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Thread: all signs point to the FBI having substantial info on the Russian connection

  1. #226
    Join Date
    All Over
    This is not a media problem. This is a liars problem. If you like being lied to and then fault those pointing it out so be it but don't expect the rest of us to drink that kool-aid.
    "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity, an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty” ---Sir Winston Churchill
    "Political extremism involves two prime ingredients: an excessively simple diagnosis of the world's ills, and a conviction that there are identifiable villains back of it all." ---John W. Gardner
    “You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” ---C. S. Lewis

  2. #227
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    Then you need to start ranting about the 500+ Congress critters that lie on an hourly basis every single day. Then in between those rants, you can take your pic of all of the liberal MSM, print as well as TV to fill in the gaps. Then we can take on those in Hollywood and the foreign liars around the world. Just think, after you have gotten through all of that, you have lost your job, your house and most of your friends because you wasted all of your time bitching about something you will never change.

    Kool-aid?, you are bathing in the brew the media is serving up and evidently do not realize it. Maybe you should make a visit to that confessional and talk to the man upstairs about judging.

  3. #228
    Join Date
    All Over
    Carry on with your fantasy.
    "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity, an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty” ---Sir Winston Churchill
    "Political extremism involves two prime ingredients: an excessively simple diagnosis of the world's ills, and a conviction that there are identifiable villains back of it all." ---John W. Gardner
    “You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” ---C. S. Lewis

  4. #229
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Grubb View Post
    Carry on with your fantasy.
    I am sure we both will my friend.

  5. #230
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    San Antonio, Tx.
    This thread early on last year took the bait from the “Trump-Russia Collusion” trope instigated by the Dirty Dossier FISA Court search warrants on Carter Page locked on by 2T and others here although they did not know from where that infamous file originated. It wandered around with allied issues and continuous calls for some proof that something nefarious happened by Trump with the Russians. Here we are months later and nothing has come forward yet, but still the same issues are pressing on the body politic.

    Now James Comey is back in the news peddling the same offal as before.

    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    ...This whole Comey deal was incredible from the beginning when he first refused to indict Hilliary. Then he brought up the whole shebang again a few days before with the same outcome. The he tries to do everything to bring Trump down as well, using nothing but lies and smoke and mirrors, as if He himself wants the job!

    I just find it interesting that Comey can read Trump's mind and find his "intent", yet could not find "intent" when Hilliary trashed over 33,000 emails the destroyed the phones with a hammer? This guy has more screws loose than a hardware store. Then he leaks information himself, when there are a zoo full of reporters standing right outside the driveway? It is not like they were not going to know where the information came from as there was only two people present at the dinner...Comey and Trump. His sanity should be questioned and I am glad he is no longer in such a high profile job, where we need a no BS kind of leader...
    We have three committee chairman demanding Comey’s alleged contemporaneous memos from his meeting with President Trump, yet the FBI/DOJ has refused to turn them over.

    Quote Originally Posted by wacojoe View Post
    Why should we take as true any "fact" reportedly in Comey's alleged memo? Remember, no one has even seen this purported document other than Comey and his buddy. Don't you find it incredible that a Senate hearing which stopped the political world occurred based largely on a document no one has seen and the author refuses to produce? WTF? Even if it exists, we have no provenance on it. It could have been created the day after he was fired rather than contemporaneously and embellished to meet Comey's self-serving desires, for all we know. If he is interested, I would like to see the Special Counsel obtain the computer upon which this document was created and track the history to see when it was composed and what changes were done and when. If the harddrive was professionally erased, ala Hillary, that would tell us a lot too, and if on a government computer, a crime in itself. Comey has a well known history of trying to excuse convenient harddrive wiping. Hey, it worked once.

    If ever there was a doubt why or should Trump have fired Comey, there is not now. If you hate and have no respect for your boss, you can expect to be fired if you lack enough self-respect to quit first. At least he doesn’t have to hide behind the curtains anymore.

    Should there ever be a charge that Comey’s firing was occasioned by Trump’s desire to interfere with his investigation and obstruct justice, this book with a dozen places in it will be prime evidence why any boss would fire such a perfidious and disrespectful underling in a New York minute. The only question is why it took longer than a minute after the guy hid behind the drapes at their first meeting. “You don’t want to be seen here, Mook, then buh-bye!”

    So why didn’t he resign. Was it to stay in power and muck up things like a true swamp creature? The guy had already pulled down millions as Director of HSBC Bank and head attorney for Lockheed Martin Corp. It’s not like he needed the job. Why work in an appointed political position under someone you detest and distrust? To cap off Comey’s motivations, he comes along and admits what they were to the Clinton stenographer, Stepanopolis, on national TV, that he felt it his mission to absolve HerSelf of obvious crimes to smooth her way to keep him running the agency to continue doing her bidding.
    “You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.” — Too fundamental to have an attribution

  6. #231
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    Crescent City CA. where the redwoods meet the sea.
    Wow what a long post, are we going to impeach him now? This thread should getter done.

  7. #232
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    I do not understand his bottom line, he got both sides mad at him, both sides wanted to get rid of him and the Dems are just mad that their old gray mare was not the one to fire him. Actually Hilliary would have fired hisass right after she took the oath of office on the coloring book.

    To have the liberals come out as all high and mighty loudly proclaiming that Comey was fired to obstruct justice, is at the very least, laughable.

  8. #233
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    I keep seeing that Comey thinks that the Russians have something on Trump... well I think that is probably the dumbest thing the left and Comey could ever come out and say. Let's take for instance that somebody in Russia did have juicy info on Trump or something Trump was involved in, Does anybody in their right mind think Trump would bomb the Russian backed Syrians??? TWICE??

    If Trump was worried about something staying hidden the very last thing he would do is to piss them off, bombing them and making their tactics and machines look like toys would surely get all of the information they had on him put on the front page of the trashy NYT paper and in the CNN newsroom before the fires from the first bomb were even out. Do libs really think about the crap they say or read?

  9. #234
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    Columbia, S.C.
    Do libs really think about the crap they say or read?
    This is your mind on drugs!

  10. #235
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    The collusion pendulum seems to have switched over to the Dems. With Comey's interview he admitted and actually showed pics of his wife and kids marching in the womens march.

    Comey did not tell Trump that the dossier came from the DNC and Clintons, when they met, though he knew it did.

    His wife admitted that she had friends that worked in the Hilliary campaign and her and her daughters really supported Hilliary and wanted her to be the first female POTUS. Now with the way he felt about his home life, and knowing that he is a weak corrupt man, he should never have been in charge of anything dealing with the DNC.

    With all of that going on in his homelife, he should have recused himself from the Hilliary investigation. Not to mention his boss Lynch was colluding on the tarmac with Bill, his FBI investigators were bending if not breaking all of the rules in her investigation, not to mention the other bozo McCabe, whose wife had taken Clinton money.

    Now in the unprecedented move, lawyer client privilege has been torched by grabbing Trumps personal attorney, being able to thumb through any and all of the personal papers between them and with the POS MSM and NYT being on speed dial, no telling what will be thrown out into the public.

    The collusion between Russia and anybody has been outed as the Clintons, no doubt about that, it is fact. Wasserman Schultz had a shady IT bunch using their secure servers, so there goes the Russian hacking claim on the DNC, it was an in house deal. All the bullcrap that has been shoveled out about the Trump Russia connection is nothing, it is all a smokescreen and people should be outraged that those in our highest law enforcement agency has been shown to be corrupt. The leadership and a few agents have been complicit in corruption and the failure to throw them out and prosecute them for their crimes is inexcusable. The whole thing is nothing short of disgusting and the American people should demand much better from their Govt service, too bad they won't, they are just as bad as those who are running a corrupt justice system.
    Last edited by TxMusky; 04-16-2018 at 11:11 PM.

  11. #236
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    I didn't really need to hear anything else from the former FBI director when he said that he didn't feel the need to inform then candidate Donald Trump that the information he was sharing with him also known as a dossier was funded by his adversary. Does that not all kind of sum it up. Maybe I'm missing something
    OPINION....a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

  12. #237
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    San Antonio, Tx.
    The real reason for Comey going to meet Trump and inform him of the charges in the Dirty Dossier was to prime the pump of the press giving them a plausible reason to publish about it. Once Comey discussed it with the President, as he did mere hours after meeting in the White House with Michael Rogers, John Brennan, and James Clapper, Susan Rice, Joe Biden, acting Attorney General Sally Yates, and Barack Obama and then a very private meeting with just Comey, Obama, Biden, Yates & Rice on January 5th, 2017, in which the plot to publicize the dossier was hatched among other plots, sitting the stage where the dossier would be fair game for the press, which had known of it for months (Steele had meetings with them and handed out copies), but could not justifiably print mere salacious rumors without a plausible reason. Once it was discussed with Trump by the FBI Director all bets were off and could be written about openly. EVERYTHING WE HAVE SEEN SUBSEQUENTLY FOLLOWED FROM THAT AS LONG AS NO ONE KNEW IT CAME FROM THE BOWELS OF THE HILLARY LIE MACHINE. Comey did his part, he mentioned the Dossier to Trump and withheld who was responsible for it.
    “You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.” — Too fundamental to have an attribution

  13. #238
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    Funny how things just seem to work out for the better. I guess that was their definition of the "high road". So for the last two years Obama's grand scheme has played out....worked out about as well as his Obamacare BS did or any other of that clowns plans did.

    I do know one thing, it was not the Russians or Facebook that made me vote for Trump, but with all of this fake crap and BS we have had to endure, I will NEVER vote for the Democrat party ever again. I do not care who is running on that side.

  14. #239
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    San Antonio, Tx.
    The bots love this thread. There have been over a hundred hits on it since I refreshed it a couple of days ago. Do you ever get the feeling the NSA has eyes on you..or is that Google? Or, it could even be the evil Russians. Hey, Ivan, we’re talking about you!
    “You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.” — Too fundamental to have an attribution

  15. #240
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    Watch Russians bearing gifts Waco, you might end up as POTUS and have the whole Country mad at you.

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