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Thread: Another school shooting in Florida today

  1. #1
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    Another school shooting in Florida today

    Prayers go out to all of the victims, their families and friends who were also affected and all of the kids that had to live through that nitemare.

    How does a psycho full grown man walk into a school wearing a gas mask ans sporting an AR-15 not get seen? I realize he shot two people outside that saw him, but you would think the noise of a couple of 223 rounds would get somebodys attention quick. I have fired plenty of those rounds and they are not quiet.

    He pulls the fire alarm to get everyone out of their classes and then it was like shooting fish in a barrel. When are people going to learn that armed guards need to be at the entrance to a school to prevent these types of psychos from making tragedies like this happen. Pretty sad day for America.

  2. #2
    Wannabe is offline Nov 5, 1946 - Nov 19, 2018
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    Amazing how they just walk into the school. Our elementary, Jr. high, and high school's doors are locked. You are buzzed in and escorted to your destination.

  3. #3
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    Rambling between the Id and the Ego
    Fo...k the NRA
    F...K Trump and his f...ked up concerns
    F...k the Repuplican Party
    F...k your f...king prayers and your phony BS

    It way past time for some f...king gun control
    Last edited by TriGuy; 02-15-2018 at 10:21 AM.

  4. #4
    Wannabe is offline Nov 5, 1946 - Nov 19, 2018
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    Talk about phony BS, if you believed in gun control you would go turn yours in with the ammo.

  5. #5
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    Take the guns away and they use knives. One used a rented home depot truck. Whatever you decide to take away, if the person is a nutcase, they will still find a way to carry out their insane hatred to whatever end they want it to be. This kid was a nut, he was a problem child long before he carried out his slaughter, and the teachers and admins at the school knew it. He was kicked off of the campus and he was not allowed to carry a backpack when he was there.

    From the earlier rant I have reported, you could draw the same conclusion that somebody else is also teetering on the edge and should be watched.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wannabe View Post
    Talk about phony BS, if you believed in gun control you would go turn yours in with the ammo.
    Exactly....That is how the crazies are, they think everybody but them is messed up in the head. Take them away from those who are spouting garbage, as it seems that those who have no self control are the ones likely to snap. How about just remove the idiots from society, they are the ones making it hard for the "normal" sane people who go about their lives without causing any kind of mass carnage.

  7. #7
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    Rambling between the Id and the Ego
    Quote Originally Posted by Wannabe View Post
    Talk about phony BS, if you believed in gun control you would go turn yours in with the ammo.
    The next time someone shoots up a school with a flintlock, I'll turn my smoke holers the meantime, stop circling the wagons around the NRA and accept the fact that you, I and all of us are part of the problem. It's time to put the NRA and their Republican shills on short far as I'm concerned, anyone who hunts with an AR or AK, or even considers an AR or AK as a sporting rifle are idiots ....

  8. #8
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    Livermore Valley near the wine grapes
    I did some minor editing. I will let people vent for a bit while I decide what to do with this thread. Try to keep it somewhat civil.
    "The only thing that we learn from torture is the depths of our own moral depravity"

  9. #9
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    People hunt with all kinds of rifles, bows and arrows and anything else they can find that is different than the normal. Biden the VP, told everyone to get a shotgun. If I were going to do something stupid like try to kill a bunch of folks at once, that is what I would use. Everybody thinks it the "coolness" of the look of the weapon, it still only fires one single bullet with one pull of the trigger. Load a semi auto 12 ga with 00 buck, which is like 9 - 32 cal bullets, so in a flash you could send 45 bullets (out of 5 shells) downrange, in the same amount of time it took to pull the trigger 5 times on the "COOL" looking gun.

    Make a flintlock look cool and these idiots will use it, make a Daisy BB Gun look cool and they will use it, you see where this is going? It's not the gun, it is the look of coolness. That is mental, it is not the guns fault at all. He was wearing a gas mask and had gas grenades, so should we outlaw respirators?All of these whackjob shooters have one thing in common, they are mentally ill, are not socially accepted because of their idiotic ideas, and they have never been shown the correct way to own and operate a weapon.

    Back in high school, there was a gun in everybody's gun racks in the back window of their pickup trucks. Never was there one single shooting at school or anyplace else by any of us. Sure two boys may decide to throw a few punches at the fight place, but never one time did any single person grab a gun and fire at anyone. These young kids are a bunch of sissies, they never had to make themselves better or solve a problem, because there was always some bleeding heart liberal saying they needed safe spaces and names do hurt.

    Maybe the liberal idiots should take a dose of their own medicine and quit with the hatred and protests about stupid things. They preach against hate, yet they spread more hate with their rhetoric and vitriol and guess what, some younger person picks up on that and makes the problem worse. You want to change things, be nice, say something good. You want to make the next generation hate, keep spreading hate, it is as simple as that.

    I will keep my guns, thank you. Not one of them has yet shot in the direction of another human with the intent of harm. I do not need a bunch of crackpots, who preach hatred telling me that I do not need to have something that the Constitution guarantees I can have. In that amendment, it does not specifically say what types of weapon I am guaranteed to have, so I do not need any idiotic politician telling me what they think I need or what I should not own. Their ideas and truths change way to much for me to ever trust one of those snakes. A good person with a gun and training could, AGAIN, have prevented a mentally unstable person from going on a killing rampage like this one and others.

  10. #10
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    F...k your f...king prayers and your phony BS
    And I ask, what did I do that deserved that? I do feel for those who were killed and the parents and friends of those who were killed and wounded in this senseless act of violence. Are you trying to take away my free speech as well as my guns? I try to put out some prayers for people I do not even know and get attacked for it?

    That is exactly the type of crap that creates these types of problems, people spreading hate where nothing but sympathy and sincerity has been expressed. SMDH

  11. #11
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    In fact, this particular guy had been reported to the FBI for the rants he had been making...
    Last fall, a Mississippi bail bondsman and frequent YouTube vlogger noticed an alarming comment left on one of his videos. "I'm going to be a professional school shooter," said a user named Nikolas Cruz.
    The YouTuber, 36-year-old Ben Bennight, alerted the FBI, emailing a screenshot of the comment and calling the bureau's Mississippi field office. He also flagged the comment to YouTube, which removed it from the video.

    Agents with the bureau's Mississippi field office got back to him "immediately," Bennight said, and conducted an in-person interview the following day, on Sept. 25.
    "They came to my office the next morning and asked me if I knew anything about the person," Bennight told BuzzFeed News. "I didn't. They took a copy of the screenshot and that was the last I heard from them."

    FBI agents contacted Bennight again Wednesday, after a 19-year-old named Nikolas Cruz allegedly opened fire at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in South Florida, killing at least 17 people.

    In the wake of the deadly shooting, questions have emerged over whether officials and acquaintances had missed warning signs about the alleged shooter, a former student who was expelled from the high school last year for disciplinary reasons.

    Classmates, relatives, and neighbors have described Cruz as a troubled "loner" who often talked about guns and flaunted his obsession with weapons on his social media accounts. And Jim Gard, a math teacher at the school, told the Miami Herald that the teen had previously been identified as a potential threat to other students.
    Though his name matches the YouTube user flagged in September, FBI officials would not say whether they have confirmed that the account belonged to Cruz.

    But around 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday — about 30 minutes after Cruz was taken into custody by police in Broward County — Special Agent Ryan Furr with the FBI's Miami field office called Bennight and left him a voicemail.

    "I think we spoke with you in the past about a complaint that you made about someone making a comment on your YouTube channel," the agent said in the message, which Bennight provided to BuzzFeed News. "I just wanted to follow up with you on that and ask you a question with something that's come up, if you wouldn't mind giving me a ring."

    A few hours later, Bennight said, FBI agents in Mississippi visited him again in person, pressing for more information about the YouTube user Nikolas Cruz.
    "They asked me if I knew who he was. I didn't. I don't," Bennight said. "Then they left."
    Warning signs missed even though he was reported. Gives me an idea....
    Last edited by TxMusky; 02-15-2018 at 11:04 AM. Reason: forgot link

  12. #12
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    Crescent City CA. where the redwoods meet the sea.
    As a tragic event were understanding the saying, see something, report something would have gone a long way solving this problem. Guess a lot of people knew this man was a serious threat.

  13. #13
    Wannabe is offline Nov 5, 1946 - Nov 19, 2018
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    Quote Originally Posted by Polly Goodnight View Post
    The next time someone shoots up a school with a flintlock, I'll turn my smoke holers the meantime, stop circling the wagons around the NRA and accept the fact that you, I and all of us are part of the problem. It's time to put the NRA and their Republican shills on short far as I'm concerned, anyone who hunts with an AR or AK, or even considers an AR or AK as a sporting rifle are idiots ....
    Bless your little heart Polly. You are imagining things again. I never said anything about the NRA. I do not belong to the NRA. Are you going to apologize for that comment? So according to you I have an 11 year old Great Neice that is an idiot. She has been killing deer and hogs since she was 9 with an AR type 6.5 Grendel. She is also a straight A student. I'll not tell her that you think her an idiot. If I did she would want to Pray for you.

  14. #14
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    Typical liberal response......

    Need to go back on your mental health drugs......before you snap and kill people

    Quote Originally Posted by Polly Goodnight View Post
    Fo...k the NRA
    F...K Trump and his f...ked up concerns
    F...k the Repuplican Party
    F...k your f...king prayers and your phony BS

    It way past time for some f...king gun control

  15. #15
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    Yet your making a illegal shotgun in the US and brag about being a backwoods hunting guide....

    Double standards for the liberal hypocrites.....

    Quote Originally Posted by Polly Goodnight View Post
    The next time someone shoots up a school with a flintlock, I'll turn my smoke holers the meantime, stop circling the wagons around the NRA and accept the fact that you, I and all of us are part of the problem. It's time to put the NRA and their Republican shills on short far as I'm concerned, anyone who hunts with an AR or AK, or even considers an AR or AK as a sporting rifle are idiots ....

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