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Thread: Shooting at YouTube

  1. #16
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    Hogg has not said he wants only the police to be armed:

    What a lot of the media and especially Fox News has messed up with me is they’ve made it seem like I’m trying to take away people’s guns, that I’m against the Second Amendment. My father is a retired FBI agent. I have guns in my house. I’m not against the Second Amendment… I’m trying to push for common sense gun reform and mental illness reform so we can make sure that these individuals that have a criminal background that are mentally unstable and have a history of domestic violence are no longer able to get a gun…

    I don’t understand what’s so hard to understand about this. We simply want to save lives and democracy, please stand with us.
    However, reasonable people can disagree. Bring up your points in a thread and I'll respond to them.

    I'm just happy to have a discussion about the issues being raised and not a personal smear campaign. You say "agenda", I say "supporters". Potato, po-tah-to. The NRA has an agenda, the Brady folks have an agenda, Parkland students have an agenda - there is nothing wrong with having an agenda. Just means you are bringing your issues to the fore so that you can get some perceived political outcome. Nothing sinister - that's our system.

  2. #17
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    So much energy so little interest. But I will say the police did a damn good job
    OPINION....a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

  3. #18
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    Change the channel if you are bored. No one forcing you to post your opinion in a thread you don't care about.

  4. #19
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    Now don't go there Kevin don't go reading my mind. Don't lecture me when and how to post and what I should say and what I shouldn't. I had a whole bunch of that back when you were a moderator on several sites that I hung around on and had to deal with your heavy-handedness
    OPINION....a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

  5. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kevin View Post
    Fox is just a propaganda arm for Trump. It is the conservative version of MSNBC. Don't dress it up - Fox is news for conservatives, nothing more. They know their demographic.

    MSNBC is for people who hate Trump.

    So it goes. about drinking the cool aid......

    And before trump fox was......

  6. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kevin View Post
    Hogg has not said he wants only the police to be armed:

    However, reasonable people can disagree. Bring up your points in a thread and I'll respond to them.

    I'm just happy to have a discussion about the issues being raised and not a personal smear campaign. You say "agenda", I say "supporters". Potato, po-tah-to. The NRA has an agenda, the Brady folks have an agenda, Parkland students have an agenda - there is nothing wrong with having an agenda. Just means you are bringing your issues to the fore so that you can get some perceived political outcome. Nothing sinister - that's our system.

    people listening to hogg.....are as stupid as he is....he's no expert, he's a survivor if he was actually there at all and only then if he was shot at...otherwise he's a bystander....eating tide pods one day, sniffing condoms the next and not even old enough to vote......

    He wants to take away peoples 2nd amendment rights while bitching he as the right to a backpack that's not clear.....

    Stupid is as stupid is.....and its stupid to listen to children ho are not smart enough to know they don't know everything.....

  7. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kevin View Post
    Read again, Tx. I said you were mocking survivors of a mass murder and so you are.

    The fact that you don't read enough to inform yourself is your problem, not mine. From various news sources, I learned that the gun was a 9mm Smith and Wesson pistol and the largest capacity 9 that SW makes is 17 in the mag plus 1 in the chamber, that she spent time at the range practicing that day, that she had a grudge against Youtube for weird reasons and that her family says that they reported her missing and a threat. Law enforcement spoke with her for unrelated reasons and she was not detained. She sounds like a loony and if you look at her pictures, that is one angry person. Look at the tightness around the mouth and the eyes. I'd be concerned about her if I saw her.

    If it bleeds, it leads. No deaths = it won't be on the news tomorrow. And I actually find the news portion of Fox pretty straightforward and unbiased. The problem is, they mix commentary in with the news a lot, so there is a lot of weeding one must do.
    Funny how your a expert now in profiling people, specifically women from the middle east............and know so much....after using google.....

  8. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honda View Post
    Now don't go there Kevin don't go reading my mind. Don't lecture me when and how to post and what I should say and what I shouldn't. I had a whole bunch of that back when you were a moderator on several sites that I hung around on and had to deal with your heavy-handedness
    Oh, please. That was what, 17 years ago? Quit hanging onto grudges, for goodness sakes.

  9. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dork View Post
    Funny how your a expert now in profiling people, specifically women from the middle east............and know so much....after using google.....
    It beats just making stuff up out of thin air, something you are familiar with.

  10. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dork View Post
    people listening to hogg.....are as stupid as he is....he's no expert, he's a survivor if he was actually there at all and only then if he was shot at...otherwise he's a bystander....eating tide pods one day, sniffing condoms the next and not even old enough to vote......

    He wants to take away peoples 2nd amendment rights while bitching he as the right to a backpack that's not clear.....

    Stupid is as stupid is.....and its stupid to listen to children ho are not smart enough to know they don't know everything.....
    Ah, the conservative need for a smear campaign, this time aimed at children, roars back to life.

    How about those elementary and middle school students that marched with him and the other Parkland survivors and school children across the country? Probably commies and fags. Or at least pinkos. Sexual deviants all, little gun grabber turds.

  11. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dork View Post about drinking the cool aid......

    And before trump fox was......
    Doing the same thing - acting as a propaganda arm for conservatives, so they wouldn't need to be exposed to news they don't want to hear.

  12. #27
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    Columbia, S.C.
    I think your giving to much credit to children Kevin. These are the children that are doing the shooting. I understand it's always been "protect the children" If one ever wanted to get the public riled up about anything all they had to do is bring up the children, any children. The innocents, we've got to protect them at all costs, all of them all of the time. We've made it so they never lose, your all winners just play the game, no worry about the score. When they screw up we can no longer punish them that's child abuse. Children will make mistakes, they will learn, they are just children for gods sake. Sadly it's the same children that are killing there peers, do they even know right from wrong? We've got little acronyms for everything they do "ADD" is one, I can't for the life of me think of any more right now. We've got pills for all of their problems also, poor things. We've gone way to far in protecting our sweet innocent kids, they have turned into a bunch of spoiled arrogant rude monsters with no regards for anything or any buddy. No not all of them of course not but far to many of them. There's the sugar defense and there's the kid that ran over four people and killed them, he got the spoiled defense, he didn't know he was doing wrong when he drove off leaving the people dead. I may have mixed up the incidents but they happened. Kids are getting away with murder because we don't want to hurt their feelings it may scar them for life.
    Kids need to get their butt whooped when they screw up and they ought to learn how to lose because that's life. We've all wanted to make life better for our children, guilty!, but we've gone to far. They can't deal with their emotions they can't deal with NO! They think they deserve any and everything, they individually think they are the single most important person on earth. Thank god I got enough of a need for education in my daughter, she is finishing up her Masters in nursing now. But she already knows she's better than everybody else because of that. I've got a daughter with a Masters and I'm worried about her, shame. Her husband is a youth minister, he's looking for his third job because only my daughter knows how things should go in the church, just like her mother who has been sucking off of the good will of the people at church for twenty years. Yes it's my daughter and I love her and omg do you see how he's talking about his child!!!!! The truth hurts sometimes.
    This is your mind on drugs!

  13. #28
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    This kid was making her living off of videos she posted on the internet, think about that. Is that what most people would consider a real job? These videos are not like commercials or anything that would be clicked on by people looking for real information about a topic, they were propaganda and her opinion of things. When somebody, in this case youtube disagreed with her and pulled her videos, she reacted with violence and shooting innocent people?

    Just like the kids making the biggest noise at Parkland, the shaved headed girl admits that they bullied the Cruz kid, he reacted in his way of dealing with it, and now it is our fault? The school makes it a policy to have them use clear backpacks so that everything in them will be visible and the kids are upset at that? That idea is as silly as what they are proposing to do with their opinion of how to solve their problems. Knee jerk reactions on either side will not solve the problem, neither will being pawns for a political agenda, but these youngsters are going to learn some nasty facts about life.

    Probably commies and fags
    Really Kev, on one thread you lecture us about how gays are people too and then you throw out a racial slur in a fit of rage and we are supposed to take you serious? Why are you blaming conservatives for anything, they are as mad about this and all shootings as anybody. For one, we all know who and what will be blamed, the same old song and dance we always hear. Second, we know what the resulting outcry will be and it is as dumb as making kids use clear backpacks, taking rights away from law abiding people. Third, after all of the hoopla dies down, the same culprits will go back to the same things that caused the shooting in the first place, bullying their fellow classmates and falsely making accusations for other things that only inflame others.

    Agendas use people, the solution proposed does not always solve the problem. This Iranian girl was against violence and the bad treatment of animals, yet thought it was okay to shoot innocent people who had nothing to do with the problem she was mad about. I could maybe see if she had the names of the very people that took her videos down, that would at the very least mean her anger was aimed in the right direction, but to not know exactly who she was mad at, and just blaming any and everybody for her woes is just plain ignorant and insane and was not going to remedy the issue that she was mad about.

    That also reminds me of those who are blaming the gun, the NRA and Conservatives for all of their problems without knowing or caring what the real problem is. That is not going to solve anything and will only inflame others on both sides to make other stupid decisions. And in the end, nothing gets solved.

  14. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    I don't know who was mocking children dying but where did you come up with that one? The media has quietly put this one to bed because it does not fit their narrative or agenda. A State with some tough guns laws had another shooting. The shooter was not a male NRA member. The gun used was a handgun and not an "assault rifle". The shooter was an activist. The shooter was an immigrant.

    Now what type of gun was used? How many bullets did it hold? How and where was the gun obtained? Was the shooter mentally challenged in any way? Where there any problems associated with this person before?

    CBS had a couple of articles but I got more information about how the percentage of female mass shooters verses men and all of the ways that the statistics are amassed than I did about the actual event.

    MSNBC had an article but it was after 10 or12 anti-Trump stories and you had to actually go to a different menu to read it. It did however say the gun was legally bought and that she went to a range before the shooting. It also said that she was woken up by LEO's while sleeping in her car at some around 2am the day of the event.

    ABC had the same info as the others but also went into how the LEO's called her parents after they found her and told them where she was. The father called the cops back about an hour later and told them she was mad about her videos and she might be very angry.

    I don't read the NYT as it is more interested in publishing fake news than it is worth taking the time to find a real story.

    FOX basically had the same info as the rest, although they did report that she was upset because YouTube had demonetized her videos she was posting, evidently that was her only form of income, posting videos for pennies a click.

    I guess since only 4 people were shot and the only death was the shooter, it is not a big deal to them. She should have just started off with herself, that way the other innocent people that were shot, plus the thousands that had to witness or be a part of the incident, not to mention the family and friends of those that were directly involved, would not have to go through such an ordeal.

    Typical questions that have all been covered in the other shootings we have been reading about. I find that sometimes I can get the actual story from FOX, without any bias. As much as I can not stand Shep SMith on FOX, he has everything anti Trump and not much else on his hour show, he is strict about letting reporters speculate or form ideas without actual facts, when he reports the stories. Have to respect the little punk for that at least.
    It looks to me like you just made a pretty good argument for banning all firearms. It is not just the ugly black guns and young white males causing the problem, it is other types of guns and even women getting in on the act. Maybe no one should be allowed to own guns.

    Did you really mean to do that?
    The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible - Arthur C. Clarke

  15. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    This kid was making her living off of videos she posted on the internet, think about that. Is that what most people would consider a real job? These videos are not like commercials or anything that would be clicked on by people looking for real information about a topic, they were propaganda and her opinion of things. When somebody, in this case youtube disagreed with her and pulled her videos, she reacted with violence and shooting innocent people?

    Just like the kids making the biggest noise at Parkland, the shaved headed girl admits that they bullied the Cruz kid, he reacted in his way of dealing with it, and now it is our fault? The school makes it a policy to have them use clear backpacks so that everything in them will be visible and the kids are upset at that? That idea is as silly as what they are proposing to do with their opinion of how to solve their problems. Knee jerk reactions on either side will not solve the problem, neither will being pawns for a political agenda, but these youngsters are going to learn some nasty facts about life.

    Really Kev, on one thread you lecture us about how gays are people too and then you throw out a racial slur in a fit of rage and we are supposed to take you serious? Why are you blaming conservatives for anything, they are as mad about this and all shootings as anybody. For one, we all know who and what will be blamed, the same old song and dance we always hear. Second, we know what the resulting outcry will be and it is as dumb as making kids use clear backpacks, taking rights away from law abiding people. Third, after all of the hoopla dies down, the same culprits will go back to the same things that caused the shooting in the first place, bullying their fellow classmates and falsely making accusations for other things that only inflame others.

    Agendas use people, the solution proposed does not always solve the problem. This Iranian girl was against violence and the bad treatment of animals, yet thought it was okay to shoot innocent people who had nothing to do with the problem she was mad about. I could maybe see if she had the names of the very people that took her videos down, that would at the very least mean her anger was aimed in the right direction, but to not know exactly who she was mad at, and just blaming any and everybody for her woes is just plain ignorant and insane and was not going to remedy the issue that she was mad about.

    That also reminds me of those who are blaming the gun, the NRA and Conservatives for all of their problems without knowing or caring what the real problem is. That is not going to solve anything and will only inflame others on both sides to make other stupid decisions. And in the end, nothing gets solved.
    All you got from my post to Dork was the use of a sexual disparagement? You didn't notice that I was using a whole lot of really bad language to go after little kids? You thought all that was OK?

    That's exactly my point - thinking nothing about smearing little kids but focusing in on a supposed hypocrisy.


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