Quote Originally Posted by Kevin View Post
That brings up an interesting point, haikon: what do you see as the likely scenario in your SHTF model?

I don't see an invasion by a foreign army, nor a turning of our own government into a dictatorship. While anything is possible, I don't think it is likely.

More likely, to me, is an economic collapse of some sort, where normal means of obtaining food or heat/lights is interrupted for a time, maybe a protracted time period.

So for me, guns and ammo are useful for obtaining meat by shooting game. Maybe some protection in case regular law enforcement is unavailable or ineffective.

I also don't see myself forting up in the woods or hinterlands, building a stronghold and going it alone. As I said, my relatives have had some experience with this and what got them through is to go smaller and local, but not individualistic. They grew their own food with their neighbors, protected themselves with their neighbors, cared for their sick with their neighbors - lots of things are a lot easier when you go micro but not singular.

So that's the scenario I'm planning for. I have a camp in the woods with neighbors within walking distance (though a fair bit of walking is necessary). Game, water, wood, land to grow things but enough people to help if needed when I'm sick or whatnot. I get by with a little help from my friends...
I dont see any monetary value in silver or gold in these scenarios. survival does not depend on pretty objects when they weigh you down needlessly. You wont be able to buy food or water with something that will have no value in a bartering system, so bullets and labor will be a big factor.

my personal idea of wahts coming faster than we realize