Well that would explain why the Clinton email case went nowhere. It seems with Comey and McCabe being dismissed and the links recently uncovered linking Strzok and Page to her questioning and the judge on the FISA court, the lines were drawn long ago. He is not going to fire Mueller anyway, that is just a bunch of baloney to get the Dems some attention and keep the fake Russia story in the news. Mueller has to talk to Rosenstein before he does anything drastic and we know who he is linked to and Sessions stupidly recused himself.

With all of that circus going on, who needs the Russians to do anything else, we already have a "Keystone Cops" movie going on without even trying to make it a "foreign film". Truly sad that our highest law enforcement agency is in such disarray. When will we ever be able to finish the cleanup on aisle FBI, that Obama and his bunch of coconuts got us into?