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Thread: US president pornstar stuff going on

  1. #91
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    San Antonio, Tx.
    He’s got a point there...
    “You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.” — Too fundamental to have an attribution

  2. #92
    Join Date
    All Over
    James if you were right half as often as you think you are---you would be right half of the time

    Carry on---this is a waste of time.
    "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity, an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty” ---Sir Winston Churchill
    "Political extremism involves two prime ingredients: an excessively simple diagnosis of the world's ills, and a conviction that there are identifiable villains back of it all." ---John W. Gardner
    “You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” ---C. S. Lewis

  3. #93
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    I expected no less from you Dave. Thanks for meeting my expectations. On a side note, where dem Russians you keep speaking of?

    Is that going to put me on a different half?

  4. #94
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    All Over
    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    On a side note, where dem Russians you keep speaking of?
    Sorry to tell you this but that boat sank a long time ago. There are only a handful of blind idiots that still deny that fact. Even your boy Trump got off that boat.
    "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity, an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty” ---Sir Winston Churchill
    "Political extremism involves two prime ingredients: an excessively simple diagnosis of the world's ills, and a conviction that there are identifiable villains back of it all." ---John W. Gardner
    “You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” ---C. S. Lewis

  5. #95
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    With good cause, there was no collusion between Trump s people and the Russians.

    Now the Russians playing games with our elections, by causing all sorts of chaos and trying to hack machines, yes. There are probably many others, why just stop at Russia? Want to fix it, start making voters show picture ID, completely redo the voter registration rolls, and stop any process of having people register voters on street corners. I even heard that Virginia, I think it is, is testing a mobile app for voting. With all of the hacking and other wonderful things going on with smart phones that is a really stupid idea.

    Update the ancient voter rolls, getting the addresses and dead people off of the rolls, would help immensely.

    Even voters in Iraq and Mexico face more stringent voting regulations than we do. Hell dip their thumbs in ink, that would be step up in some places.

    Until you are willing to make some major changes to our system, nobody needs to bitch about funky elections. You guys used to laugh at us for saying that illegals were being allowed to vote. We were mocked and poo pooed, and now look at you. How does the feathers of the ass end of that crow taste?

  6. #96
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    Colorado Springs , Colorado
    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    With good cause, there was no collusion between Trump s people and the Russians.

    Now the Russians playing games with our elections, by causing all sorts of chaos and trying to hack machines, yes. There are probably many others, why just stop at Russia? Want to fix it, start making voters show picture ID, completely redo the voter registration rolls, and stop any process of having people register voters on street corners. I even heard that Virginia, I think it is, is testing a mobile app for voting. With all of the hacking and other wonderful things going on with smart phones that is a really stupid idea.

    Update the ancient voter rolls, getting the addresses and dead people off of the rolls, would help immensely.

    Even voters in Iraq and Mexico face more stringent voting regulations than we do. Hell dip their thumbs in ink, that would be step up in some places.

    Until you are willing to make some major changes to our system, nobody needs to bitch about funky elections. You guys used to laugh at us for saying that illegals were being allowed to vote. We were mocked and poo pooed, and now look at you. How does the feathers of the ass end of that crow taste?
    In Colorado, everyone is registered when they get their drivers license. The ballot is mailed to each registered voter a few weeks before an election and they can mark their ballot and drop it back in the mailbox or drop it at any of the many polling stations around town. If they don't receive a ballot in the mail they can stop by any polling place to get one.
    So far the only voting frauds found were by registered Republicans who voted here and in other states where they owned property. I know Colorado and Kansas exchange lists of people who have voted and charge those who vote in both places. I think they do with some other states as well, but not sure which.

    When I was in Florida there were many 2 state voters and voters who intentionally voted in the wrong precinct. Ann Coulter got caught doing that but was not arrested as she should have been. She claimed to not know any better. On second thought she was probably right about claiming ignorance of the law.

  7. #97
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    ANd the key there was "When you go to get your drivers license". Is that not considered showing a valid ID? See how easy that is, to some folks showing an ID is akin to having heart surgery without anesthesia.

  8. #98
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    Colorado Springs , Colorado
    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    ANd the key there was "When you go to get your drivers license". Is that not considered showing a valid ID? See how easy that is, to some folks showing an ID is akin to having heart surgery without anesthesia.
    You simply do not understand the difference between registering to vote and voting. You have to have already provided valid ID to register. Once you have the card and are listed on the voter roll you should not be harassed.

    I have not had to show any ID to vote in Colorado.

    Who would I show it to, the postman?

  9. #99
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    What has that got to do with ****? WHen you registered you had your ID. The voter roll now knows who you are and mails your ballot to the address you provided. They check off your name and it is not listed in the paperwork at the polling place where everyone else goes to vote. If someone using your name to vote, that name would not be on the roll because they mailed your to you and the poll worker would not let that person vote under your name.

    MY wife is the deputy county clerk, she works the elections, all of them. She is not allowed to hand me my stuff as it may look out of place. She even has to show her ID when she votes and she is not allowed to do her own. WHen I walk up I show my ID. They take it and look my name and addy up on the official list. There are two small sticky peel off tabs beside my name with my assigned number, one goes on the sheet I sign to show it is me and the other goes on the official list to show that I have indeed been in to vote. It means nobody else could use my ID to vote again as that name is already taken. I am given a 4 digit code and walk to any machine. I enter my 4 digit code and the machine again marks that my info has been used to vote, so that it can not be used again. I vote and leave.

    Whole process usually takes ne 10 mins tops, including the line wait. I do not see why some people think it is so hard.

    I also do not understand how a whore pornstar thread has evolved into a lesson on voting, but here we are.

  10. #100
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    Colorado Springs , Colorado
    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    What has that got to do with ****? WHen you registered you had your ID. The voter roll now knows who you are and mails your ballot to the address you provided. They check off your name and it is not listed in the paperwork at the polling place where everyone else goes to vote. If someone using your name to vote, that name would not be on the roll because they mailed your to you and the poll worker would not let that person vote under your name.

    MY wife is the deputy county clerk, she works the elections, all of them. She is not allowed to hand me my stuff as it may look out of place. She even has to show her ID when she votes and she is not allowed to do her own. WHen I walk up I show my ID. They take it and look my name and addy up on the official list. There are two small sticky peel off tabs beside my name with my assigned number, one goes on the sheet I sign to show it is me and the other goes on the official list to show that I have indeed been in to vote. It means nobody else could use my ID to vote again as that name is already taken. I am given a 4 digit code and walk to any machine. I enter my 4 digit code and the machine again marks that my info has been used to vote, so that it can not be used again. I vote and leave.

    Whole process usually takes ne 10 mins tops, including the line wait. I do not see why some people think it is so hard.

    I also do not understand how a whore pornstar thread has evolved into a lesson on voting, but here we are.
    Well, you took it there.
    Now the Russians playing games with our elections, by causing all sorts of chaos and trying to hack machines, yes. There are probably many others, why just stop at Russia? Want to fix it, start making voters show picture ID, completely redo the voter registration rolls, and stop any process of having people register voters on street corners. I even heard that Virginia, I think it is, is testing a mobile app for voting. With all of the hacking and other wonderful things going on with smart phones that is a really stupid idea.
    I am always open to any discussion or topic.

    There is no voter fraud or anyone denied the ability to vote up here except those who try to vote in Kansas and Colorado and they are caught and punished.

    There are no long lines or need to take off work to vote and voters can take as long as they want to mark the ballot as long as it is postmarked or delivered to a polling place by election day.

    I was a deputy voter registrar in Texas in the 1980s and walked many precincts signing up voters and I was an official poll watcher in two Presidential elections.

    I believe it is the duty of all Americans to vote and I consider anyone trying to take away this most important privilege of a voter as wrong.

    As far as the porn star and the President, we are simply idling along awaiting the next big piece of news to come out. The person I am feeling sorry for is Melania.

    There are other topics we could be discussing.

  11. #101
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    I also heard today that the original agreement should be considered valid. The pornstar was served a document and agreed to the contents of said document. Her lawyer claiming Trump did not sign it, he did not have to, only she did as she was agreeing to take the money and keep her mouth shut. Trump if involved at all is a third party, his legal name was not on there. She was agreeing to take a sum of money, does not matter where it came from,but she agreed to take the cash and in return would remain silent about whatever was stated in the paperwork.

    As I see it, and I am in no way a lawyer, she took the money and then broke the contract, which should make her liable for breach of contract and she should be sued. Her lawyer is a shyster and he should be taken out behind the barn by joe biden and have his ass thoroughly kicked.

    I will let waco figure out the ins and outs of the legality of that conversation, I am just repeating what I heard.

  12. #102
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    Colorado Springs , Colorado
    I suppose the legality of that contract will be determined in court during the July trial.

    The legality of the NDA is not the most important part of the story though. That will only decide whether she is held liable for speaking about it.

    The President has denied the affair took place and yet his attorney demanded all Texts, photos, and videotapes of "David Dennison" be turned over to Mr. Trump. How could she be suspected of having any of those if the affair did not take place?

    The other legal question is who paid the hush money?

    If it came from the President it would probably be OK in the eyes of the law but if it came from the lawyer then it becomes a campaign contribution over the legally allowed ceiling for donations under the campaign finance law. It would not matter if he were donating cash or a thing that has value to the campaign and keeping her silent in the days immediately before election day would be a thing of value.

    The much larger damage is the one to the President's credibility and moral value judgment, especially immediately before the midterm elections.

    Going to court in July will make sure it is still at the top of the news for the Fall campaigns. If texts, photos, or videos are released at that time it will be really bad.

    The lawsuit being moved to the federal courts also allows Ms Clifford's lawyer to discovery and that means getting Trump campaign records and even possibly requiring the President to testify.

    So far it is not going well for the President or his attorney although President Trump keeping quiet about it and allowing his attorney to do all the public statements is keeping it from being as bad as it could be.

  13. #103
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    She should go to prison for extortion as she has admitted publicly,AGAIN, that she would be open to another settlement.

    With all of the BS that has been thrown out since Trump announced his intention to run, some maybe true most not, his reputation has probably taken a hit. The thing is he just does not care, time and time again the crap has come out and he has trudged on, his approval rating is up and he is getting things accomplished. That fact irks the dimwit Dems even more. AT this point they have made many of the voters mad at their constant barrage of BS, especially about Russia and are turning their backs to the wind.

    Keep it up and you can expect another crushing defeat in November. Laugh if you want, but the Dems lost an election that was theirs for the taking, a piss poor candidate in Hilliary and stupid tactics that pissed off voters and now with the Hollyweird elite throwing their garbage on the pile, you may get another surprise. But then again, you did not believe it could happen when he beat Hilliary, and you keep doing the same old crap that cost you the first time.

  14. #104
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    Actually when the face of your party is a washed up porn star and a punk kid against guns, you have a problem. If that is all the Dems say they can do, you are going to lose so bad it will cause Trump to fall out of his chair.

  15. #105
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    Trump just stepped in it. For the 1st time 45 stated he knew nothing about the payment. That literally nullifies the contract that says he agreed to mediation.. you can't agree that an NDA is binding and claim you knew nothing about it LOL

    Cohen is about to be scooter libbied LMAO

    bumpersticker by NT Candy, on Flickr

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