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Thread: FBI Blunders allow terrorist to walk free

  1. #1
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    FBI Blunders allow terrorist to walk free

    The FBI just can not seem to do anything right. They did not record an official statement when interviewing the wife of Pulse nite club shooter and the jury finds her not guilty. They also did not act on the Parkland school shooter and look at what he did. For the "Cream of the Crop" of law enforcement, these guys are sure acting like amateurs.

    As has been shown by the recent firing of the heads and several more being demoted, looks like there is another swamp to be drained.
    The FBI, already under fire for its handling of tips involving the Parkland school shooter and rocked by the firings and demotions of several high-ranking officials, suffered another significant blow with the acquittal of the Orlando nightclub terrorist’s widow.

    And it happened in large part -- according to the jury’s foreman -- due to the bureau's failure to record Noor Salman's interview statements.

    “Any time you lose you need to take a hard look at ‘why did we lose’?” former FBI Assistant Director Ron Hosko told Fox News, noting the rare terror trial loss should be a wake-up call for the bureau and federal prosecutors to “re-evaluate their investigative efforts and their decision making."

    “I do think it is time because of this, certainly because of some national conversations about trust in the FBI, that the FBI should look hard as to ‘are we in the right place’?” he said.

    The Salman verdict reportedly is only the third time since 9/11 someone has been acquitted in a terrorism-related trial and the first time in more than a decade. And now – once again – the embattled bureau’s tactics and actions are being put under the public microscope.
    Maybe if they were not spending their time on chasing russian ghosts and allowing their agents to have sexual orgies with each other, while trying to get Hilliary elected, they could somewhat do their jobs.

  2. #2
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    Crescent City CA. where the redwoods meet the sea.
    Lets hope Trump will clean up the mess O left him. Takes a while to get rid of gov employees not doing there job and he inherited a bunch of them.

  3. #3
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    Why is it once again the FBI screws up and people still blame guns and want more gun control........

  4. #4
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    The FBI and other govt offices need a good deep cleaning. This is what happens when it is almost impossible to fire a worthless employee.

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