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Thread: The 2nd Admendment

  1. #106
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    Colorado Springs , Colorado
    Another teacher shooting incident in the classroom.

    This was a "professional" with a gun.

    SEASIDE, Calif. —
    A teacher who also serves as a reserve police officer accidentally fired a gun inside a Seaside High School classroom Tuesday, police said, and three students were injured.

    Dennis Alexander was teaching a course about gun safety for his Administration of Justice class when his gun went off at 1:20 p.m.

    A news release from the Seaside Police Department said no one suffered "serious injuries." One 17-year-old boy suffered moderate injuries when fragments from the bullet ricocheted off the ceiling and lodged into his neck, the student's father, Fermin Gonzales, told KSBW.
    Hey, let's arm a lot of non-professional teachers and see how that works out.

  2. #107
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    Quote Originally Posted by Diogenis View Post
    How would you suggest Democrats be controlled?

    Nerve Gas?

    For the time being America still has free elections.
    They have too many nerves to use gas, so that would not work, sadly.

    Yes, so did Germany and those idiots put Hitler into power, think about that for a minute. And guess what he did, he instituted gun control, feeling safer now?

    The 2nd protects us from a tyrannical govt, it is not there for deer hunters.

  3. #108
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    Colorado Springs , Colorado
    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    They have too many nerves to use gas, so that would not work, sadly.

    Yes, so did Germany and those idiots put Hitler into power, think about that for a minute. And guess what he did, he instituted gun control, feeling safer now?

    The 2nd protects us from a tyrannical govt, it is not there for deer hunters.
    I would propose anyone who believes the 2nd Amendment protects us a tyrannical government is not mentally competent enough to own a firearm.

    Back in 1993 a group down in Waco Texas was attacked by the ATF and with the weapons they had on hand was able to barricade themselves in their compound for 50 days.

    The federal government moved in with .50 caliber rifles and armored vehicles and set the compound on fire. If those .50 cal rifles and armored vehicles had not been successful, the government would have escalated their attack and escalated the weaponry used until the compound was overthrown.

    When the "government" moves on a person they will be successful.

    A person keeping weapons simply to kill government agents, which includes local police officers, should not be allowed to keep and bear those weapons.

  4. #109
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    Might I remind you who the party in charge was at the time? Should I go further and remind you if the name of the POTUS at the time? I will also mention that the same bunch were in control when they had men burst into a private home and take a little cuban boy with fully auto weapons and tactical gear and remove him from the Country because he was an illegal immigrant.

    You are twisting words again to throw out your personal propaganda and start arguments. You just can not help yourself can you?

  5. #110
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    Colorado Springs , Colorado
    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    Might I remind you who the party in charge was at the time? Should I go further and remind you if the name of the POTUS at the time? I will also mention that the same bunch were in control when they had men burst into a private home and take a little cuban boy with fully auto weapons and tactical gear and remove him from the Country because he was an illegal immigrant.

    You are twisting words again to throw out your personal propaganda and start arguments. You just can not help yourself can you?
    I suppose you need to be reminded of your declaration:

    The 2nd protects us from a tyrannical govt, it is not there for deer hunters.
    I suppose your point is you would only murder police officers if a Democrat is President.

  6. #111
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    Where the F#@$ do you come up with this crap? Where have I ever said I supported anybody killing police officers? I have always stood up for our LEO's, you are insane.

    The 2nd was in fact put into place to make sure the citizens could protect themselves. When the govt becomes out of control and starts overrunning the Constitutional rights of the people, we have a way to take back control from those who are violating it. There is a verse when taking the oath of office that says something about protecting against all enemies, both foreign and domestic.

  7. #112
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    Colorado Springs , Colorado
    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    Where the F#@$ do you come up with this crap? Where have I ever said I supported anybody killing police officers? I have always stood up for our LEO's, you are insane.

    The 2nd was in fact put into place to make sure the citizens could protect themselves. When the govt becomes out of control and starts overrunning the Constitutional rights of the people, we have a way to take back control from those who are violating it. There is a verse when taking the oath of office that says something about protecting against all enemies, both foreign and domestic.
    When the government gets out of control?

    Would that be an individual decision?

    I don't think there is any place in the Constitution that would allow an individual to make that kind of decision.

    Every criminal who kills a police officer feels it is his right to defend himself from a government agent (a police officer) trying to take away his freedom.

    The only constitutional relief from a tyrannical government is at the ballot box, not with a gun.

    That phrase that keeps being spouted by some is nothing but a suicide threat, and that alone should make someone believing it as mentally unbalanced enough to be stripped of their firearms.

  8. #113
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    Yes when the govt is ignoring the Constitution and becomes corrupted because of that.

    Really? An individual? That is not even thinkable.

    Again, you are not being rational.

    Criminals do not get to make the laws, the law is on the books. The criminal does not get to decide what laws they are willing to follow and which ones they can ignore because they disagree with them. Unless of course your name is Clinton or Obama, Pelosi or Schumer or live in the State of California or Illinois.

    You are wrong, the ballot box is for electing officials running for office. The gun would be for retaking control of a corrupt govt that is not abiding by the Constitution that is the set of rules written SPECIFICALLY for the rights of the people. The Constitution is a set of rules describing the LIMITS of power the Govt can have over the people.

    You are not allowed to strip someone of their firearms because you think they do not need them. That is the whole reason for the 2nd. Now if enough people decide to give them up, that is fine. Voluntary is okay, but telling them they can not have them is wrong.

  9. #114
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    Colorado Springs , Colorado
    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    Yes when the govt is ignoring the Constitution and becomes corrupted because of that.

    Really? An individual? That is not even thinkable

    Again, you are not being rational.

    Criminals do not get to make the laws, the law is on the books. The criminal does not get to decide what laws they are willing to follow and which ones they can ignore because they disagree with them. Unless of course your name is Clinton or Obama, Pelosi or Schumer or live in the State of California or Illinois.

    You are wrong, the ballot box is for electing officials running for office. The gun would be for retaking control of a corrupt govt that is not abiding by the Constitution that is the set of rules written SPECIFICALLY for the rights of the people. The Constitution is a set of rules describing the LIMITS of power the Govt can have over the people.

    You are not allowed to strip someone of their firearms because you think they do not need them. That is the whole reason for the 2nd. Now if enough people decide to give them up, that is fine. Voluntary is okay, but telling them they can not have them is wrong.
    If not an individual then what?

    Under what circumstances will you decide it is OK to murder government officials enforcing laws?

    Which laws being enforced by duly elected officials would you rise up as an individual gun owner and be willing to commit murder to challenge?

  10. #115
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  11. #116
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    San Antonio, Tx.
    Chi-town is in 24th place? Who would have thunk it?
    “You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.” — Too fundamental to have an attribution

  12. #117
    Wannabe is offline Nov 5, 1946 - Nov 19, 2018
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    Quote Originally Posted by wacojoe View Post
    Chi-town is in 24th place? Who would have thunk it?
    That was a shocker. Several big surprised in there.

  13. #118
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    Colorado Springs , Colorado
    Firearm murders per capita from FBI statistics.

    Perhaps the chart that keeps being posted by Dork that shows Democrat controlled cities are the only ones on the list is from 2nd Amendment supporters who believe it their duty to take out those they feel are out of control Liberals trying to take away our Gunz.

  14. #119
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    Albuquerque NM should be on there somewhere. I was there Monday and Tuesday and visited with an old friend yesterday and he said he was sitting in his living room with his wife watching TV, when a couple of robbers tried to enter his door and window with an ax. He showed me the pics and the only thing that stopped them was the burglar bars on the windows and doors. He said when the cops showed up they asked him why he didnt shoot the guy. My friend said his wife was very anti-gun, and the cop told her directly, if you live here you had better get a couple if you want to protect your home.

    They now have several in the house. Used to be the crooks were the ones who got to see the world through bars, now in some places the innocent have to look through them to be safe in their own home. That's sad.

  15. #120
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    Quote Originally Posted by Diogenis View Post
    Firearm murders per capita from FBI statistics.

    Perhaps the chart that keeps being posted by Dork that shows Democrat controlled cities are the only ones on the list is from 2nd Amendment supporters who believe it their duty to take out those they feel are out of control Liberals trying to take away our Gunz.
    Top 5 all democrat held strongholds.......Libby Schaaf, she's your idol lately eh.....

    How about all the mass shooters, how they are related to democratic party, how they all have mental issues, but it all comes back to political party of democrats.....

    Republicans ain't doing the majority of shootings, democrats are....and thatch fact.....

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