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Thread: The 2nd Admendment

  1. #16
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    Colorado Springs , Colorado
    Quote Originally Posted by wacojoe View Post
    Now that’s the side Don’s mouth I remember. No nuance absolutism born from a severe distrust of the government which abused him in Dallas the day Kennedy was shot. What happened to that guy? Hidden behind the provocateur, I suppose.
    I would imagine I am still on the FBI's chitlist. The day I was abused was not the night of Nov 22, 1963 when I was interrogated but in 1974 when they tried to coerce me into participating in a sting operation and attempted to use the 1963 interrogation as leverage. I flew the coup on them, so to speak, and I doubt they have forgiven me to this day.

    I have never attempted to purchase a weapon so I have no idea if I am on the FBI's NICS database but I was assured quite a few years back they were no longer actively looking at me.

    Why do you want to bring up things that happened over a half century ago Joe?

    I had almost put that out of my mind. Now you have me looking over my shoulder again

  2. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Truckman View Post
    You're right of course, Don...Look how well that worked out in 1776......Ben
    The Colonials did not overthrow King George's government. That monarchy is still in place in the UK. It was the citizens of the UK that have relegated the Queen to a very beloved figurehead position. But the monarchy still exists.

  3. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Diogenis View Post
    I have never attempted to purchase a weapon so I have no idea if I am on the FBI's NICS database
    Don, I thought I remembered you having a 12 gauge scattergun at some point...Did you buy it through the gun show "loophole" which allows private citizens to transact firearms business by taking each other's word that they are neither criminals nor insane?...And by the way, it's not a "weapon" until it's used as one...Until then, it's just a can opener, or a Buick, or a firearm......Ben
    The future is forged on the anvil of history...The interpreter of history wields the hammer... - Unknown author...

  4. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Diogenis View Post
    The Colonials did not overthrow King George's government. That monarchy is still in place in the UK. It was the citizens of the UK that have relegated the Queen to a very beloved figurehead position. But the monarchy still exists.
    Not to nitpick, but I thought the Brits referred to themselves as "subjects," not "citizens"...Are you saying that when President Trump's second term expires in 2025, he should be elevated to a beloved figurehead status as the fawning subjects of President Obama did for him?......Ben
    The future is forged on the anvil of history...The interpreter of history wields the hammer... - Unknown author...

  5. #20
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    Or worse yet, try to get his wife to run. If she gets in we will all starve, like she did to the children and their school lunches. Maybe she should contact Lil Kim and see if should could work for him there. They practice the same politics.

  6. #21
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    We didnt need to over throw the entire British govt, we just had to throw those redcoats out of our new home.

  7. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Truckman View Post
    Don, I thought I remembered you having a 12 gauge scattergun at some point...Did you buy it through the gun show "loophole" which allows private citizens to transact firearms business by taking each other's word that they are neither criminals nor insane?...And by the way, it's not a "weapon" until it's used as one...Until then, it's just a can opener, or a Buick, or a firearm......Ben
    I started carrying when I was 14 years old and started driving. I had a .380 Savage and a .25 Beretta. The Savage was always in a holster screwed under the dash by my knee, the berretta was almost always in my hip pocket. I bought the Berretta at Gibsons in Irving, Texas. No ID or anything was required. The Savage was a gift from my Dad. His dad had given it to him. It had a problem where sometimes it would empty the clip before you could get your finger from the trigger. I did finally take it to our gunsmith, Dial Ryder, who worked at the Sports shop downtown and he made a piece that fixed it for a while. My uncle gave me a .22 cal luger for graduation that he said was similar to the one he had from the war in Germany. I bought a Marlin 30.30 lever action hunting rifle from the Sports shop and my brother in law gave me a 12 ga pump shotgun with a long and a short barrel for a wedding gift.

    After my 2nd divorce, I met my wonderful wife and we started traveling Texas in my Triumph Spitfire and she asked me why I carried a gun and asked if I were frightened. I thought about it and said no, it was just as I had always done. After I had done my EMS training at Southwestern Medical School and ER rotations at Parkland Hospital and treated numerous GSWs I decided I did not want to ever do that to another human being and I gave all my handguns to my older brother who always did have his eye on that Savage and my rifles to my sons. I kept the shotgun in the top of the closet and didn't even think much of it until I started packing for the move from Florida to Colorado. My younger brother had come up to help move and I asked if he wanted it and he said sure, that he had room in his safe.

    I don't think I could have taken any of those weapons into a school and killed 17 children before being stopped. Firearms used for hunting and even handguns for personal defense is a lot different than the current favorite mass murder weapon the AR-15 or any of the other magazine loaded semi-automatic .223 cal available today.

  8. #23
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    223 is not a big bullet, the actual bullet itself is not much bigger than a 22. Big fallacy that the 223 is a huge mass murder round. It has some good long range to it but to shoot up a classroom it is a waste. A pistol would work just as well in that type of environment and much easier to carry and conceal. Not to mention the rounds are smaller so you could carry more. Of course madmen who would even think about shooting defenseless people are not thinking about rational things anyway.

    But by all means, keep spreading the fallacies and talking points of the left. Have you ever thought that maybe spreading that rhetoric may just be helping psychos to choose that type of weapon because you have made it into some kind of god gun?

  9. #24
    Wannabe is offline Nov 5, 1946 - Nov 19, 2018
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    Tx, there is only about a couple of thousandths of an inch difference between the diameter of a .22lr bullet and a .223 round. The .22lr bullits weigh from about 38 to 40 grains where the .223 is often found at 55 grains but can run from 45 to about 72 grains. The .223 has a butt load of more powder than a .22lr.

  10. #25
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    OH yes, much more powder pushing the load, that is a given. I was only talking about bullet size as my comparison. It helps with the down range distance it can fly as well. In a small classroom it will run through its victim and then expend its energy in a wall or go through. The same or larger size pistol bullet will do the job the killer wants done at close range, remember they are not actually aiming, just point and shoot because the intention is to fire and hit, not bullet placement.

    All of the video games these whackos play they always use some super cool machine gun, so they are playing out their video fantasy with something that is close. A pistol would not be as "cool" in their twisted minds. What is that H&K that special forces use for close quarters combat like room clearing?

  11. #26
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    And for all of those who maintain that the 2nd was only written about muskets, let me introduce the Cookson Volitional repeater. It was invented in the 1750's and since the Constitution wasn't written until almost 3 decades later, the claim of it not covering semi auto rifles is invalid. Actually there are some dating back to the 1650's

  12. #27
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    A .22 LR conversion for a .223 AR-15 uses the same barrel......Ben
    The future is forged on the anvil of history...The interpreter of history wields the hammer... - Unknown author...

  13. #28
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    Don't let them Dems hear you say that Ben, you may get poisoned and left at a park.

  14. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    Don't let them Dems hear you say that Ben, you may get poisoned and left at a park.
    I think I'm immune...After all, I eat my own cooking every day......Ben
    The future is forged on the anvil of history...The interpreter of history wields the hammer... - Unknown author...

  15. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Truckman View Post
    A .22 LR conversion for a .223 AR-15 uses the same barrel......Ben
    It is just a different upper, is it not?

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