hahahaha yeah I've missed you guys!

Mike, since I've been teaching adult art for a few years now I've thought alot about what we call natural artists. I had a sculptor friend who used to say all art is teachable. And while most talented ppl will claim that's not true... I really think it is.

It may be a combination of things that prevent us from trying to create but the worst one I think is when we get self critical and comparing and measuring ourselves to others.... at a certain age, all children look up and think, I'm not good at this. and artistry development ends.

I've started to really think about the way art is taught in schools and the failure of art teachers. Imagine if math or history was taught the same way? What if the algebra teachers didn't see naturally talented math minds in the room,, and just didn't bother trying to reach those who aren't?

Right now I encounter hundreds of adults in a mentoring group who say ... "I can't draw" I have proposed they switch to saying, "I don't like what I draw, yet"

I think art education has some crazy root in the mythical idea that you are either imbued with special powers or you're not... but all minds are analytical AND creative because thinking anything new requires both. we just abandon developing one side or the other at the misguided direction of education labels.