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Thread: US president pornstar stuff going on

  1. #121
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    I thought the whole Clinton getting a hummer in the Oral office was a scam to be honest. Here we are worried about young kids not hearing a cuss word in the movies, at that time, and splashed across the headlines and on every second of the news was another description and explanation of Bill and Monica's great adventure. It really was none of our business, two consenting adults.....etc.

    They should instead have hung him for the rapes and sexual assaults on innocent women who did not consent. Major difference!

    Trumps whore has admitted that she consented, so that is the end of the story for me. It is not up to me to tell Trump who he can or can not screw, that is his wife's job.

  2. #122
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    San Antonio, Tx.
    Lying under oath - perjury - and what he did with his cigar are two different things, 2T.
    “You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.” — Too fundamental to have an attribution

  3. #123
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    A retired FBI agent posted this on a video which has been removed but I had saved it. The Questions to ask Mueller and Questions to ask EX FBI Comey . Mr. Comey Isn’t it true that you were an assistant U.S. attorney for a prosecutor between 1996 and 2003?

    In your official capacity at the Department of Justice, did you investigate and did you clear Bill Clinton of any wrongdoing for extending a presidential pardon to Marc Rich, a fugitive from justice, a fugitive of the United States?

    Isn’t it true that between 2003 and 2005, you held a position with the office of the Attorney General?

    Isn’t it true that in 2005, you resigned from the Department of Justice and accepted a job as the senior vice-president with the office of general counsel at Lockheed Martin, a company that is a major, major military contractor?

    Isn’t it true that in 2010, when you were employed with Lockheed Martin, Lockheed won 17 approvals for private contracts with the Department of State while Hillary Clinton was the Secretary of State?

    Isn’t it true that in 2010, while you were employed with Lockheed Martin, Lockheed became a major contributor to the Clinton Foundation and non-profit organizations?

    Isn’t it true that in late 2010, after Lockheed was awarded those contracts by the Hillary Clinton State Department, you stepped down from Lockheed and received a $6 million payout for your services?

    Isn’t it true that in 2013, the largest bank of England, HSBC, was being investigated by federal authorities for laundering billions of dollars for the Mexican drug cartels, channeling money to the Middle East, specifically Iran, which is in violation of law?

    Isn’t it true that Robert Mueller, former director of the FBI and now the special counsel to investigate the alleged “collusion” between the Trump campaign and Russia… isn’t it true that Mr. Mueller was the chief counsel at HSBC… the same bank that was laundering money for the cartels?

    Isn’t it true that HSBC was a significant Clinton Foundation contributor? That Bill Clinton was being paid about $200,000 for his speeches at HSBC events… and this is while Mrs. Clinton was the Secretary of State? No conflict of interest there?

    Isn’t it true that HSBC was basically let off the hook with a $1.2 billion fine – which was paid by shareholders – and none of its officers, managers, directors were charged criminally or let go? Isn’t it true that while all hell was breaking loose at HSBC, YOU, Mr. Comey, were appointed as a director and member of the board at HSBC to assist with damage control?

    Isn’t it true, Mr. Comey, that your salary went from $206,000 in 2002 when you were a government employee, to $33.5 million in 2012…. And that you earned these moneys while working for entities that were major contributors to the Clintons?

    Isn’t it true that you worked for Bridgewater Associates between 2010 and 2013, and that they are also a major contributor to the Clintons?

    Isn’t it true that you worked for Columbia University in 2013 as a senior research scholar at the school of law, and that Columbia University is also a major contributor to the Clintons?

    Isn’t it true that you gave this memo that you wrote on Bureau time on a classified computer in a Bureau car… and you gave this memo to Daniel Richman, your friend, a liberal professor (at Columbia), and he gave this memo to the New York Times?

    Mr. Comey, you were appointed FBI Director by former President Obama in 2013, as Secretary Clinton was leaving the State Department. Isn’t it true that you were appointed by Obama as FBI Director because you had proven yourself to be of service to the Clintons and their associates and entities that contribute millions of dollars to the Clintons’ non-profit organizations?

    Isn’t it true that you, as Director of the FBI in 2013 did absolutely nothing in regards to the missing $2 billion from the State Department finances, and this happened while Mrs. Clinton was Secretary of State?

    Isn’t it true, that while you were Director of the FBI, for over two years, nothing happened as a result of the FBI “investigations” into the Clinton non-profit organizations?

    If it had not been for the emails that were leaked involving Mrs. Clinton and her associates, all this would be unknown to everyone. But these emails were leaked… and fortunately, the truth is coming out. Mr. Mueller isn't it true that you took US Uranium to RUSSIA FOR HILLARY CLINTON? Isn't it true you assisted Clinton in the sale of 20% of US uranium? Mr. Mueller did you receive any monies or position appointments due to helping secretary Clinton? Robert Mueller is an expert at making nothing look like something. He did it in Iraq, he did it when he sent a planeload of people to frame WikiLeaks and he is doing it to frame President Trump and his administration. I do not trust Rosenstein either he appointed Mueller knowing full well he is a Clinton Troll.

    Robert Mueller has yet again been proven to be a biased and unfair counsel in terms of the investigation involving collusion in the 2016 election. Not only is the entire investigation based on false accusations, and has yet to provide even the slightest bit of proof, Robert Mueller is plowing ahead into finding anything that can remove Trump from office. Despite his already known and crooked past, it has recently been revealed that the man in charge of investigating collusion with Russians colluded with Russians himself! Robert Mueller did work for a company called IronBridge who worked as consultants to Saudi and Russian state nuclear agencies and failed to report the work.

    Robert Mueller is the definition of a swamp monster. He has been involved with politics and high levels of the judicial systems for years. Mueller has been known to be an open Democrat as well as longtime friend of Clinton and Comey. His appointment to the position of special counsel was supposed to a gesture of good faith for the new president to express concerns surrounding the false and baseless accusations about his apparent collusion with Russians. However, the deep state snake Mueller has been revealed to be a biased opponent of Trump’s as his investigation continues to prove as an insult to the American people.

  4. #124
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    Clinton paid Paula Jones 850,000.00 and his lawyers office did not get raided. Mueller was hired to check on Russian collusion, are we saying that this whore is Russian?

  5. #125
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    mueller didn't order the raid

    bumpersticker by NT Candy, on Flickr

  6. #126
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    Rosenstein did, but it was because Mueller alerted him to.

    Trump should fire the spineless Sessions, then fire Rosenstein and get a new crew in that corrupt outfit.

  7. #127
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    San Antonio, Tx.
    Rosenstein also forced out the sitting Manhattan U.S. DA, appointed by Trump, by recusing him. It was a Rosenstein operation instigated by and for Mueller. It was an attack from the darkest muck of the swamp.
    “You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.” — Too fundamental to have an attribution

  8. #128
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    ANd the liberals call this justice?

  9. #129
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    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    ANd the liberals call this justice?
    They won't be happy till trump is dead and George Soros in president......

  10. #130
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    Quote Originally Posted by wacojoe View Post
    Rosenstein also forced out the sitting Manhattan U.S. DA, appointed by Trump, by recusing him. It was a Rosenstein operation instigated by and for Mueller. It was an attack from the darkest muck of the swamp.
    ^^^^^nail on the head
    OPINION....a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

  11. #131
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    I should add that this is all kind of mysterious to me since it is a well-known Donald Trump has been a philanderer forever he is attracted to women that are kind of flashy and Gaudy and I'm sure that he has nailed quite a few of them over the years this is not a secret in fact it wasn't a secret when he got elected president so all this righteous indignation about him now is ridiculous. All those guys in Washington along with all these rich guys in our country use their power to get women all the time doesn't make it right it's just what happens. He who is without sin Let Him cast the first stone. Like Scarface said first you get the money then you get the power then you get the women. Nothing's changed. While I'm at it another saying it takes two to tango.
    OPINION....a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

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