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Thread: Dick’s Sporting Goods will stop selling assault-style rifles

  1. #16
    Join Date
    This 18 verses 21 year old argument regarding if you can serve you should have it had a long ago been put away when it came to something as simple as alcohol. Yes you can be drafted and forced into the military at the age of 18 but you can't buy alcohol in any state in this Union. So what's the difference if you can't buy an AR-15 at 18. I don't get it. They're both dangerous when not used properly.
    OPINION....a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

  2. #17
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    As an afterthought after considering Ben's post I will say that when my son was at Annapolis in the Naval Academy he was issued weapons that would make the AR-15 look like Child's Play. But I'll guarantee you he never walked off the base with one of them he never walk out of the ground with one of them they had to be closely guarded and turned in and inventory every time he was never allowed to take one of those weapons with him on leave never ever.
    OPINION....a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

  3. #18
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    At one time I was oh say, 22 years old, worked in a Armory. On Friday would have a few M16's, M60's, GAU's and handguns that needed test fired after fixing, would grab 2-12 packs of bud and ammo, throw it all into my POV and take a radio and my loaded .38 revolver.....and go shoot...when down all weapons were locked up in the trunk of my car except the radio and we would drik the beer at the range & then go home.

    I would take my POV home with these weapons in it and they would stay there all weekend and went with me wherever we drove....I was armed with a 38 and had my was not a secret that this happened, if I did not do it another armor did, it had been going on for years. Clinton changed things making military bases gun free zones, making that "illegal"

    We now have the Unit Marshal program, LEOSA and a couple other programs on some military bases and Trump is making it better. Some bases allow you to carry concealed with a state issue concealed carry permit from the gate to the gas station, the grocery store, bx and such, but not to go into them.

    Under the LEOSA program a on duty cop can carry his POW to work, store it in vehicle or arms room, arm up and go to work & when they get off duty arm up again and go where they want...some bases limit where they can go, it's stupid one min you can carry a gun on duty and the net not be's changing.....

    You can be 20 years old and responsible for 3 M1A tanks and the entire crew....I know people who at the age of 19 had the sole responsibility to secure nuclear weapons they were personal responsible for a ICBM open about the 19 year old crew chief on a B 52, he makes one mistake and that plane can crash and kill everybody....Yet they can't drink....cant buy a gun, can't be trusted off base with a gun....with a beer....but ya can vote...and drive....and have a sex married and have kids...but not own a gun....that's just insane

    Quote Originally Posted by Honda View Post
    As an afterthought after considering Ben's post I will say that when my son was at Annapolis in the Naval Academy he was issued weapons that would make the AR-15 look like Child's Play. But I'll guarantee you he never walked off the base with one of them he never walk out of the ground with one of them they had to be closely guarded and turned in and inventory every time he was never allowed to take one of those weapons with him on leave never ever.

  4. #19
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    A car is dangerous when not used properly, why can you drive before your 21....

    Your cell phone is very dangerous texting while driving....

    Quote Originally Posted by Honda View Post
    This 18 verses 21 year old argument regarding if you can serve you should have it had a long ago been put away when it came to something as simple as alcohol. Yes you can be drafted and forced into the military at the age of 18 but you can't buy alcohol in any state in this Union. So what's the difference if you can't buy an AR-15 at 18. I don't get it. They're both dangerous when not used properly.

  5. #20
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    In the Village...
    Quote Originally Posted by Dork View Post
    ....I know people who at the age of 19 had the sole responsibility to secure nuclear weapons they were personal responsible for a ICBM open 19....
    I was one of them, although not an ICBM site, but a fully fueled and nuclear-armed F-105 or F-4 sitting ready to go to war on the alert pad...When off duty, I could drive to the Rod & Gun Club on base and buy a rifle and ammo on the spot...

    I never caused an incident at either location......Ben
    The future is forged on the anvil of history...The interpreter of history wields the hammer... - Unknown author...

  6. #21
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    Ben you did not become dangerous until later on in life

  7. #22
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    In the Village...
    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    Ben you did not become dangerous until later on in life
    You've been listening to my ex-wives again......Ben
    The future is forged on the anvil of history...The interpreter of history wields the hammer... - Unknown author...

  8. #23
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    Well I for one will give a big shout out to Dick's, Walmart and Google for supporting locally owned gun shops.

    Ben I would never doubt your word......maybe

  9. #24
    Wannabe is offline Nov 5, 1946 - Nov 19, 2018
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    Just now reading this thread. I guess these different retailers are trying to make a difference by raising their min. age to 21. They have the right to do so and no one should be able to force them to do otherwise. We have already been through that with the Christian baker refusing to bake a gay wedding cake. The people under 21 who want to buy a long gun will simply find a retailer who will sell them a long gun. A few retailers refusing to sell long guns to that age group will make no difference at all. But like Gandhi said (paraphrased) Anything you do will be of no consequence, but it is Very important that you do it. I hope these retailers really believe in their decision because this will effect their bottom line profits. I imagine that they have already have ran the numbers and know exactly how big a hit they will take.

  10. #25
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    Really does not do a whole lot, the kids have been hunting with their older siblings or parents for years and have access to the family gun cabinet. If they want to take somebody elses gun and go shooting that is probably fine.

    Or like the Sandy Hook shooter, he could just kill his mom and take hers. Or buy one on the street. Or use a pistol or some other method of killing. Either way, once they have decided to kill, they will find a way to do it. Columbine was during an era where "assault rifles" were banned and they used shotguns and pistols. Go figure.

  11. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    Really does not do a whole lot, the kids have been hunting with their older siblings or parents for years and have access to the family gun cabinet. If they want to take somebody elses gun and go shooting that is probably fine.

    Or like the Sandy Hook shooter, he could just kill his mom and take hers. Or buy one on the street. Or use a pistol or some other method of killing. Either way, once they have decided to kill, they will find a way to do it. Columbine was during an era where "assault rifles" were banned and they used shotguns and pistols. Go figure.
    well said
    OPINION....a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

  12. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dork View Post
    At one time I was oh say, 22 years old, worked in a Armory. On Friday would have a few M16's, M60's, GAU's and handguns that needed test fired after fixing, would grab 2-12 packs of bud and ammo, throw it all into my POV and take a radio and my loaded .38 revolver.....and go shoot...when down all weapons were locked up in the trunk of my car except the radio and we would drik the beer at the range & then go home.

    I would take my POV home with these weapons in it and they would stay there all weekend and went with me wherever we drove....I was armed with a 38 and had my was not a secret that this happened, if I did not do it another armor did, it had been going on for years. Clinton changed things making military bases gun free zones, making that "illegal"

    We now have the Unit Marshal program, LEOSA and a couple other programs on some military bases and Trump is making it better. Some bases allow you to carry concealed with a state issue concealed carry permit from the gate to the gas station, the grocery store, bx and such, but not to go into them.

    Under the LEOSA program a on duty cop can carry his POW to work, store it in vehicle or arms room, arm up and go to work & when they get off duty arm up again and go where they want...some bases limit where they can go, it's stupid one min you can carry a gun on duty and the net not be's changing.....

    You can be 20 years old and responsible for 3 M1A tanks and the entire crew....I know people who at the age of 19 had the sole responsibility to secure nuclear weapons they were personal responsible for a ICBM open about the 19 year old crew chief on a B 52, he makes one mistake and that plane can crash and kill everybody....Yet they can't drink....cant buy a gun, can't be trusted off base with a gun....with a beer....but ya can vote...and drive....and have a sex married and have kids...but not own a gun....that's just insane
    Well you're lucky you didn't get caught thank you for your service but you would have been court-martialed
    OPINION....a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

  13. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honda View Post
    Well you're lucky you didn't get caught thank you for your service but you would have been court-martialed
    It was 100% legal when I did it, everybody in the chain of command knew about it and we had to get authorization from the Commander to carry concealed on/off base in writing (forget the form number) for the guard weapon/ammo.

    Clinton put a stop to it, but I was long gone when that happened.....

  14. #29
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    Colorado Springs , Colorado
    All those kids in the military are sort of like that "Well regulated militia' mentioned in the 2nd Amendment. They are not allowed to take the tanks, airplanes, bombs, missiles, firearms, or any other weapon of war home with them. They would no longer be "Well Regulated".

    Fort Carson was locked down in a hurry when one firearm was found to be missing after a training exercise.

    Kroger sells AR-15s??? Where are they keeping them, in the vegetable aisle?

  15. #30
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    San Antonio, Tx.
    I thought this interesting pertaining to the virtue signaling being shown by large corporations bowing to the anti gun fanatics — Delta’s recision of its NRA ticket break has cost it a $50M tax break of its own, when their home state’s legislature turned their gimme down. It has now been revealed that Delta only gave the NRA ticket reduction on 13 tickets it ever sold.
    “You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.” — Too fundamental to have an attribution

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