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Thread: The darn bus is stuck

  1. #16
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    Very few are not biased at all. Even the Fox network has it's anti Trump folks like Shep Smith and John Roberts, but the main point is how much of the total reporting is negative? With the case of just about all of the MSM, including the NYT, the percentage of negative reporting is 90% or over. So out of everything the man or his party does nothing has impressed the left wing media, not a single thing?

    Let me ask a question since Russia has been the main thing tied to Trump and anything he does. We know that not a single vote was changed in any machine due to the "interference" and the main thing they did was cause chaos and create divisiveness, was it what they did or just the people that did it?

  2. #17
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    Here are a couple of points that I give for proof of my accusations....

  3. #18
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    What the left still does not understand is people in the middle of America do not give a rip about what the 2 coasts complain about, nor do they let the hollywood crowd tell them what to think. Middle America worries about, is it going to rain enough for my crops, or will my cattle have enough grazing. They worry about the cost of their mortgage, the electricity bill and how much is milk going to cost next week. They want their little tax break as it may mean a new set of tires on the family car or maybe some new shoes for the kids. The very last thing on their mind is what some reporter digs up about something that happened 2 or 3 decades ago. They want their kids to be safe at school and at the mall, not what Mueller digs up. It does not concern them in the least, because they have become numb to the nonstop deluge of garbage and lies for so long.

    Most of the NYT big stories come from "unnamed sources" and you would not allow me to post something here without you being able to look it up and get it from the horses mouth. I feel the same about unnamed sources, that could mean that Hilliary is drinking vodka, sitting naked in a bean bag eating cheetos at 11pm and calling some reporter telling him/her a story to report, and then her and Bill sit back and cackle about it. Unnamed sources is not proof of any measure.

    How many times did we hear and for how many weeks did we hear it, that Tillerson was going to be fired or quit by Jan 1? How long did we hear that Trump was going to fire Mueller and he is still doing his thing without Trump interference? The media tries to steer the narrative back to the same old thing time and time again, and people are bored with it.

    The Oscar's last night had their rating go down about 15% over the already low ratings of last year, people are tired of the garbage and whining.

  4. #19
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    I heard on the radio today where the left and the Dems have lost their mind about the trade tariff and the talking head made a good point. She said that Trump is great about throwing out some outlandish demand for something to gauge the feel and to set the bar. He is a negotiator and throwing our his greatest demand first thing sets the tone for the rest of the followup bidding war. Why start at the least offer you will take and work down, start at the very top and work down from there. That way the other side can feel like they jewed you down and got a good deal, while Trump already had his sights set on something around what he finally got and everybody is happy.

    He has gotten 64% of his campaign promises fulfilled already. His approval rating is higher than Obama's was at this same point in his first year, so things are not as horribly bad as your paper might tell you it is.

  5. #20
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    Apache Junction, AZ
    Why do I think Tx actually believes all that stuff?

    "Everyday I beat my own previous record for number of consecutive days I've
    stayed alive."

    'Take care of yourself, and each other.'

  6. #21
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    Colorado Springs , Colorado
    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post

    He has gotten 64% of his campaign promises fulfilled already. His approval rating is higher than Obama's was at this same point in his first year, so things are not as horribly bad as your paper might tell you it is.
    64% fulfilled? By my count of 101 campaign promises, he has currently achieved 9, Compromised on 6, broken 6, has 31 stalled in Congress, and has 47 "in the works".

    Where did you get your information that 64% were accomplished? Is that some kind of "New Math"?

    Approval ratings equals Obama's on December 28th?

    As far as I have been able to determine he has lagged every President since polls were first taken during Ike's administration.

    Maybe you could point to the polls that show what you are claiming.

  7. #22
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    Colorado Springs , Colorado
    Quote Originally Posted by FredK View Post
    Why do I think Tx actually believes all that stuff?
    He heard it on the radio.

    I think Alex Jones was spouting that today on his Infowars program.

    Alex Jones is a true Texas hero and among his many accomplishments is the uncovering and foiling of the US Army plot to invade Texas, force Texas into the Union, arrest all firearm owners, and hold them in the basements of WalMarts during their evil Jade Helm operation.

    ( Please purchase his products today at

  8. #23
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    Still waiting to hear from you James about the things that are incorrect in that original article--and you continue to perform as usual.

    BTW----you only think you know about the people on the coasts because some talking head tells you what he wants you to "know".
    "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity, an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty” ---Sir Winston Churchill
    "Political extremism involves two prime ingredients: an excessively simple diagnosis of the world's ills, and a conviction that there are identifiable villains back of it all." ---John W. Gardner
    “You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” ---C. S. Lewis

  9. #24
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    Don't really care Dave. I guess if I really worried about what happened waaaay back when, I would got check in on it. What difference does that make today or how things have been done since Jan 20, 2017?

    Don, I quit reading at the mere mention of his income tax. That showed me it was nothing but hogwash.

  10. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by FredK View Post
    Why do I think Tx actually believes all that stuff?
    Well Fred, it is all there to see. Trump won an election where the cars were already stacked in Hilliarys favor. There was no way he could have pulled this off, but he did. Because he is not pandering to the old style politicians, the ones that regular people are damn tired of, saying everything and doing nothing.

    Get your popcorn, it is just starting.

  11. #26
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    Colorado Springs , Colorado
    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    Don't really care Dave. I guess if I really worried about what happened waaaay back when, I would got check in on it. What difference does that make today or how things have been done since Jan 20, 2017?

    Don, I quit reading at the mere mention of his income tax. That showed me it was nothing but hogwash.
    Proceed on down to the chart. You can hover over each dot and it tells the promise made and current status.

    Maybe you could refute those claims.

    And please link me to the polls to which you referred.

  12. #27
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    Naw, wasted enough of my time on what I saw. The tax returns are nobody's business but Trump and his accountants and the IRS. If he is breaking the law they will nail him, you needing to know how much he makes or is worth is none of your business.

  13. #28
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    Colorado Springs , Colorado
    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    Naw, wasted enough of my time on what I saw. The tax returns are nobody's business but Trump and his accountants and the IRS. If he is breaking the law they will nail him, you needing to know how much he makes or is worth is none of your business.
    So you are conceding your statements about promises and popularity were not based on any facts?

  14. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    Don't really care Dave. I guess if I really worried about what happened waaaay back when, I would got check in on it. What difference does that make today or how things have been done since Jan 20, 2017?
    So---why not just fess up that you make a habit of blowing smoke?

    I understand why you have such love for Trump----you are both just smoke blowers
    "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity, an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty” ---Sir Winston Churchill
    "Political extremism involves two prime ingredients: an excessively simple diagnosis of the world's ills, and a conviction that there are identifiable villains back of it all." ---John W. Gardner
    “You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” ---C. S. Lewis

  15. #30
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    Actually I have no way, nor any interest into delving into that particular story. My initial comment I still stand by, I think that anything the NYT publishes about Trump will be negative, period. That article was negative, as have just about every other thing they have put out about him. Is that considered blowing smoke in your book? In case you missed it I will say it again, anything the NYT publishes is going to be negative about Trump. That is my opinion, you do not have to like it and until they change the things they put out against him, that opinion will remain the same. Like it or not.

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