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Thread: The Mueller Conspiracy & Why Trump Should Not Cooperate

  1. #1
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    San Antonio, Tx.

    The Mueller Conspiracy & Why Trump Should Not Cooperate

    Everything in my legal experience shouts out in kind with this author’s reasoning.
    Is Trump so arrogant he thinks he can avoid a Scooter Libby trap?

    ...After he was fired, Comey illegally leaked memoranda of his conversations with Trump for the express purpose of having a special counsel appointed to investigate the president. It has been reported that, shortly thereafter, the president interviewed Mueller to fill the vacant FBI director’s position. But the day after Trump decided not to name Mueller, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein appointed him special counsel to investigate Trump.

    Pause and think that one over. Through his illegal leaking, Comey laid the foundation for the appointment of a special counsel. Out of the thousands of eminently qualified and conflict-free lawyers available, Rosenstein picked Mueller, Comey’s good friend and former colleague whom Trump had just rejected, to decide whether Trump or Comey is telling the truth about their conversations. Guess who will win that contest.

    If Mueller had any ethical sense, he would have declined to serve. But not only did he take the job, he proceeded to staff his operation with lawyers who have represented Hillary Clinton, the Clinton Foundation, and the IT specialist who set up Clinton’s private email server and destroyed Clinton’s Blackberrys with a hammer...

    As for the rest of Team Mueller, almost without exception, they have contributed to either the Clinton campaign or other Democrat causes. In short, the operation might as well be an adjunct of the Democratic National Committee...

    All of the foregoing reinforces my belief that the president has no chance of emerging unscathed and uncharged from an interrogation by Team Mueller. It would be an ambush, pure and simple. The president should absolutely refuse to voluntarily submit to interrogation...If Trump were my client, I wouldn’t give the special counsel the time of day without a court order. I would make him crawl over hot coals all the way to the Supreme Court and back before I would give up a single scrap of paper. When he wanted the next scrap, I would make him do it all over again. Under no circumstances would my client voluntarily submit to questioning...

    Of course, he loses in the court of pubic opinion if he stands on his rights and that is the ultimate trap.
    Last edited by wacojoe; 03-31-2018 at 12:14 PM.
    “You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.” — Too fundamental to have an attribution

  2. #2
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    Crescent City CA. where the redwoods meet the sea.
    Good post Joe. Trump will come out of this with some kind of a slap on the hand, he has to find something like he spelled a word wrong on one of the papers.

  3. #3
    Wannabe is offline Nov 5, 1946 - Nov 19, 2018
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    Ya just don't stick your head into the lions mouth.

  4. #4
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    Special prosecutors become famous. In order to become famous you have to do something infamous therefore that is what Mueller will do. Once he is done with his duties as special prosecutor he will write a book and get a multimillion-dollar advance and he will earn more in those few minutes that he ever did in his entire career. Am I the only one that gets it. Follow the money.
    OPINION....a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

  5. #5
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    If the shoe were on the other foot and the circumstances were exactly the same, the left would be having conniption fits. It all boils down to people not caring any longer about right and wrong. The list of what laws were actually broken is long and distinguished on the Clinton/Obama side. Things that are actually illegal and committed by Clinton, such as an illegal server, destroying govt property, misuse of classified materials, etc are glaringly apparent, yet nothing being done.

    The AG meeting with the husband of the person under investigation is collusion and nobody brings that into an investigation, yet the son of the POTUS meeting with some lawyer from Russia is collusion, and a sitting Senator meeting another Russian in an official capacity in a receiving line in total public view is collusion?

    People scream for justice and yet turn a blind eye to it when it is in their favor is not justice, it is complete dishonesty. This whole ordeal has been a joke from the beginning, it has been sour grapes from a party that got beat in an election and just can't get over it.

    If I were Trump I would not give the Mueller bunch the time of day, after 2 years they have come up with nothing that pertains to what the investigation was originally about, and they have also looked past or completely overlooked the obvious wrongs committed by Clinton and her bunch of coconuts. That is not justice or even remotely fair.

  6. #6
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    Oh, bull****.

    "If the shoe were on the other foot" blah blah blah. So says a man who swallows behavior by his savior that he would have bayed for impeachment if the perpetrator had been Obama. I didn't hear you whining about how unfair the right was being to Clinton after two years of a Benghazi investigation that came up with nothing, so if you are looking to find hypocrisy, look no further than yourself. Oh, and by the way - you need to check a calendar. Mueller was appointed May 17, 2017, so we haven't even reached the one year mark. I don't know if you can't count or what but mewing about how the probe has already gone on for two years is flat wrong. "but but but Clinton but Clinton" - time to get a new slogan. Whatever Clinton did or didn't do has no bearing on Trump's actions.

    Trump owes the same duty as President that Bill Clinton did - to be subject to the law, to be transparent in the operation of his administration, to act in a way that does not shame his office.

    The fact that a lawyer on this discussion board is more interested in Trump's personal legal safety than the duty any elected representative owes to the people of this nation is disgusting.
    Last edited by Kevin; 04-02-2018 at 01:45 PM.

  7. #7
    Wannabe is offline Nov 5, 1946 - Nov 19, 2018
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    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    If the shoe were on the other foot and the circumstances were exactly the same, the left would be having conniption fits. It all boils down to people not caring any longer about right and wrong. The list of what laws were actually broken is long and distinguished on the Clinton/Obama side. Things that are actually illegal and committed by Clinton, such as an illegal server, destroying govt property, misuse of classified materials, etc are glaringly apparent, yet nothing being done.

    The AG meeting with the husband of the person under investigation is collusion and nobody brings that into an investigation, yet the son of the POTUS meeting with some lawyer from Russia is collusion, and a sitting Senator meeting another Russian in an official capacity in a receiving line in total public view is collusion?

    People scream for justice and yet turn a blind eye to it when it is in their favor is not justice, it is complete dishonesty. This whole ordeal has been a joke from the beginning, it has been sour grapes from a party that got beat in an election and just can't get over it.

    If I were Trump I would not give the Mueller bunch the time of day, after 2 years they have come up with nothing that pertains to what the investigation was originally about, and they have also looked past or completely overlooked the obvious wrongs committed by Clinton and her bunch of coconuts. That is not justice or even remotely fair.
    I agree Tx.. If that bunch that Mueller hired couldn't find anything in this amount of time they will be trying to invent something, anything to say Gotcha.

  8. #8
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    I suppose you said the same thing when the Benghazi probe went on for two years and found nothing, right? That the only thing the conservatives were doing was playing "gotcha" to a wrongly-maligned woman and people should just move on.

    Yeah, I remember conservatives doing that...

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kevin View Post
    ..."If the shoe were on the other foot" blah blah blah...
    I agree, Kevin. You can't imagine how it irks me to read "if Clinton had done that", or "if Bush had done that", or "if Obama had done that". Who cares what someone else did? It has no bearing on how to deal with what someone is currently doing. Enforce the law, enforce the ethics and morality regardless of who or what party. That's all I ask for.
    The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible - Arthur C. Clarke

  10. #10
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    Damned right.


    I spent 33 years as a fed. Being a fed is a public trust position and means more than the oath I took to uphold the Constitution and laws of the country. It is a TRUST that the people of the United States gave me. I served them, not myself. I had a duty not to **** on that by thinking of myself. And if the time came when I had to put my own needs ahead of those of the people I served, I felt my duty was to resign and clear up the conflict.

    If Trump cannot honestly and transparently fulfill his public trust, he needs to do the same.

    That's what I expect of every single elected official. It was what was expected of me.

  11. #11
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    The Russia "collusion" investigation has been going on longer than Mueller has been on it. Obama put sanctions on Russia before he even left office so that is the time Congress started their several different committee meetings checking into what they could find.

    I am all for enforcing the law, equally for everybody. All of these investigations have found nothing about Trump colluding with the Russians to win the election, not one iota. They keep jumping from collusion to obstruction of justice and sniffing all of the trees in the yard. So far they have found some charges that have nothing to do with what they started this witch hunt/money pit fiasco to begin with.

    They found plenty about Benghazi, the problem was the corruption in the federal govt all the way up to the AG. Charges could have been filed, but were not acted on because either the AG did not want to do it (was it because of the "collusion" with the defendant's husband on the tarmac) or was it because of the corrupt members of the FBI who did not enforce the laws as they were written, not to mention having a lovers tryst deciding if their "boss" was wording the memo right to avoid any charges against Hilliary.

    Like Mike said, you either enforce the law or you do not, but don't pee down my back and tell me it's raining.

  12. #12
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    The Mueller investigation IS enforcing the law. Part of enforcing the law is investigating to see what laws have been broken, if any. If you are in favor of enforcing the law, you should be in favor of first finding out if the law has been broken. You aren't, so don't tell us you are in favor of enforcing the law. You just want yer boy off the hook.

    The Benghazi investigation found no laws had been broken by Clinton but conservatives like you never once cried about that taking two years and many millions of dollars.

    Who went to jail over Benghazi? No one. So said the House panel who investigated it. Led, by the way, by a Republican.


  13. #13
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    Never said Repubs were without fault, that is why I want ALL of them out and a whole new set of Congress Critters installed.

    Your argument holds no water, as we can now watch on TV about Chappaquiddick. Ted Kennedy should have gone to jail for the maximum sentence for DUI and killing or leaving to die, Mary Jo. He did not, so are you also saying that he was not guilty, just because he did not go to the pen? He was also married to somebody else so he was also cheating on his spouse. That is just a beginning.

    How about Bill Clinton raping and sexually attacking all of those women. He never went to jail for that, so in your world he was not guilty?

    Sometimes your logical thinking is worthless.

  14. #14
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    So your argument is that neither Ted Kennedy nor Bill Clinton should have said anything, stayed silent and forgotten their responsibility to the people that elected them?

    Interesting that you want Trump to do the same. I presume for the same reason - you think he is guilty. Well, you never fail to surprise me. I don't think Trump is guilty but you do. Wild.

  15. #15
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    Why do you and Don keep trying to put words in my mouth?

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