many friends in my hometown of Del Rio. Spent a lot of my time in Mexico as well, worked with many illegals on the ranches around there. Back then they wanted a job and worked for what they were paid. Today it is much different, a whole different bunch of folks, a lot of them do not want to work, come in and live off of the system.

    Sorry but I am in favor of a wall, if nothing else just to make it harder for those who want to sneak in, to do so. If States refuse to enforce federal laws, then we need something that can not decide that they are going to just let the illegals pass. A wall has no feeling nor can it change its mind.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike View Post
    We just need to enforce the law. Ignoring it got us to where we are today with millions of illegals living here wanting to become legal. For many reasons, we do not need a wall.
    I actually think you might be right. We have gone a long time probably 15-20 years without actually enforcing immigration laws at the border. I'm not really sure why politics I'm sure play a big role in all of that. But yes on a serious note our immigration laws and Border laws are pretty strict but for whatever reason they're not being enforced. I think I could probably live with strict enforcement of our immigration and Border laws and do without the wall. I think the walls a little bit of political grandstanding. But I do think we need to cut off illegal immigrants and make them come in Legally and if that's not acceptable Congress certainly has the power to change the law.
    OPINION....a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

  12. #12
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    Apache Junction, AZ
    Two things you brought up Honda;
    1. drugs
    2. illegals

    Solving one or the other is a not going to happen anytime soon. Low income workers are always going to be needed and that was the farmers way of getting help. Pickers worked the harvest from Cal to Washington rotating with crop. Somewhere along the line it was ok being here with no questions asked. Be that it is now a way of life to come here and stay is a failure of not changing or enforcing the law. To cope with those that are here will be a major problem.

    As for the drugs if there wasn't a need there wouldn't be a supplier. Not sure how that's ever going to change. For if not this drug than the next one that comes along.

    I have no solution but putting troops on the border is the last thing that needs to be done. Waste of time and money, but they are national guard folks jerked out of their jobs/way of life to play trooper for awhile. Maybe they can catch up on their bills and life when they get backed. Been there done that.

    "Everyday I beat my own previous record for number of consecutive days I've
    stayed alive."

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  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by FredK View Post

    I have no solution but putting troops on the border is the last thing that needs to be done. Waste of time and money, but they are national guard folks jerked out of their jobs/way of life to play trooper for awhile. Maybe they can catch up on their bills and life when they get backed. Been there done that.
    Do you have doors and windows and walls on your home, do you lock your doors when at home and when not at home??

    Do you have police in your area, local, town, county, one or 2 different kinds of law enforcement at a minimum along with fire department and EMS.....

    Your safe at home all things considering....

    Putting up a wall and putting troops on the border will help keep America safe...keep some of the criminals, thieves, rapists and murderers out....

    Why lock your doors or even close them at night or when you are gone, they just keep out the honest people and not the real crooks and don't do any real good.....

  14. #14
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    Low income workers are always going to be needed and that was the farmers way of getting help. Pickers worked the harvest from Cal to Washington rotating with crop. Somewhere along the line it was ok being here with no questions asked. Be that it is now a way of life to come here and stay is a failure of not changing or enforcing the law. To cope with those that are here will be a major problem.
    Actually Fred you bring up a good point and it could be a way to getting illegals to be legal and also help them out at the same time. Instead of just letting people come and go willy nilly, have a place where people willing to work could register to come and do farm and ranch work. They would get an official card and be provided room and board at their job location and would also be paid more wages, instead of the bare minimum they are now.

    Actually I think it is rather racist to think that the Mexican workers are only good for picking fruit, cleaning motel rooms and sweeping a jobsite, but whatever. After so many seasons of working here during the season and then going back home, they could have the option of becoming legal citizens after the period of time has passed.

    Drugs, is a whole different problem, and just passing it off as it is the users fault is silly. If the users can not afford the small amount that does make it in, the problem starts to recede. You do not get started, it never becomes an addiction. Yes it is a long shot, but it is worth the effort. Take DUI for instance, are you saying that we should not enforce that law because people are going to drink anyway? Or maybe start arresting the sellers of alcohol?

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dork View Post
    Do you have doors and windows and walls on your home, do you lock your doors when at home and when not at home??

    Do you have police in your area, local, town, county, one or 2 different kinds of law enforcement at a minimum along with fire department and EMS.....

    Your safe at home all things considering....

    Putting up a wall and putting troops on the border will help keep America safe...keep some of the criminals, thieves, rapists and murderers out....

    Why lock your doors or even close them at night or when you are gone, they just keep out the honest people and not the real crooks and don't do any real good.....
    Good points, seems like the ones saying we do not need guns or a wall are using both. They live in secure neighborhoods and have armed guards when they go out. Kind of a "do as I say, not as I do type thing".

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