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Thread: Malhuer National Wildlife Reserve Armed Protest

  1. #196
    Join Date
    Washington State (east)
    he does have a fiction book out called "Only by Blood and Suffering". We just got it. The wife read it in one night. She said the answers to this is right there. Just wait until all the facts abiut his life etc come out. Everyone is going to be heart broken and don't forget another story is soon to come out about one of the last four occupiers. I give is less in 5 yrs this will be a great movie...just wait.

  2. #197
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    Columbia, S.C.
    Quote Originally Posted by Truckman View Post
    Here is what the BLM says: LINK...

    I'm postng this before reading it, so don't blame me for any content interpretation......Ben

    Rather interesting, thanks Ben! There is some history of cattle grazing in the west going back............way back. It talks about how the feds opened up the land to encourage people and business to move west. It also hints at what happened to the land and how they had to put some controls in place (1934) because people are not very good stewards of other peoples land. My words there but that's the gist of it.
    This is your mind on drugs!

  3. #198
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    Columbia, S.C.
    Quote Originally Posted by blaze View Post
    he does have a fiction book out called "Only by Blood and Suffering". We just got it. The wife read it in one night. She said the answers to this is right there. Just wait until all the facts abiut his life etc come out. Everyone is going to be heart broken and don't forget another story is soon to come out about one of the last four occupiers. I give is less in 5 yrs this will be a great movie...just wait.
    Amazom say's;
    Currently unavailable.
    We don't know when or if this item will be back in stock.
    Is that common? I don't know as if I've ever seen that about a book! Things that make you go hummmmmmmm.
    This is your mind on drugs!

  4. #199
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    Blaze the government owes no one a life on their land.
    They also do not deserve to give my hard earned tax dollars to welfare hounds who refuse to work but you agree with them doing that. The people own the land not the bozos in DC, and it is time they are reminded of that. The people are the govt, not the politicians.

    Not back tracking at all Fred, the federal govt gets money every day from somewhere, right? If the States are not paying it to them where does it come from? The States collect taxes, from the companies that charge taxes. The companies charge their workers payroll taxes as well as income taxes, and we all pay federal income tax come April 14th.

  5. #200
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    Amazom say's; Currently unavailable.
    We don't know when or if this item will be back in stock.

    I just downloaded it on my tablet from the Amazon Kindle books. I am an unlimited member so I got it for free. Will read it after I finish the second Jonathon Grave book, I am liking this series.

    As far as the govt ownership of lands, they do not seem to mind leasing it or outright selling it off if it suits their pocketbook. I believe I read somewhere that the feds knows of some good mineral deposits sitting right smack in the middle of the Hammond ranch and this move could be a way of forcing them off so they can take over. I do not see the whole BLM control thing at all. If there is not a line of people waiting to rent or lease the land, why are they being such jerks? If nothing but wildlife is using the land to wander around on, a bunch of cattle are not going to hurt it one bit. After all, the same wildlife used to share the same land with millions of buffaloes and there was not badge waving BLM fool trying to tell them they eat too much and their cowpies and pharts are making the earth fall out of balance with nature.

    I think it is just like any other govt fool, they get a badge and a job and have to show that they have to walk bowlegged because of their set. It is all about control, whether it be the clown on site that is in charge or a clown in DC poking their nose into something they do not understand or have a clue about.

  6. #201
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    Livermore Valley near the wine grapes
    do the Ranchers really want the Feds out of their buisness?
    "The only thing that we learn from torture is the depths of our own moral depravity"

  7. #202
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    Two different things you are comparing TG. Most ranchers are small time and are not company owned like many farms. They do not live in mansions and drive BMW's, they have a pickup truck that is used for hauling supplies like hay and feed and also is the family car. Some of those subsidies are paid to insure that meat prices are affordable to you and I. For instance, the last drought hit Texas hard and many ranchers had to sell off their herds before the cattle starved to death. That caused a glut of meat in the markets which drove prices down. In turn the ranchers had to buy new calves to furnish meat for Americans to eat or we would have to import our meat from other countries. It is a fine line to walk and it is not like the farms who are owned by large corporations, in many cases. Nor is it like the land put into CRP where they pay you NOT to plant and grow things.

    Leasing out land to graze on has been going on for many decades and is done in the private sector every day. The land is not hurt by the cattle or sheep or goats and in fact can be good for it by keeping it from being overgrown. Depending on the vegetation density there are rules for how many acres will sustain a single cow without having to buy supplemental feed. Where there is a lot of grass it may take only a few acres. In places where there is a lot of bare rocky ground, it may require 20 acres per cow to provide adequate feed. There are rules that apply to this very thing and with cattle being sold by the pound the rancher will make sure his herd has food to eat verses a dairy farm where they are mostly fed with supplemental feeds. I was raised on the ranches of west texas and ranchers are not ones to pollute or tear up good grazing lands, as that directly impacts their pocketbooks. City slickers and DC politicians would not have the capacity to understand that, but it is a very simple idea to grasp. In other words "you do not crap where you eat" would be the phrase that comes to mind.

  8. #203
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    In the Village...
    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    Leasing out land to graze on has been going on for many decades and is done in the private sector every day.
    My Dad bought 12 acres of pasture on a highway once as an investment, and leased it to a rancher behind the property for $100.00 a year...Then Dad was able to file an agriculture exemption which lowered the taxes considerably...The rancher kept the spring cleaned out and the fence in good repair...The grass was good and the cattle got fat......Ben
    The future is forged on the anvil of history...The interpreter of history wields the hammer... - Unknown author...

  9. #204
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    Washington State (east)
    Latest....tow truck driver said that truck was swiss cheesed and FBI might be pinning it on the Oregon State Patrol major f'up. Another interview with that gal said she thought one of the guys in the jeep behind was a Fed because he was adamant that the other two guys ride with Lavoy in the front truck and that really weirded her out. He was the ONLY one not jailed.

  10. #205
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    Perfect example from a trustworthy source, not a rumor from the third cousin of an ex brother in law. I can not go ag exempt on my land because I have horses....for some reason they are not considered in the same category as sheep, goats, pigs or cattle. They are considered as "pleasure animals". I am assuming that the clown writing that rule was never kicked, bitten or thrown from one of the beasts, unfortunately I have experienced all three. Been many years since I climbed back on on, that last little ride was not very much fun and the concussion stayed with me for a long time. I still lug hay and feed bags and chop the ice from the water troughs but no more trying to win a buckle.

  11. #206
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    Quote Originally Posted by blaze View Post
    Latest....tow truck driver said that truck was swiss cheesed and FBI might be pinning it on the Oregon State Patrol major f'up. Another interview with that gal said she thought one of the guys in the jeep behind was a Fed because he was adamant that the other two guys ride with Lavoy in the front truck. He was the ONLY one not arrested. Good grief!
    There is something that does not sound right with this whole deal. Usually you could pick up the supermarket tabloids and see all the pics you want, but all we are seeing is a whole lot of nothing. I still think that there were body cameras with the real footage we are not seeing and that is a large red flag to me. The feds should have come out the first day and showed the footage to prove that it went down like they say it did. I am not buying it.

  12. #207
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    The thing is we have two witnesses saying the same thing and remember the older gal was still in jail when the younger one made that statement and now we still have a white dodge pickup that is supposedly over a hundred bullet holes like these two gals say. Someone in lying because the FBI said single digit number of shots were fired at the new conference

  13. #208
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    Washington State (east)
    1,510 this is Lavoy before the shooting. Listen carefully.

  14. #209
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    well there's something wrong with that story,,, because she says she heard a shot... a shot-SINGULAR at the truck befor Finicum got out. a
    And she was in the backseat of a truck with a cap on it, between 2 others watching Finicum outside... uhhhm noooo you do not have full visibility toward the back of the truck. she's an 18 yr old supporter of their cause.. not a reliable witness.. from her angles she would have seen him exit the truck with hands up but not the rest. and even when show the video, she denies seeing him reach into his pockets.. twice.

    Teen reviews video several times

    Sharp agreed to sit with CNN and view the FBI video.

    CNN pointed out the first, then the second time on the video where viewers can see Finicum reach across his body toward that left-side pocket.

    "You know, I can't say that he was reaching for a weapon or not," said Sharp.

    She watched the video again.

    "OK, he was running through snow and it does not look like he is reaching to me. He's trying to keep his balance. He's running, I remember it. He didn't reach for anything."

    Sharp reviewed that moment several more times. Each time, CNN pointed out what looked like a reach toward that pocket.

    "I'm saying that the video does not show that he's reaching for something," said Sharp. She said she was in the truck and knows what she saw.

    the truck was not swiss cheese with all 4 others getting out alive. bullsheet

    bumpersticker by NT Candy, on Flickr

  15. #210
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    Washington State (east)

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