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Thread: The Governor of Kentucky hits the Nail on the head.

  1. #1
    Wannabe is offline Nov 5, 1946 - Nov 19, 2018
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    The Governor of Kentucky hits the Nail on the head.

  2. #2
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    Good one. Typical media, ask a question so they can browbeat the answer and make their story. They do not want solutions, they are simply pushing a story that goes along with their agenda. To really get that problem solved would mean they may have to take back some dozen or so other talking points in other stories they have printed or published. The media does not want a solution and they are just as guilty of helping the criminals because they do not want certain "rights" taken away that would help the situation.

    We can't single someone out, because that is wrong. Okay the "weird" ones, like this last shooter, had the "right" to go to school, even though he was proven over 36 times to be a problem. He is not like the other children, he is sick and does not need to be in general population. So after being granted his "normalcy" rights to attend school like the other non psychos, he shoots up the place. Now these idiots in the media want to know why he was allowed to be there. It was because of something the media and the school admins caused, not letting him be labeled as different and dangerous.

    I think they have already filed the first lawsuit, as they should, and at least 34 more should follow. Hold these admins accountable for endangering the safety and lives of every child in school in America, while they played "the politically correct" game. Face it libs, some people are just wired different, they are a menace to society and all the rainbows and unicorn thoughts are not helping anybody.

  3. #3
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    Crescent City CA. where the redwoods meet the sea.
    When you watch the press asking questions at the white house they all turn into brow beat type statements against Trump.

  4. #4
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    ANd ask the same stupid questions 10 times. They can not think for themselves, they have become lemmings and basically zombies. They have been so dumbed down, they are more like supermarket tabloid garbage than real reporters.

  5. #5
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    Columbia, S.C.
    Are they not told what questions they can ask? Seems like I've heard that a hundred times, maybe to much TV?
    This is your mind on drugs!

  6. #6
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    I am not convinced that the governor knows what he is talking about. Has someone shown that the people involved in these school shootings were affected by porn, by violent video games, by movies, by songs? He might be right but we don't know. It sounded to me as if he was going by a gut feeling, which is fine, but don't dress it up as anything else. Someone else's gut might be telling them something different.

    Or, to give an obscure reference, it "may be an undigested bit of beef, a blot of mustard, a crumb of cheese, a fragment of underdone potato." Guts are weird things on which to base public policy.

  7. #7
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    I'm convinced that the governor made a lot of good points.
    OPINION....a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

  8. #8
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    Google Lt Col Groosman and see what his years and years of research have to say about it.

    The US Military uses video games to tech troops to kill, to de sensitize them to blood, combat, killing....then you look at the music, lyrics how its over and over and over again, how that repetition gets in and trains your brain & same with movies, killing is glorified...mass killers are raised up on a pedistal, movies made about them, how they did what they did and people trying to rationalize it...

    Quote Originally Posted by Kevin View Post
    I am not convinced that the governor knows what he is talking about. Has someone shown that the people involved in these school shootings were affected by porn, by violent video games, by movies, by songs? He might be right but we don't know. It sounded to me as if he was going by a gut feeling, which is fine, but don't dress it up as anything else. Someone else's gut might be telling them something different.

    Or, to give an obscure reference, it "may be an undigested bit of beef, a blot of mustard, a crumb of cheese, a fragment of underdone potato." Guts are weird things on which to base public policy.

  9. #9
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    I agree, it seems likely.

    But it also seemed likely to a lot of people that the sun moved around the earth until someone did the investigation and found a different story.

    Has anyone shown that these specific people were motivated by what the governor said is the issue? In a peer-reviewed study? I don't fault the governor here. Someone has to ask the question before something can be reviewed. Maybe if funding were provided to the CDC to investigate these sorts of things, we could have better info to base policy on. I propose modifying the Dickey amendment. I don't want my tax dollars going for advocacy either but even Dickey has said that the effect of his amendment, in chilling research in general, was not what he wanted. So let's fix that up and let the CDC study the issue. Then we'll have better info and hopefully, better policy than stuff based on gut reaction.

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