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Thread: Ruger to stop selling semi auto handguns in California

  1. #1
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    Ruger to stop selling semi auto handguns in California

    You guys seen this BS yet?
    I just saw this post by a fellow patriot on another forum I am on:

    RUGER To Stop Selling Semi-Auto Handguns In California
    January 16, 2014

    "America’s biggest civilian-market gun manufacturer has had enough of California’s nonsensical regulations and has decided it will no longer sell semi-automatic handguns in the Golden State. At least that’s the rumor floating around the 2014 Shot Show in Las Vegas as reported As a Californian and a Ruger fan-boy this has me worried and pissed off.

    The way things work here in the People’s Republic is, in order for a manufacturer to sell a handgun, it must be submitted to the Department of Justice for safety testing. Of course this isn’t s free service, gun makers must pay $200 per gun. If it passes, it makes the coveted list of approved firearms and can be sold to consumers in California. However, any variation to the gun like a different finish or alternate grips/sights, requires a new submission and another fee. It’s stupid, but Cali ain’t known for its commonsense gun laws.

    Ever year, each gun must be renewed with another fee of $200 to stay on the list and remain legal to sell. It looks as if Ruger is done jumping through the hoops and will allow all of its semi-auto handguns to drop off the list, making them unavailable to the California gun enthusiast.

    There’s actually more to this story. Starting this year, any new semi-auto that hopes to make it on the list of approved handguns must be equipped with micro-stamping technology. This is a firing pin that will stamp the serial number of the gun on the primer of a round, the idea being that cops can match crime scene shell casings to a particular gun. It’s been proven to be ineffective, but the liberals in charge think it will reduce crime.

    California takes it one step further, by requiring two micro-stamps in each gun. From what I understand, there has to be a secondary device that stamps the serial number on the side of the shell casing as well. So, in reality, there is a ban on any new model semi-autos for Californians because no manufacturer in his right mind is going to make such a weapon.

    This sucks because I love and own several Ruger firearms, but I get where the company is coming from. California is a sh*tty place to do business and even worse for the firearms industry. I kind of hope Ruger will pull a Barrett move and stop selling their guns to any California law enforcement agency. If you remember, the 50-cal sniper rifle maker has refused to sell its guns to police agencies in states that don’t allow citizens to own their guns. It’d be awesome if all gun manufacturers banded together in solidarity for the 2nd Amendment and cancelled all contracts to law enforcement in slave states.

    This announcement comes as a shock. At this rate, Californians will only be allowed to own single-shot rim fire guns in no time. Meanwhile the criminals and the cops, the only two groups that actually shoot people, will have no problem getting their hands on whatever they like."

    ~stay frosty

  2. #2
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    San Antonio, Tx.
    There's never been a red-blooded Texas boy who hasn't grown up firing about a million shots through a Ruger .22 plinker. Hope there never will be. Zero chance we will join the wussed up kook-a-zoids dominating Californicate.
    “You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.” — Too fundamental to have an attribution

  3. #3
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    ˇViva la Revolución!

  4. #4
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    I wish ALL firearms manufacturers would refuse to sell ALL of their products in ALL cities and states who choose to go beyond the federal laws. Then we'd see just how serious the residents are about gun control and see just how fast they can vote the rascals out.

  5. #5
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    San Antonio, Tx.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mike View Post
    I wish ALL firearms manufacturers would refuse to sell ALL of their products in ALL cities and states who choose to go beyond the federal laws. Then we'd see just how serious the residents are about gun control and see just how fast they can vote the rascals out.
    Making the grabbers winners will make them losers? Odd math here.
    “You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.” — Too fundamental to have an attribution

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by wacojoe View Post
    Making the grabbers winners will make them losers? Odd math here.
    The win would be very short term. Just think what will happen when the residents can no longer buy any guns at all. No ammunition. No spare parts.

    The folks that normally don't go to the polls will come out in droves to vote the grabbers out of office. If bubba can't buy ammo to shoot at the stop sign down the road, he's going to vote and it won't be for the grabbers.

  7. #7
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    San Antonio, Tx.
    My observation is that we never seem to get back prerogatives and rights surrendered to those who know best for us. Fight like hell to keep what we have.

    My list of what authoritarians and Statists want first and most:

    ☼ Remove and bar weapons from general populace;
    ☼ Print money at whim;
    ☼ Command & Control access to energy;
    ☼ Command & Control healthcare of citizenry making them central repository of citizens' healthcare to which all must prostrate and beg for relief;
    ☼ Control communications.

    How are they "progressing" with that list to grab you by the 'nads and squeeze? For each incremental appropriation of power of their goals, how much has been reacquired by the individual once ceded to the hive of the state collective? Only in the last (communications) are we seemingly holding our own, as illustrated in part by this board. That is our biggest advantage in the struggle to keep freedoms.

    "They mean to be good masters, but they mean to be masters." Daniel Webster
    Last edited by wacojoe; 06-03-2014 at 09:13 AM.
    “You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.” — Too fundamental to have an attribution

  8. #8
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    I agree, however, this would be a boycott by the manufacturers, not a law. The boycott could be lifted at any time the manufacturers choose.

  9. #9
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    Clean up the gene pool and shake up the nation. Vote against ALL incumbants at the next election.

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