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Thread: The 2nd Admendment

  1. #61
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    Colorado Springs , Colorado
    Quote Originally Posted by Wannabe View Post
    That is the crux of the problem right there. There is No way to legislate or regulate deranged individuals from getting weapons. If they desire to do harm they will find a way by hook or crook to obtain weapons. You cannot legislate morality. Like the old saying goes--If there is a Will, there is a Way. My time and effort would have been better spent borrowing Ben's Brick Wall.
    So far the only attempts have been to allow more deranged, defective, and those fleeing justice to legally obtain the weapons. Even those that are still on the FBI NICS database can simply walk into any gun show and walk out with anything they want.

  2. #62
    Wannabe is offline Nov 5, 1946 - Nov 19, 2018
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    Quote Originally Posted by Diogenis View Post
    So far the only attempts have been to allow more deranged, defective, and those fleeing justice to legally obtain the weapons. Even those that are still on the FBI NICS database can simply walk into any gun show and walk out with anything they want.
    That is a load of Bull and has been discussed. More laws is not going to make the government is not going to make the government any more efficent.

  3. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wannabe View Post
    That is a load of Bull and has been discussed. More laws is not going to make the government is not going to make the government any more efficent.
    It does not matter how you guys want to dance around it H.J Res 40 did remove folks with mental defects from the NICS database and the Administration's decision to remove those designated as fleeing justice from the database as well does allow mentally deranged and defectives, as well as felons fleeing prosecution to legally obtain weapons.

    I think a larger problem is the so-called "responsible gun owners" who have been involved in most of the mass murders lately.

  4. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by Diogenis View Post
    If you guys spent just 10% of the effort to find a way to keep weapons out of the hands of deranged individuals as you do trying to convince everyone dead children are a good thing we wouldn't have to have this discussion.
    That is a load of hooey and you know it. More than that it disgusts me that you would think that any of us want children to be killed in any way.

    How did making drugs illegal work out for you? Meth is not legal anywhere, yet we are being overrun with it. That makes your point .....INVALID

  5. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by Diogenis View Post
    I think a larger problem is the so-called "responsible gun owners" who have been involved in most of the mass murders lately.
    Those madmen were not responsible, so quit throwing that comment out there. What they were though were registered Democrats. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.

  6. #66
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    Here is more proof that the FBI dropped the ball on this insane fool. If they could not come up with something that would stop this guy even after being alerted, then another useless gun law would do nothing, they can't even enforce the ones they have now.

    The FBI this week detailed to Congress a series of mistakes and missed opportunities to intervene before a gunman killed 17 people at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida -- including a revelation that staffers knew two warnings about suspect Nikolas Cruz were related, but still closed the case.

    FBI Deputy Director David Bowdich made the comments in a closed briefing Tuesday with members of the House Judiciary and Oversight Committees.
    In a summary released Wednesday to Fox News, Bowdich cited two tips that the FBI received about Cruz in September 2017 and January 2018 that were mishandled.
    The 2017 tip alerted the FBI to a threatening YouTube comment, made by user Nikolas Cruz, which stated: “I’m going to be a professional school shooter.”
    According to the summary, a FBI call taker “did not ask any standard investigative probing questions” about the 2018 tip.

    The 2018 call taker was able to connect Cruz to the earlier call about the YouTube comment, but after discussing it with a supervisor, they decided not to pursue the matter and the case was closed.

  7. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    Those madmen were not responsible, so quit throwing that comment out there. What they were though were registered Democrats. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.
    I doubt there are many white supremacists that are Democrats.

  8. #68
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    Why do y'all keep feeding this guy.
    OPINION....a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honda View Post
    Why do y'all keep feeding this guy.
    It's like watching a train wreck......Ben
    The future is forged on the anvil of history...The interpreter of history wields the hammer... - Unknown author...

  10. #70
    Wannabe is offline Nov 5, 1946 - Nov 19, 2018
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honda View Post
    Why do y'all keep feeding this guy.
    I've been thinking the same thing Honda. He can have it his way.

  11. #71
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    So I catch myself doing the same thing. It's ridiculous.
    OPINION....a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

  12. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honda View Post
    So I catch myself doing the same thing. It's ridiculous.
    It's OK. Keep trying to justify the unjustifiable.

    It is sad to watch but what else do we have to do until the next school shooting?

    Another one today I see.

    At the rate this is going I suggest we simply make all the flagpoles only half as tall. We are wasting the top halves of them.

  13. #73
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    It's fun, I can just picture him scratching his head and trying to think of the next dodge and misdirection he is going to try next. I especially get a kick out of him arguing with lawyers, trying to tell them what the law really means. That cracks me up to no end. Just like my next reply to him.

  14. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by Diogenis View Post
    I doubt there are many white supremacists that are Democrats.
    Oh you make this so easy..... Need I remind you that the Dems STARTED the KKK, which IS the white supremacists you are referencing? The Dems did not cast one vote to give black Americans the right to vote. The Dems in the south were the ones totally against sending all children to the same schools together. The Dems are still the ones that are all in for abortion, which kills more black unborn babies per year than any other method.

    You could not have just said what you said without a grin on your face or a totally clueless look. Dems always have been the racists. Even now Dems need to keep black people in poverty so they can barter votes for welfare from them. Black people are starting to get wise to them and so to keep the status quo of voters the Dems now need the Hispanic and illegal Mexican vote to insure their power trip.

  15. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    Oh you make this so easy..... Need I remind you that the Dems STARTED the KKK, which IS the white supremacists you are referencing? The Dems did not cast one vote to give black Americans the right to vote. The Dems in the south were the ones totally against sending all children to the same schools together. The Dems are still the ones that are all in for abortion, which kills more black unborn babies per year than any other method.

    You could not have just said what you said without a grin on your face or a totally clueless look. Dems always have been the racists. Even now Dems need to keep black people in poverty so they can barter votes for welfare from them. Black people are starting to get wise to them and so to keep the status quo of voters the Dems now need the Hispanic and illegal Mexican vote to insure their power trip.
    TxMusky, I was in Texas when there was only one party. Just as in the rest of the South the Democrat's big tent Party was made up of Liberals, Moderates, and Conservatives.

    The South did not like those carpetbaggers and scalawags from New York that tried to force their views on the Southern Democrats.

    If I remember right it was Ronald Reagan that broke the Democratic party into factions that became the larger Republican party.

    Wasn't it Scoop Jackson that led the conservative dems under the banner of Neo-Con or "new conservatives" over to Reagan's republican party?

    So when you are talking about the old democrats you are really speaking of the republicans.

    So, No, today's White Supremacists are now the party of Trump.

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