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Thread: Malhuer National Wildlife Reserve Armed Protest

  1. #256
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    Columbia, S.C.
    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    If they were black would we even be hearing about this? Much adieu about very little. Saw an overhead pic of the place they took over, nothing around for miles and the place was deserted. The way the media has played it out, you would think Central Park was under attack.

    I believe the takeover was more to attract attention, than to do any real harm.
    It was the only way they could get heard, so they thought. They are now in the system, kind of like an innocent man on death row, ain't nobody listening.
    Still not sure what it's all about, what is the truth? Is it that fifteen or so people give or take are in jail and one is dead because Bundy wanted to cheat the government out of grazing fees?
    This is your mind on drugs!

  2. #257
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    this is exactly how I see it.

    The long phone conversations had something for everyone. There was the irritation of listening to the occupiers complain about the possibility that they might have to surrender their guns and go to jail for, you know, breaking one or more laws, as if they didn’t truly understand the mechanics of civil disobedience. There was the surreality of Nevada Assemblywoman Michele Fiore, previously best known for being such a perfect representative of glib wingnuttery that she might have been grown in the same lab that produced Glenn Beck, putting in a heroic effort to talk the occupiers down when it looked as if they might come completely unglued and start shooting at the FBI agents surrounding them.
    But what was most obvious in the long, long list of grievances that Fry, Anderson, her husband Sean, and the fourth person, Jeff Banta, was that these were people steeped in the muddled and reactionary right-wing politics that have turned the base of the Republican Party into a stew of resentment and victimization. These were people who have spent years being told by conservative media that everyone is out to get them and everyone is stepping all over them while minorities and liberals and immigrants and jackbooted federal officers steal their jobs and their guns and turn America into a giant, sharia-ruled suburb of Tijuana.

    And now, having stood up to all those forces, the people in Malheur had been abandoned by the very groups they had been told repeatedly were with them all the way. Where were the Oath Keepers, who have sworn to defend the Constitution and have supposedly infiltrated the FBI? Where were the right-wing radio and TV hosts who spent years firing them up? Why wasn’t Sean Hannity parachuting into Oregon with a camera crew to bring the struggle to a national audience? Where were the American people, and why weren’t they storming the barricades to help these four souls who had taken a stand for everyone’s rights?

    bumpersticker by NT Candy, on Flickr

  3. #258
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    Columbia, S.C.
    Quote Originally Posted by 2ndthyme View Post
    this is exactly how I see it.
    And he ends his obviously biased opinion with
    Unfortunately if he wins,(He's talking about Trump) those of us who have always known Fox News was a scam are going to suffer too.
    If I wanted opinions I'd go to Fox news. His opinion is no better than anybody else, although it's beginning to look like he is right. They started on the wrong night "Survivor had a two parter going on. You can't have a good revolution when there are good shows on TV nobody will show up, plus it was winter on top of it, totally uncomfortable.
    Last edited by mgrist; 02-14-2016 at 12:50 PM.
    This is your mind on drugs!

  4. #259
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    Mike, salon is hardy anything but a lefty propaganda rag, basically as bad as the HuffPo when it comes to telling the truth.

  5. #260
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    Columbia, S.C.
    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    Mike, salon is hardy anything but a lefty propaganda rag, basically as bad as the HuffPo when it comes to telling the truth.
    When anybody inputs Trump and Fox news into a conversation when we're talking about ranchers and revolutions it's fairly obvious the only thing they have is an agenda.
    Thanks Tex I've actually never heard of them.
    This is your mind on drugs!

  6. #261
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    And we wonder why our Country is so messed up. People take those kinds of media as the absolute truth when all it is is a political pundit rag throwing out their own opinions. Just as silly as thinking Jon Stewart was actually a news reporter. Might as well give that title to the late night TV hosts as well.

    Back to the original topic, ABC released some video of the actual arrest where showing the arrest when Lavoy was murdered. In that clip you can see a helmet mounted camera on one of the officers, so there is video somewhere. This whole ordeal smacks of more govt and LEO corruption, yet it happened to white people so it does not matter. We white folks just have to deal with whatever happens to us as nobody will stick up for our rights. The ranchers that were the center of this whole mess did far less damage than the EPA did by releasing millions of gallons of toxic mine water waste down a river, yet we do not hear of any arrests or charges being filed against them? To send a rancher to jail for a fire that was accidental and was put out by the same people, with no damage being done other than some grass being burned, is just plain stupid. Why would we as a nation put up with that crap? Not to mention, now they decide to put them back in jail because somebody thought they needed more time? Naw, this is unfair justice plain and simple.

  7. #262
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    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    Mike, salon is hardy anything but a lefty propaganda rag, basically as bad as the HuffPo when it comes to telling the truth.
    I didn't quote or share it as evidence or fact in a debate. It was an opinion piece and I presented it as representing my opinion.

    bumpersticker by NT Candy, on Flickr

  8. #263
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    Columbia, S.C.
    Quote Originally Posted by 2ndthyme View Post
    I didn't quote or share it as evidence or fact in a debate. It was an opinion piece and I presented it as representing my opinion.
    I understood 2T, I'm thinking James did to. My emotions on this whole thing are all over the place, we as a country lost again. Yea there were some dumb ass moves, yea things should have been done differently but they were getting screwed before the take over of the refuge, they have been fighting for justice for years getting no where. An ill conceived plot/scheme to bring attention to there plight went awry and they have all lost again. It's another fine example from uncle sam for the rest of us thought, you can't fight city hall and win, in this case it's you can't fight city hall and come out alive and or free.
    This is your mind on drugs!

  9. #264
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2ndthyme View Post
    It was an opinion piece and I presented it as representing my opinion.
    As did I. I think mike had it right, something here does not line up and justice was not served long before the building was "taken over". They took it over to bring national attention to something they felt strongly about and the system seemed to reject all other pleas. The people of Ferguson, Baltimore and several other places did the same thing and it got national attention. Maybe that was what these people did, yes they were armed, but have you heard of them firing a single shot? I have read nothing of them tearing anything up or burning anything down either.

    Seemed pretty peaceful until the feds started shooting and killed a man and wounded another. These protesters know how to use weapons, if they had wanted to shoot and kill, they could have very easily done it. Any normal deer rifle will shoot further and have more knock down power than the standard .223 "assault rifle round" with the exception of the 308.

  10. #265
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    Yea Tx this Malheur case is definitely one where you would want to steer completely away from Lamestream Media...they maybe have it .0002% right so far and that's being positive

  11. #266
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    Here is the .0002% you don't get to see.

  12. #267
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    That is all touching blaze----but how does that change the fact that Mr Bundy and his gang are outlaws?
    "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity, an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty” ---Sir Winston Churchill
    "Political extremism involves two prime ingredients: an excessively simple diagnosis of the world's ills, and a conviction that there are identifiable villains back of it all." ---John W. Gardner
    “You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” ---C. S. Lewis

  13. #268
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    Washington State (east)
    Dave the only criminals in this case are the FBI, BLM, Oregon State Police, Gov Kate Brown, Judge Steve Grasty, Sheriff Ward and a few other Oregon politicians. I'll it at that. This case is far from over.

  14. #269
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    Dave, our founding fathers and those who started our Country were themselves outlaws. When those in power are corrupt, it is up to the people to right the ship. Sure, there were people who sided with the King of England when it was first started, but in hindsight, this is why we are who and what we are as Americans.

  15. #270
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    Sorry---but I am not going to cloak this bunch with the label of patriots---they are outlaws. Mr Cliven Bundy owes the Federal Government over a million dollars----doing that and then pointing a loaded gun at government agents clearly classifies them in my book.

    These people were looking for a place to pick a fight--and I guess they found it.

    The last guy to come out was some jerk from Cincinnati---really! How much do you think he knew about this "travesty of land management"?
    "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity, an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty” ---Sir Winston Churchill
    "Political extremism involves two prime ingredients: an excessively simple diagnosis of the world's ills, and a conviction that there are identifiable villains back of it all." ---John W. Gardner
    “You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” ---C. S. Lewis

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