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Thread: Well here we go

  1. #46
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    I agree with Dork. We have laws to follow, you do not get to pick and choose which ones suit you, you follow them all or face the consequences. If you overstay your visa you are still breaking the law. If you get a permit to park your camper in a campground and pay for 3 days, you do not get to stay a week. You either file the paperwork and pay for the extra days or you get thrown out. It really is that simple.

    If you decide that you are not going to respect the laws of our Country, go back to where you came from and make your own laws there.

  2. #47
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    Mark this down California is going to get their ass whooped on this one. If what they're doing is constitutional we no longer have a nation
    OPINION....a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

  3. #48
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    Colorado Springs , Colorado
    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post

    If you decide that you are not going to respect the laws of our Country, go back to where you came from and make your own laws there.
    Welp, I came from Texas so........

  4. #49
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    California it's such a wonderful state it's so beautiful. Unfortunately the big cities are becoming cesspools literally because of the liberalism that is prevalent there. Jerry Brown has always been an ass clown. And it seems that everybody else is falling in line with him. It's really sad so you're beautiful place and such a wonderful economy that is going to be doomed.
    OPINION....a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

  5. #50
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    Colorado Springs , Colorado
    President Trump is not concerned about illegal immigration as long as some of his friends can use the illegal workers for a profit and the issue can be used as an emotional hook for political purposes.

    Remember the illegal operation busted in Iowa?

    The CEO's company, Agriprocessors, was busted and ICE found 389 illegals working on just one of the three shifts. The other two shifts did not show up for work after the raid. This was the largest single raid of a workplace in U.S. history. He was charged with employing illegal workers, violating child labor laws, and 86 counts of financial fraud, including bank fraud, mail and wire fraud and money laundering.

    He was tried and convicted and in 2010 sentenced to 27 years in federal prison.

    In December 2017 President Trump commuted his prison sentence.

    If the federal government really wanted to solve the illegal immigration problem they would go after and arrest the employers of those undocumented workers.

    It is a lot like the so-called "Drug Wars" where the users are arrested and punished but the big drug lords profiting from the business are given a free ride.

  6. #51
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    Um Don, you should listen to your liberals, they seem to think that the only thing these illegals are good for, besides a vote, is to work as janitors, housekeepers, picking fruit, laborers on a construction site, basically the chit jobs that nobody else wants to do. How much of a slap in the face is that?

    You make a long drawn out post about a guy who was sent to jail for employing illegals. Well you liberals are pushing for throwing these illegals in jail as well as any employer that hires them. So tell me, if they are here illegally and nobody can hire them for fear of going to jail and paying huge fines.....why are you fighting so hard to keep them here? DO you want them to live as slaves or in some low-life tyoe capacity or job to fly under the radar? Think about what you stand for before talking, you guys have no clue as to a permanent solution, you just want to use them for their votes. You treat them like crap and bring them into the light of day when the election rolls around.

    Obama had all three houses and NEVER did any of this immigration crap, he had all of the votes necessary to make a difference and he did nothing, Your point is invalid. You make a crazy accusation about what YOU think Trump is doing, when you have no clue, other than to try and keep people inflamed about something, you yourself have no solution for. Instead of causing trouble, use your energy to come up with a good solution.

    Naw, it is so much easier for lazy windbags like Schumer and Pelosi to just toss gas on the fire and make it to where nobody can do anything about the problem. That type of thinking IS the roblem.

  7. #52
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    Colorado Springs , Colorado
    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    Um Don, you should listen to your liberals, they seem to think that the only thing these illegals are good for, besides a vote, is to work as janitors, housekeepers, picking fruit, laborers on a construction site, basically the chit jobs that nobody else wants to do. How much of a slap in the face is that?

    You make a long drawn out post about a guy who was sent to jail for employing illegals. Well you liberals are pushing for throwing these illegals in jail as well as any employer that hires them. So tell me, if they are here illegally and nobody can hire them for fear of going to jail and paying huge fines.....why are you fighting so hard to keep them here? DO you want them to live as slaves or in some low-life tyoe capacity or job to fly under the radar? Think about what you stand for before talking, you guys have no clue as to a permanent solution, you just want to use them for their votes. You treat them like crap and bring them into the light of day when the election rolls around.

    Obama had all three houses and NEVER did any of this immigration crap, he had all of the votes necessary to make a difference and he did nothing, Your point is invalid. You make a crazy accusation about what YOU think Trump is doing, when you have no clue, other than to try and keep people inflamed about something, you yourself have no solution for. Instead of causing trouble, use your energy to come up with a good solution.

    Naw, it is so much easier for lazy windbags like Schumer and Pelosi to just toss gas on the fire and make it to where nobody can do anything about the problem. That type of thinking IS the roblem.
    Many of the people who are undocumented have been here for decades have raised families of legal children, own homes, and businesses, and have never committed a crime other than having violated a federal regulation about registering. Those are the ones the Administration are increasingly targeting to be arrested and deported.

    The ones who are here under the radar being exploited by businesses and companies because they are undocumented are not the ones being targeted by this Administration. Their exploiters are given a free pass to exploit them as the recent commutation of the sentence by one of the largest employers of undocumented workers demonstrates.

  8. #53
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    You are full of crap, period. Those being targeted have had arrest warrants or committed crimes.

    I am so sick and tired of hearing about how Trump is tearing up families. Where the hell have the Dems been? Are they not able to write legislation? During the Obama years they did absolutely nothing to change immigration and they could do anything they wanted to for the first 2 years, but during his 8 year term they did nothing, zilch, zero. Drop that boohoo crap as I am not buying it.

    You can also quit with the garbage about businesses exploiting those illegal workers. If you can think correctly the Dems are the ones who do not care about the illegals, they keep referring to them as unskilled labor by talking about them being lawn care people, cleaners, fruit pickers, and all kinds of menial work. I would be pissed if the people who want my support thought of me as a dumbass that can only work with my back.

  9. #54
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    Those being targeted have increasingly been those whose only crime was a violation of failing to fill out a federal immigration form.
    The majority of people swept up in enforcement sweeps targeted at gang members in late 2017 had no criminal record at all and belonged to no gangs.

    Discuss the arrest of the CEO of Agriprocessors and his conviction and sentence of 28 years and whose sentence the President commuted in Dec 2017.
    The ICE raid was the largest in the history of companies and the number of undocumented workers as detailed by ICE reports.

  10. #55
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    Well the president said something as an afterthought the other day I found interesting. He said maybe we'll just pull all our folks out and let California deal with it. I kind of agree although I have so many friends in California but I would hate to see that happen. If the district court and the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals sides with California on this issue I think the Trump Administration should pull all federal law enforcement out of California and let them deal with it until the Supreme Court return some rationality to the process. I promise you they won't like it then they'll be filing a lawsuit saying the federal government has an obligation to do what they do. So the juxtaposition will be fixed and California will be Block in a game of tic-tac-toe
    OPINION....a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

  11. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honda View Post
    Well the president said something as an afterthought the other day I found interesting. He said maybe we'll just pull all our folks out and let California deal with it. I kind of agree although I have so many friends in California but I would hate to see that happen. If the district court and the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals sides with California on this issue I think the Trump Administration should pull all federal law enforcement out of California and let them deal with it until the Supreme Court return some rationality to the process. I promise you they won't like it then they'll be filing a lawsuit saying the federal government has an obligation to do what they do. So the juxtaposition will be fixed and California will be Block in a game of tic-tac-toe
    That would simply precipitate a mass movement of many other states passing the same laws as California.

    They would then consider it a "States Rights " issue.

  12. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by Diogenis View Post
    That would simply precipitate a mass movement of many other states passing the same laws as California.

    They would then consider it a "States Rights " issue.
    Nope, sorry but many other states are much smarter than the clueless fools running Cali. To pull out and let the whole place fall into chaos, would be the ultimate nail in the coffin for Gov moonbeam and his flunkies.

  13. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    Nope, sorry but many other states are much smarter than the clueless fools running Cali. To pull out and let the whole place fall into chaos, would be the ultimate nail in the coffin for Gov moonbeam and his flunkies.
    Do you seriously believe ICE agents are the law enforcement that is keeping California from falling into chaos?

  14. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by Diogenis View Post
    Do you seriously believe ICE agents are the law enforcement that is keeping California from falling into chaos?
    No cynic that's not what we are saying at all but we're saying is California seems to be acting like they need no federal help they need no federal interference in their Utopia. So let's let them have it fully pull agents off and let's see how well they do. This goes Way Beyond ice agents. I would just like to see California have a program to wipe up human feces off the sidewalks in San Francisco. I was there a couple of weeks ago it's pretty nasty
    OPINION....a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

  15. #60
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    Colorado Springs , Colorado
    Quote Originally Posted by Honda View Post
    No cynic that's not what we are saying at all but we're saying is California seems to be acting like they need no federal help they need no federal interference in their Utopia. So let's let them have it fully pull agents off and let's see how well they do. This goes Way Beyond ice agents. I would just like to see California have a program to wipe up human feces off the sidewalks in San Francisco. I was there a couple of weeks ago it's pretty nasty
    Wow! I must have missed that while taking my doctor prescribed 2 naps today.

    Did President Trump really say he was going to remove all federal facilities and employees from California?

    Where will we keep all those nuclear submarines and where will the US Marines stationed there go?

    I just need to do a quick GIS on that topic.

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