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Thread: Malhuer National Wildlife Reserve Armed Protest

  1. #136
    Join Date
    Apache Junction, AZ
    Too bad for the guy, but I saw his hand drop twice. And they already had told them to stop 4 minutes before. As for the "almost hitting the trooper", that looked like the trooper moved into the car's way. All this from the air. think the trooper that shot first was behind him, but then I'm no expert.

    Unanswered questions were: why was the guy running, why was he afraid to go to jail, and were the statement about not wanting to be in jail and suicide by cop thing.

    As for the holdout they want to be free and that's a laugh IMHO. Do the time and man up for your actions.

    "Everyday I beat my own previous record for number of consecutive days I've
    stayed alive."

    'Take care of yourself, and each other.'

  2. #137
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    Washington State (east)
    Quote Originally Posted by FredK View Post

    Unanswered questions were: why was the guy running, why was he afraid to go to jail.
    they were going around and organizing meetings etc to prove corruption in Harney County. Evidently they had the goods on the judge. When this is said and done there will be anout 2 billions hours in the court room. I can't even wrap my brain around this thing yet. I have been following it on Facebook and other social media and its playing out LIVE righ in front or us...they had live broadcast from the wildlife refuge last night and they were shining flash lights on the drones. The FBI told them not to shoot at them because of additional charges. People were talking to them LIVE in chat and telling them to look for Lavoys gun because Bundy said he left in back at the refuge....its suspected that 9mm the feds said he had was a drop gun. Santilli is still in jail. People think he is a snitch for the Feds because he filmed this entire thing and got all those militia guys on camera saying things to incriminate them....this is one of the most bizarre cases I have heard of...wait until it all comes out becuz MSM hasn't done chit.

  3. #138
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    I'm just wondering which cable network will get the first mini-series on the air......Ben
    The future is forged on the anvil of history...The interpreter of history wields the hammer... - Unknown author...

  4. #139
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    Here is one clip I listened to "live" last nite streaming. The camera guy apologizes for the crappy stream and at the same time they are surrounded by fbi with a drone circling over head. I wonder what the Feds think about this live stream junk going in real time ....I mean this guys are sealing their fate but at the same time they are "nice" to the drone because the fbi told them to do so but at the same time those drones can help the fbi take them out...its too weird

  5. #140
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    Livermore Valley near the wine grapes
    oh the Irony: all those in custody are being represented by a Government paid Public Defender.
    "The only thing that we learn from torture is the depths of our own moral depravity"

  6. #141
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    Quote Originally Posted by TriGuy View Post
    oh the Irony: all those in custody are being represented by a Government paid Public Defender.
    Which means they will all plead out or spend a lot more time than anybody else. The public defenders work in the same office as the prosecutors and are at the bottom of the food chain.
    This is your mind on drugs!

  7. #142
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    Quote Originally Posted by TriGuy View Post
    oh the Irony: all those in custody are being represented by a Government paid Public Defender.
    they will go to bed with feds in their sleep...probably won't see this on MSM yet but the militia's and nearby residents are suppose to walk through the check point locked arm and arm and pull those 4 people the Feds read it too

  8. #143
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    Do the time and man up for your actions.
    Please refresh my memory of how many of the Ferguson and Baltimore protesters, who shut down entire cities, incited riots and burned downed the section of town they were in, ever got or served a day in jail up to this point? Maybe the militias that want to face the govt need to have a majority of black members, and they will never have to go against the threat of being shot.

  9. #144
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    This whole cluster is a prime example of our lazy do nothing congress. This thing has been brewing for yrs and I don't think a week or month goes by with these public land use issues articles in Capital Press Ag paper. You would think some smart people could come up with an acceptable plan by now but I only see this getting much worse before better...this is not over by a long shot.

  10. #145
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    Apache Junction, AZ
    Yes there needs to be a different approach to "GOVERNMENT LAND". Rip up all leases and start over with current ones and a time limit on each say 5-7 years. That way the people "renting" pay a fair share for the use.

    "Everyday I beat my own previous record for number of consecutive days I've
    stayed alive."

    'Take care of yourself, and each other.'

  11. #146
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    Yes the govt needs to release its hold on the land and give it back to the State in which the land is located. Since it is causing so many problems with them owning it, they need to get rid of it and unburden themselves of a problem that is seemingly getting worse. Again, how hord is it to lease some land that cattle graze on, even that simple task seems to hard for govt idiots to handle.

  12. #147
    Wannabe is offline Nov 5, 1946 - Nov 19, 2018
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    The Government cannot even manage themselves. To the best of my knowledge the only Government entity in to carry it's own weight and make money on our shores was the Confederate Post Office. I forget the man's name but he made money in the Conf. Post Office under dire circumstances. Most of out different agencies and alphabet places are working under the best conditions in history and cannot do it right and by that I mean for the People. And if anyone know about an office, agency or what ever that is doing a good job please let me know.

  13. #148
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    I just listened to a pod cast and they interviewed the the gal the works for the reporter Pete Santilli and the feds are throwing the book at him. Not sure why and she fears they are going to nail her too. The Feds arrested another social media reporter down there too.

    This thing is not over by a long shot. The shooting of Lavoy Finicum is not over by a long shot. Wait until the complete story of this comes out. There is way more to it. BTW Burns is completely locked down by Fed. There are 5 MRAPS parked at the airport now where the FBI has set up compound. Tomorrow the militias are setting up a protest at the court house.

    I imagine most reader here are not getting this? Mainstream media will interview the sheriff but appears to be it. The alternative media guys are driving around and showing the buildup of military rigs etc....this is so bizzare!

  14. #149
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    Columbia, S.C.
    Are there any state governments that are any better than the federal government? There is more than just leasing the land to it though, you can't just give a rancher a lease and let them go. It's seems to me if your a cattle rancher and you don't have the means to support your cattle than your doing something wrong. Why is it up to the feds to feed these guys cattle? The problem is the ranchers problem not the feds, the biggest problem we have with the fed in every walk of life is them giving away the farm, Feed your own cattle and quit expecting somebody else to do it. We holler that people need to work and feed themselves and quit relying on our taxs dollars for their checks every month but the ranchers are different? Then they want to take over government property and expect what?? Had the ranchers been black the feds would have probably built them houses on the land but they are not and need to quit acting like they are! There are different rules for different people and we all know that, ranchers included.
    This is your mind on drugs!

  15. #150
    Wannabe is offline Nov 5, 1946 - Nov 19, 2018
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    It is common practice (at least in Texas) for a rancher to lease land to graze their cattle on. It was my beleife that the ranchers were leasing the public lands to graze their cattle on. The ranchers that I know own a lot if not all the land they have cattle on. Some leased more land to run more cattle on. The land they lease is far from being abused. Some will pay to have the pasture land leveled, plowed, disced. and harrowed and will plant hay in some of their fields and get several cuttings of hay of the field if the rain falls in their favor. That same field will be fertilized several times in the hay growing season. In the fall the rancher may plant winter rye grass which will usually stay green all winter. Cattle will be turned in on the rye grass as no other grass is green.. The rancher maintains the fence and takes good care of the leased property.The people who own the pasture land mostly just sit back and collect the lease money. Taking care of this leased land puts money in the ranchers pocket. I cannot imagine that a rancher would abuse the land he is leasing.

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