First, IMHO Moore is a lunatic, just goes to prove that disease infiltrates equally on both sides. Roy does not scare me as much as the idiots that put him into that position. I have been to Alabama many times and there are good sane people there, I find it hard to believe that enough of them voted for him to begin with, when another guy like Strange was running as well.

As far a pedophile, if the accusations are indeed halfway true, he should have been brought to justice a long time ago. The part I find hard to believe is that all of those years that he has been a public figure in politics and not a single person ever brought it up? That makes me wonder why now?

Not saying he was right and they were wrong, just saying that either a boatload of Limburger cheese was plopped down, or the circus was in town and all of the elephants took a dump at the same time, something is smelling fishy about this one.