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Thread: Trump and Kim will meet in May.

  1. #46
    Join Date
    Colorado Springs , Colorado
    It looks like more knowledgeable folks were found to throw some water on the highly excitable President.

    The White House on Friday appeared to set tougher conditions for a meeting between President Donald Trump and the North Korean leader, Kim Jong Un, saying that the North must take “concrete steps” toward denuclearizing.

    The White House also seemed to back away from the two-month timeframe laid out by South Korean officials on Thursday evening during a highly unusual press announcement in the White House driveway.

    “Look, they’ve got to follow through on the promises they made,” press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said during a briefing Friday—raising the possibility that a meeting may never happen – even though the White House had touted it as a major achievement less than 24 hours earlier.

    The comments underscored the complexity of staging a dramatic meeting between Trump and the North Korean dictator — and raised doubts about whether it may be possible to arrange such a summit at all.

    The North Korea announcement’s sudden roll-out, followed by confusion and then tons of caveats, also followed a pattern of policymaking in the Trump White House, in which pronouncements often come before detailed plans are concrete.

  2. #47
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    Colorado Springs , Colorado
    It is really too bad though. President Trump was so looking forward to watching another inspiring military parade so he got some ideas for one of his own. Sad.

  3. #48
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    San Antonio, Tx.
    You hate his style but not near as much as you hate and fear his successes.
    “You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.” — Too fundamental to have an attribution

  4. #49
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    Naw Don just hates. It must be horrible to be that unhappy that you have to try and make everyone else unhappy. That is just pathetic, but as soon as I figured out who you were I saw it coming. Some people just hate because they can. No matter what we say or show, we will still be wrong because he changes stories and switches gears. A troll supreme.

  5. #50
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    Colorado Springs , Colorado
    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    Naw Don just hates. It must be horrible to be that unhappy that you have to try and make everyone else unhappy. That is just pathetic, but as soon as I figured out who you were I saw it coming. Some people just hate because they can. No matter what we say or show, we will still be wrong because he changes stories and switches gears. A troll supreme.
    I just can't bring myself to hate and I am definitely not at all unhappy.

    I have you guys to discuss things with and this song perfectly reflects my position in discussing politics:


  6. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2ndthyme View Post
    Why do you have such difficulty wanting to attack ppl who hold different ideas than you??
    The last thing I want to do here is attack but truthfully when you show up you generally push a Hot Topic button and ask questions that are designed to be leading questions to fall into a trap upon which you can pounce. I actually used to like when you posted your artwork and all that stuff and I respect your opinion and I know which side of the political perspective you come from Bring It On. It's welcome I promise you for me. Just don't do the setup job
    OPINION....a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

  7. #52
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    Colorado Springs , Colorado
    Quote Originally Posted by Honda View Post
    The last thing I want to do here is attack but truthfully when you show up you generally push a Hot Topic button and ask questions that are designed to be leading questions to fall into a trap upon which you can pounce. I actually used to like when you posted your artwork and all that stuff and I respect your opinion and I know which side of the political perspective you come from Bring It On. It's welcome I promise you for me. Just don't do the setup job
    Oh, come on Honda. Pull up your big boy panties and either discuss a topic or don't. If a topic or question pushes your button simply move on and find something to discuss that you enjoy.

  8. #53
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    I was trying to take the bait but I missed
    OPINION....a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

  9. #54
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    Deep inside the Central Scrutinizer.
    LOL.. you goobers kill me... Anyone remember the hate being posted when Obama was in office?

  10. #55
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    I fought Obama's policies, the ones that have shown time and time again that they are failures. I did not hate the man himself like so many here do.

    The liberals have no choice but to fight everything that Trump does, because if it works out and his ways are successful, they are finished as an ultra left wing party. That means the new guard that they are counting on for the next wave of elections is nothing. They have no platform, they have no agenda, they have nobody to bring the moderates into their liberal fold. They have failed to poison America with their hate, rhetoric and racism.

    The things that Trump ran on are getting accomplished one by one, and the meeting with Kim will be huge in the eyes of the rest of the world. The guy that nobody gave any chance to has been the one that has made the biggest positive changes, albeit he had to fight against a bunch of haters and nay-sayers the entire way.

  11. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    I fought Obama's policies, the ones that have shown time and time again that they are failures. I did not hate the man himself like so many here do.

    The liberals have no choice but to fight everything that Trump does, because if it works out and his ways are successful, they are finished as an ultra left wing party. That means the new guard that they are counting on for the next wave of elections is nothing. They have no platform, they have no agenda, they have nobody to bring the moderates into their liberal fold. They have failed to poison America with their hate, rhetoric and racism.

    The things that Trump ran on are getting accomplished one by one, and the meeting with Kim will be huge in the eyes of the rest of the world. The guy that nobody gave any chance to has been the one that has made the biggest positive changes, albeit he had to fight against a bunch of haters and nay-sayers the entire way.
    So, you present yourself as one of the less extreme right-wing voices on this forum.

    I see you must have changed a lot in my absence.

  12. #57
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    I think most of the Repubs nationwide are not the "extreme" ones that the Dems are trying to make us out to be. We all tried to tell the Dems that ObamaCare would not work, but we were accused of being radicals. Now here a few years later the Healthcare bill imploded and all it did was triple the cost of everything and put the Country trillions of dollars in debt. But no, we were labeled as extreme.

    Trump being a businessman knows a little about what will work and what will not. Dealing with the clowns from NKorea for decades, everybody gave in to the guy. Trump told him to go pound sand and said he would blow that little punk right off the face of the earth if he got any stupider. Evidently Kim decided it was better to back down than visit hell as a permanent resident.

    Backbone and power are what makes a great nation, knowing when to not use it is an even better, but also letting those who wish to do us harm, that the option is still on the table is a game changer.

  13. #58
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    Colorado Springs , Colorado
    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    I think most of the Repubs nationwide are not the "extreme" ones that the Dems are trying to make us out to be. We all tried to tell the Dems that ObamaCare would not work, but we were accused of being radicals. Now here a few years later the Healthcare bill imploded and all it did was triple the cost of everything and put the Country trillions of dollars in debt. But no, we were labeled as extreme.

    Trump being a businessman knows a little about what will work and what will not. Dealing with the clowns from NKorea for decades, everybody gave in to the guy. Trump told him to go pound sand and said he would blow that little punk right off the face of the earth if he got any stupider. Evidently Kim decided it was better to back down than visit hell as a permanent resident.

    Backbone and power are what makes a great nation, knowing when to not use it is an even better, but also letting those who wish to do us harm, that the option is still on the table is a game changer.
    The President first said he would meet with the NK Dictator and now has been hastily attaching conditions on that meeting that will make it unlikely to ever happen.

    Less impulsive folks on all sides of the political spectrum with a lot more wisdom and knowledge prevailed on him to swiftly reconsider his ill-advised decision.

    The President of the US sitting down at a face to face summit with someone like Kim Jong Un only benefits the NK Dictator. Summits are supposed to be held between equals. Do you consider President Trump the equal of the "Dear Leader"?

  14. #59
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    Just like anything else, you agree to meet, then you pick the place, the time, the format, etc.

    So you think that the problem with NKor will go away by not agreeing to talk? How come politicians for decades have wished for this chance and now that one could happen, you want to blow it off because you think it is beneath him? Maybe that has been the problem for years, instead of acting like two people and talking, the US people have acted like they were better than the lowly slant eyed guy and he does not deserve to talk to us?

    All of those thinking this is bowing down to Lil Kim, have failed with their ideas on so many things throughout the years. Maybe they are not so damn smart and should sit down and shut up. They could not get anything done of so many fronts, yet they still think they know it all? Naw, they need to retire and go home, they are the reason why our Country has been in dire trouble. Maybe Trump has a better idea, run with it while the train is still smoking.

  15. #60
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    Colorado Springs , Colorado
    The dictators of North Korea have begged for face to face meetings with every President since the Korean war and every President has turned down the obvious attempts of the NK to elevate themselves to the status of world leader.

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