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Thread: US president pornstar stuff going on

  1. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wannabe View Post
    And what were Obama's expeirence? Very little at the most.
    Yep. And that showed in his inability to understand that there was another side to any question. It was as if once his mighty brain had come to a conclusion, it was just a matter of getting others to see the correctness of his chosen course. Anyone who disagreed just wasn't bright enough to see what he did.

    That superior, elitist air was what turned people off and Her Royal Clintoness was another pea in that pod. It is not really too hard to figure why having been told for 8 years how stupid they were for disagreeing, people decided not to go for another 8 of the same.

    I'm ready to go back to the smoke-filled rooms with candidates chosen by party bosses. Primaries don't seem to be working out. They are giving us weird candidates.

  2. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fulltimer View Post
    The porn star and the other women who are suing to try to get out of their NDAs are not the ones who will ruin the President and his GOP brand.

    It is Donald Trump and his attempts to cover them up that will do the job by keeping it in the public's eyes.
    WTF man that's some real hair splitting there.
    OPINION....a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

  3. #63
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    Colorado Springs , Colorado
    A Manhattan Supreme Court judge ruled Tuesday that President Trump has to face a defamation lawsuit brought by former Apprentice contestant Summer Zervos. Justice Jennifer Schecter wrote that a “sitting president is not immune from being sued in federal court for unofficial acts,” citing court precedent that led to President Clinton’s impeachment in 1998. Justice Schecter subsequently denied Trump’s “motion to dismiss this case or hold it in abeyance.”

    This comes as Zervos, who accused Trump last year of sexually harassing her in 2007, sued the president for defamation after he suggested she made up the allegations for “ten minutes of fame.”
    Discovery will be a lot of fun in this case.

  4. #64
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    Colorado Springs , Colorado
    To begin I will say I will respect the office of President of the United States and will refer to the person occupying that office as President.

    When referring to his actions as a private citizen I will refer to him as Donald Trump or Mr Trump.

    When referring to his actions as a candidate I will call him Candidate Trump.

    After watching that interview with Ms Clifford, the thing I come away with is a sick feeling.

    I have daughters and granddaughters and great-granddaughters and when he said the porn star that he was having an affair with reminded him of his daughter it let me know just how sick Donald Trump was.

    You might try to claim she was not believable but we have the statements of the same declarations made by Donald Trump from other women he had affairs with and, even more damning, the recorded things he said about his daughter on the Stern radio show.

    I think the things Roy Moore did was less perverted than those done by Donald Trump.

    I do understand the efforts to cover them up by Candidate Trump and the continued attempts by President Trump.

    He is one sick SOB.

  5. #65
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    Got to love it when people believe a PORN STAR who lies and sells her body over a president.....

    Why wait till now, why not come out when he was worth billions.....Why change stories and backtrack....

    Yet it was OK for Clinton to shove rolled up tubes of tobacco up women's privates and leave his DNA on dresses in the oral office of the white house


  6. #66
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    She had sex with the hopes of being a contestant on The Apprentice. It was not an ongoing affair and the DVD her attorney alluded to was never mentioned. She stated that the sex was consensual and that she is not a victim. In addition her loud mouth attorney has a past as a Democrat operative. In conclusion, the Karen McDougal seemed much more damaging.

    So speakath a female who had sex for money, a whore..... trying to have another 15 minutes of fame and boost her sales. There are teams of people trying to dig these people out of the woodwork to keep the hate going. Nobody thought Trump was a Saint when he was elected and nobody cares what he did before he came into office. It's what he does in office that matters. The left can't stop now....the have tried to toss everything at the wall and nothing is sticking except their unstoppable attempts to keep Trump from his job. They are currently trying to make Trump into Harvey Wienstien and there is one big flaw.......these women sought him out not the other way around.

  7. #67
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    Meanwhile CBS just put a porn star on prime time TV and put her center stage. Not only that but showed in writing she's a liar and thief then tried to sell her as credible.

    As for the lawyer, man, hard as it is to even think so, he made lawyers look bad he was such a sleaze. "She took the money, signed the contract, but because one signiture place was not signed its not valid". She keeps the money. How'd you like to buy a car from that guy? Its like I got your money no car for you because we didn't shake on it but I'm keeping the money. The whole spin by CBS that this was somehow a "Campaign Contribution" is a friggen joke.

    My how this country has fallen.

    Next will be some libtard coming to the revelation the first lady is a trophy wife and America will be all shocked.......

    Personally? I was very impressed. Trump at age 60 slept with a 27 year old porn star headliner and didn't have to pay for it.

    Now that's impressive. I didn't vote for the billionaire with trophy wife because i thought he'd be a good pope.

    This is as stupid as JImmy Carter lusted in his mind or Bill Clinton took a toke and didn't inhale but a lot sleazier and no, Trump having sex with a porn star and Playboy bunny a decade before he even knew he would run for president is not the same as a sitting president having sex with a young intern in the White House.

    What's this his third marriage? Oh my, Trump fools around, I'm shocked I tell you shocked.

  8. #68
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    Colorado Springs , Colorado
    He wants to have extramarital affairs with women who resemble his daughter.

    He is one perverted SOB.

  9. #69
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    One thing worse than a skank is a skank who talks, and one thing worse than that is a skank who talks for money, and the lowest of all is a skank who talks for money after taking yours for not talking.

    This skank is the pits. Trump should be ashamed for boffing this slug, but shame is not in his vocabulary.
    People just don’t care though. They didn’t even seem to care learning their president raped a campaign worker who was not a trashy skank.
    “You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.” — Too fundamental to have an attribution

  10. #70
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    Well it sounds a lot like the New York Times, unnamed sources and all sorts of unsubstantiated comments that have no proof whatsoever. And the lemmings buy this crap hook line and sinker, buying a bunch of hooey aka BS. Speaking of the NYT, here is an piece that was published in the NYT after the Clinton affair. My how times have changed.

    Adultery is a private choice. The important rejection of it comes from love, not intimidation. The reason not to commit it is that it is likely to devastate someone you love if he or she learns about it. And the only way that person won't learn about it is if you tell a lot of lies. Telling a lot of lies eventually harms your ability to maintain a trusting relationship; secretiveness undermines intimacy. And tending a committed, intimate relationship is a deeply meaningful part of life, though we all know it has its share of bad days.

    While biographers have described people who are exceptions and seem able to countenance adultery and marital intimacy at the same time, by and large the reason not to choose adultery is that the pleasure it offers is taken in trade for harming more enduring love and more important loved ones.

    But publicly humiliating anyone for consensual adultery is draconian, and wrong. It teaches children cynicism. What they see is how little respect there is for privacy, and how gratuitously and harshly adults will harm one another to gain a little power. And using adultery or any aspect of consensual adult sexuality as a weapon in political battles is more abhorrent than the act itself.

  11. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fulltimer View Post
    He wants to have extramarital affairs with women who resemble his daughter.

    He is one perverted SOB.
    Show me the recording of him personally stating that, the thing about liars is they do not have to show proof to stupid reporters. All they need is to run their mouths and the dimwits take it as gospel. No proof, shut up.

  12. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    Show me the recording of him personally stating that, the thing about liars is they do not have to show proof to stupid reporters. All they need is to run their mouths and the dimwits take it as gospel. No proof, shut up.
    That's all this entire thing has been, the Russians, the sex **** not one shred of evidence, nothing at all that would make a single charge's all made up, just follow the money, see who' paid of by who to ignore it....

  13. #73
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    Colorado Springs , Colorado
    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    Show me the recording of him personally stating that, the thing about liars is they do not have to show proof to stupid reporters. All they need is to run their mouths and the dimwits take it as gospel. No proof, shut up.

    There are several.

    Seems just icky until we find out he is telling women he is having sex with that they remind him of his daughter.

    He is really a sick SOB

  14. #74
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    Seriously, that's all you have CNN reporters....ohhh laaa laaaaa

    I've told my oldest daughters boyfriend "she one hot piece of ass and anything you do to her, I'm going to do to you", as I kissed his cheek and patted his ass, guess that makes me a pervert also eh....

    Obviously you have zero original thoughts and idea and are parting what the media wants you to think and believe. My 1st supervisor in the USAF, his wife was from Sweden and she was a bombshell...she said he could sleep with anybody he wanted as long as he had enough leftover to take care of her....and she slept around now and did he....

    European and American are so different, people like don wan to be socialist and embrace the culture, till they learn about it and find out it's not what they thought.

    Stop being such a tight ass over sex, it's 2017, not 1950, your acting like a Baptist bible preaching wacko Don....get with the times.....

    Quote Originally Posted by Fulltimer View Post
    There are several.

    Seems just icky until we find out he is telling women he is having sex with that they remind him of his daughter.

    He is really a sick SOB

  15. #75
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    I didn't even bother clicking the link, if it were even partially real the thing would be all over the TV and radio. Now finding out it is CNN, it is even more laughable. They are a joke and made their own bed.

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