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Thread: The Elder Bushis accused of inappriate.....

  1. #1
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    The Elder Bushis accused of inappriate.....

    Well it seems that some people just have to get their 15 mins of fame in. A relatively unknown actress has accused the 93 year old HW Bush of touching her butt and telling an off color joke. I mean c'mon lady, really?
    A television actress has accused former President George H.W. Bush of touching her from behind while she was posing for a photo alongside him and telling her a dirty joke.
    People magazine reports Heather Lind said in a now-deleted Instagram post that the incident took place while she was posing for a photo with Bush during a promotional tour for her AMC series "TURN: Washington's Spies."

    Lind appears alongside the 93-year-old Bush, who's seated in a wheelchair, in a photo together at a Houston screening of the series in 2014.

    Bush spokesman Jim McGrath tells The Associated Press in a statement: "President Bush would never -- under any circumstance -- intentionally cause anyone distress, and he most sincerely apologizes if his attempt at humor offended Ms. Lind."

  2. #2
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    Crescent City CA. where the redwoods meet the sea.
    Wonder if anyone ever touched Hillary on the butt? Now a bunch of bull roar is all over the place, so lets really dig that deep also.

  3. #3
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    Yuck, that is a nasty thought Billy. Poor little snowflake needed some attention so she goes after a 90 year old man in a wheelchair, probably the only pass the little whiner has ever had. Pathetic.

  4. #4
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    It does really seem to be a bit of a desperate allegation. But it doesn't surprise me.
    OPINION....a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

  5. #5
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    Livermore Valley near the wine grapes
    Quote Originally Posted by Billy_Rightwing View Post
    Wonder if anyone ever touched Hillary on the butt? Now a bunch of bull roar is all over the place, so lets really dig that deep also.
    I think we can safely say that Bill hasn't in a really long time
    "The only thing that we learn from torture is the depths of our own moral depravity"

  6. #6
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    as someone who recently posted my own #metoo testimonial

    I'm really disgusted by this thread. It's stunning to me that you, any of you, would jump immediately to excusing this as made up as if her life and career are going to benefit by telling the truth.

    you pukes

    bumpersticker by NT Candy, on Flickr

  7. #7
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    Sorry you feel that way, as a father of 3 daughters and 7 granddaughters, I do not wish any harm on them. I am serious about taking care of the real molesters and rapists, that was one reason why I did not want men in the ladies restroom, girls in the boy scouts and anything else that pertains to them being exploited in any way. Having said that, accusing a 90 year old man of touching your butt, in front of his own wife and about a dozen witnesses, is not something I would take too serious 3 years after it had happened. Now if she turned around and slapped him out of the wheelchair at the time the assault occurred, more power to her.

  8. #8
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    As the old man pointed out, when you are confined to a wheel chair, that's about all that falls to hand.
    “You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.” — Too fundamental to have an attribution

  9. #9
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    Apache Junction, AZ
    Hard to justify any of this, either as a joke or the boys will be boys cr@p that's been the theme of anyone that says it happened to them. More than likely did happen and at the time some have kept quite. Now I glad a lot of this is coming out and being reported. About time people realize this has happened more than what has been reported in the past.

    Somehow the current leader has had at least 16 women complain about his antics and yet there's been no uproar, other than the usual cr@p posted here about someone looking for 15 minutes of fame.

    I'll bet most of us have done the same thing in the past and may or may not been aware of how that made the other person feel. Amazing that the net is showing more and more of the "other side" of people we hold in regard. Maybe just maybe some will get the message before Tx has to slap someone that might harm someone he knows.

    "Everyday I beat my own previous record for number of consecutive days I've
    stayed alive."

    'Take care of yourself, and each other.'

  10. #10
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    Columbia, S.C.
    Quote Originally Posted by FredK View Post
    Hard to justify any of this, either as a joke or the boys will be boys cr@p that's been the theme of anyone that says it happened to them. More than likely did happen and at the time some have kept quite. Now I glad a lot of this is coming out and being reported. About time people realize this has happened more than what has been reported in the past.

    Somehow the current leader has had at least 16 women complain about his antics and yet there's been no uproar, other than the usual cr@p posted here about someone looking for 15 minutes of fame.

    I'll bet most of us have done the same thing in the past and may or may not been aware of how that made the other person feel. Amazing that the net is showing more and more of the "other side" of people we hold in regard. Maybe just maybe some will get the message before Tx has to slap someone that might harm someone he knows.
    I'll bet most of us have done the same thing in the past
    And you'd lose the fuc%$ng bet pervert!
    This is your mind on drugs!

  11. #11
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    Fred why do you keep bring me up in the crap you post? DO you not have a solid opinion about anything that does not involve me? I have done my part, trying to protect the women and girls that are directly around me, yes I have been known to throw a punch or two at some asshole that got a little above his raising with a female. I have also seen females that put themselves into those kinds of situations on purpose. I also defended them as well, if they decided they were going to put up with something that was degrading to women in general I asked that they do it elsewhere, out of my sight.

    As far as Hollywood goes, it is hard to defend something that has been going on since silent movies were being made. The "casting couch" has been known about for just as long. Not saying it is right, just telling you the facts. I stand on the side of the females that have been wronged, but it is hard to take up for some that decide to walk down the street naked or half naked. Hard to back those who dress up as female genitalia and act foolish. Hard to back those who think it looks good to run around braless and wearing clothes that are barely covering all of the parts that make them a woman.

    Even with all of that, they deserve better than to be groped or raped and I do not stand for that. Just like I do not stand for men being allowed to be in the ladies restroom, tranny, gay or just plain pervert. Just because some people do not want respect, does not mean that innocent others should be exposed to ANY level of danger from those who would do them harm just because some political point says they have the right.

    Guys like Weinstein need to be locked in a room with Lorena Bobbitt, or if she is not available I have a few old half dull knives that I will gladly lend to anybody brave enough to hold his junk out long enough for it to be sawed off. Just to make it interesting, strip him and set him in front of a wooden table. Nail his manhood to the table, set an old butterknife next to him and set the table on fire. Let him decide his own fate, either way, he will never think of sexually assaulting another female as long as he lives.

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