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Thread: Presidential vendettas

  1. #16
    Join Date
    San Antonio, Tx.
    Trump has lot’s of warts. This one is festering.
    “You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.” — Too fundamental to have an attribution

  2. #17
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    You have to break some some eggs to make egg salad. Keep it up, he is bullying the bully's.

  3. #18
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    there actually may be way more to the idea than Trump not liking WaPo's criticism of his presidency... dated Oct 2017, Fortune published this

    According to Forbes research, the president is worth $3.1 billion, down from $3.7 billion a year ago. The loss has him moving from 156th on the list down to 248th. In accounting for the president’s $600 million write-down, the magazine cited the presidential campaign, which eroded his personal wealth, an expensive lawsuit, a dip in New York City’s real estate market that has hit retail particularly hard. “Values of several Manhattan properties, particularly those on or near Fifth Avenue, have dropped, shaving nearly $400 million off his fortune,” the magazine says.

    Appearing on CNN Tuesday, Forbes assistant managing editor Kerry Dolan leveled blame for Trump’s real estate losses on e-commerce’s domination over retail, mentioning Amazon. Specifically citing the lease of the Niketown store and the Trump Tower property, Dolan said that retailers are suffering—even on the high end. It would appear that Amazon’s strategy of e-commerce over brick and mortar retail is winning, and that is having an effect on real estate values, she added.

    It seems the donald's sudden turn into conservatism has more to do with seeing the world move on with out him, lacking the business skill to be nimble and flexing with the changes, he's become an old white guy desperate to hold onto old ways, old industries...

    bumpersticker by NT Candy, on Flickr

  4. #19
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    Columbia, S.C.
    There it is! "Old white guy" The major problem with the world as we know it. If it wasn't for them we wouldn't have any....old white guys?
    This is your mind on drugs!

  5. #20
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    WOW and we were all told he was going to get rich off of being POTUS.

  6. #21
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    Nope, the man goes bankrupt on other people's money, which explains all the debt he's piling up with his tax cuts and budgets.

    He called himself "the king of debt" and people just thought that was hyperbole. Turns out, it was the one time I know of that he didn't lie about himself.

  7. #22
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    And America being 21 Trillion in debt today, put up by others makes them any better? Just sayin....

  8. #23
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    Him adding another trillion or so makes you all happy? Just sayin...

  9. #24
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    He just signed the bill that Congress handed him, the same Congress that has voted on ALL of the spending bills. adding or subtracting what THEY want to put in it. The POTUS has never been involved in writing the spending bills other than to maybe mention what they would like to have in it.

    The last guy added more to the dbt than all of the other presidents combined, so in order to top that Trumper is going to have to work for it. Of course with the out of control Congress, whose approval rating is many times worse than Trump's, should have no problem in doing that. Most of them where there to drive the debt up and have been for decades. Us dummy's would think that the problem lies with the "smart ones" who have kept spending the money long before Trump ever thought about being a candidate. But that is just my little ole ignorant ass...

  10. #25
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    When did it become law, when Congress passed it or when he signed it?

    Unless you are saying he doesn't actually read what he signs?

  11. #26
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    San Antonio, Tx.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kevin View Post
    Him adding another trillion or so makes you all happy? Just sayin...
    The Hotentot natives in Africa have a simple numbering system...One, Two, Three, Many. Seems that anything over three fits one category beyond which there is no differentiation or understanding. I think most of us have that limit just at a different point. My own is about a hundred thousand because my hometown had that population, and I’ve seen football stadiums on TV with that many people, so I have a decent idea what 100,000 means. Everything over that is fuzzy and kind of jumbled together. When you get into the billions, I give up picturing it in my mind and “trillions” is just a word.

    It is my belief that in the body politic the national debt and even the yearly deficit has long sense reached the fuzzy and incomprehensible point where it is easy to ignore, therefore that is what we have decided to do until The Collapse. Why anyone or thing buys our bonds is a mystery because anyone with a brain knows those values can never be is all a fiction.
    “You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.” — Too fundamental to have an attribution

  12. #27
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    Kev, You seam be well informed. If so, you should accept the fact that politics is the art of compromise. Trump signed the bill; 1, to keep from shutting the Govt. down.
    2. to get the funding needed to get the Military back on track
    He also stated that that was the last C R that he would sign. [time will tell on that one ]

    So over all, he was acting in a responsible /adult manner.

  13. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Independent Voter View Post
    Kev, You seam be well informed. If so, you should accept the fact that politics is the art of compromise. Trump signed the bill; 1, to keep from shutting the Govt. down.
    2. to get the funding needed to get the Military back on track
    He also stated that that was the last C R that he would sign. [time will tell on that one ]

    So over all, he was acting in a responsible /adult manner.
    That is how I feel too, if he had refused to sign it the Dems would have been all over that and used it in their attempt to retake power. That IMHO would be the very worst thing that could possibly happen. The Dems and their more social debt for programs nobody needs HAD to be added for the bill to even pass the Congress.

    I think I read that there was 200 million in it to promote democracy overseas?

  14. #29
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    I agree that politics is the art of compromise and that shutting down the government would have been irresponsible.

    However, I think it is also fair to point out that the Republican party controls both houses of Congress and the Presidency so they could have had any budget they wanted. The leadership of both houses pushed this one and the President signed it so it is hard for me to see how the blame gets spread to the party OUT of power. Republicans own this one just like the Dems owned each budget and Obamacare during the 2008-2010 period.

  15. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    That is how I feel too, if he had refused to sign it the Dems would have been all over that and used it in their attempt to retake power. That IMHO would be the very worst thing that could possibly happen. The Dems and their more social debt for programs nobody needs HAD to be added for the bill to even pass the Congress.

    I think I read that there was 200 million in it to promote democracy overseas?
    So it is OK to run up the deficit as long as it keeps the other team from gaining political power? So much for principles.

    What you've just admitted is that a basic principle of conservatism - a balanced budget - is nothing more than a political gambit, that conservatives don't really believe their own propaganda and are just doing whatever it takes to keep in power.

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