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Thread: The 2nd Admendment

  1. #76
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    Folks, if you ever need some fertilizer there is a big pile of it right there. I'm done, my sides hurt.

  2. #77
    Join Date
    Colorado Springs , Colorado
    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    Folks, if you ever need some fertilizer there is a big pile of it right there. I'm done, my sides hurt.
    As gun threads go it hasn't been so bad.

    It's a topic that will be debated on the national stage.

    President Trump is coming for our guns. His declaration that the government should take the guns and worry about the courts later would have started a march on Washington if President Obama had said it.

  3. #78
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    Sign at area gun range:

    The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible - Arthur C. Clarke

  4. #79
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  5. #80
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    Unlike Planned Parenthood.....

    Everybody that enters the NRA building comes out alive.

  6. #81
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    San Antonio, Tx.
    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    Unlike Planned Parenthood.....

    Everybody that enters the NRA building comes out alive.
    ...and retain ownership of their body parts.
    “You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.” — Too fundamental to have an attribution

  7. #82
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    Colorado Springs , Colorado
    Don't panic over the Florida law guys.

    The NRA sued claiming it is unconstitutional and no state has the right to raise the age to 21 and that law enforcement has no right to seize weapons from those deemed mentally unfit or a danger.

    The new Florida law raises the minimum age to purchase a firearm to 21 from 18, bans the sale or possession of bump fire stocks, gives law enforcement greater power to seize weapons and ammunition from those deemed mentally unfit, and provides additional funding for armed school resource officers.

    Great Music is hard to find these days.

  8. #83
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    I do not really mind that they are raising the age to 21, as long as it exempts shotguns and bolt action rifles. It takes the wind out of the sails of the liberals, as the real smart people know that handguns can be bought on the street just about anywhere. If it makes those people feel like they have accomplished something I can live with it. The ignorant ones will never be happy until they get rid of everything that the honest citizen want to have. That will not happen, you can't have everything and like the subject that has been worn out by talking about it.......MURDER IS ALREADY ILLEGAL!!!!

    The crooks do not care what weapon you take away from the honest people, they will find a way to do their deeds, whether it be with a knife, a truck, explosives, an airplane, etc. You can not fix stupid.

  9. #84
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    ANd to make my point, this is one of the most gun resistant places you could live and yet looky here.....
    TEHRAN (FNA)- Several Britain-based Shiite extremists affiliated to Sadeq Shirazi sect attacked the Iranian embassy premises in London minutes ago, while menacing the staffers with cold weapons.
    Early reports said the raiders are four men who have opened their way into the embassy premises, while threatening people on the scene with machetes and baseball bats. The London Police have reportedly deployed around the embassy but took no action in the first couple of hours after the attack.

    The slogans chanted by the raiders indicate that they are members of Sadeq Shirazi Shiite extremist sect, supported by London.
    Iran's Ambassador to Britain Hamid Baeedinejad confirmed the reports on the embassy attack minutes ago.

    "A few followers of Shirazi have attacked the Islamic Republic of Iran's Embassy in London and broke the flag mast," the ambassador tweeted minutes ago, and added that the raiders are "chanting slogans against Iranian officials".

    He further confirmed that the raiders were carrying "sticks and machetes", and said Police are deployed on the scene.
    You use what you have when that's all you got. Baseball should be worried that the libs are going to be dumb enough to keep going.

  10. #85
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    Hypocrisy is when liberals want to create more gun laws for law abiding gun owners, yet refuse to enforce laws against illegal criminals.

    Their whole agenda is so screwy that you have to have some medication to deal with the headache you get trying to understand what they stand for. They fight for the right to kill unborn babies, yet want to punish legal gun owners? They fight to allow illegals to break our laws, yep want to dream up more laws for people who have not broken any. They rant against discrimination, but discriminate against white people. They march against hatred, yet they themselves hate and have no tolerance for those who think different form them.

    Allowing people who have no center of gravity about fairness or who do not follow their own rules, the ability to pass legislation for the rest of us to follow is insane.

  11. #86
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    Colorado Springs , Colorado
    Got anything to say about the 2nd Amendment?

  12. #87
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    Yep read the first sentence of my previous post very slowly, you will see I addressed it. The liberals have used children to push their anti gun agenda, notice they were not outraged that a deputy that was onsite did not immediately go directly after the shooter that was slaughtering kids. Also notice that they have remained silent at the woman in charge who would not allow first responders to enter the school. They have remained silent on the SWAT team from another town that was punished for actually showing up without being told. That to me is an outrage, not holding those accountable that could have maybe prevented a couple of kids from dying or being shot. They have not attacked the school admin that told the principal that the deranged boy HAD to go to school. Where is that outrage? They will chortle that saving even one life is worth it, but in this case the loud mouths are silent in the defense of these kids. That is unforgivable.

    The only time Dems wont use children as a prop is at a pro-choice rally, where they fight feverishly for the right to kill their kids. Sickening

  13. #88
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    Colorado Springs , Colorado
    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    Yep read the first sentence of my previous post very slowly, you will see I addressed it. The liberals have used children to push their anti gun agenda, notice they were not outraged that a deputy that was onsite did not immediately go directly after the shooter that was slaughtering kids. Also notice that they have remained silent at the woman in charge who would not allow first responders to enter the school. They have remained silent on the SWAT team from another town that was punished for actually showing up without being told. That to me is an outrage, not holding those accountable that could have maybe prevented a couple of kids from dying or being shot. They have not attacked the school admin that told the principal that the deranged boy HAD to go to school. Where is that outrage? They will chortle that saving even one life is worth it, but in this case the loud mouths are silent in the defense of these kids. That is unforgivable.

    The only time Dems wont use children as a prop is at a pro-choice rally, where they fight feverishly for the right to kill their kids. Sickening
    That is your opinion about Liberals but do you have anything to say about the 2nd Amendment?

  14. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by Diogenis View Post
    ......The NRA sued claiming it is unconstitutional and no state has the right to raise the age to 21 and that law enforcement has no right to seize weapons from those deemed mentally unfit or a danger......
    Another of your half-truths, or twisted facts, Don? Everything I've read about the NRA lawsuit addresses the age limit change. I've seen nothing about any other parts of the Florida bill.

  15. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by Diogenis View Post
    That is your opinion about Liberals but do you have anything to say about the 2nd Amendment?
    Ye sit is a Constitutional right that can not be changed. If you would pay attention you would know that. The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

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