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Thread: F the tea party ann F the ultra left

  1. #1
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    F the tea party ann F the ultra left

    That is where I am............

  2. #2
    DanH's Avatar
    DanH is offline Sept. 06, 1927 - May 24, 2018
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    Wackos on both ends of the spectrum

  3. #3
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    Livermore Valley near the wine grapes
    Quote Originally Posted by chew 'n' spit View Post
    That is where I am............
    I knew there was a reason I liked you
    "The only thing that we learn from torture is the depths of our own moral depravity"

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by chew 'n' spit View Post
    That is where I am............
    I knew we would meet up sooner or later.
    Extremists on either side of the political spectrum is bad.


  5. #5
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    Few things are all good or all bad and these two are no different.

    I'll ignore the ultra left--which is what they deserve---but the Tea Party has potential.

    However, until they gain enough maturity to move from ideologues to pragmatists they might continue to influence the discussion for a time but have limited influence beyond that. If they can't manage that transition they will fade quickly.

    They need to stop acting like spoiled kids with a new toy.
    "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity, an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty” ---Sir Winston Churchill
    "Political extremism involves two prime ingredients: an excessively simple diagnosis of the world's ills, and a conviction that there are identifiable villains back of it all." ---John W. Gardner
    “You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” ---C. S. Lewis

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fulltimer View Post
    I knew we would meet up sooner or later.
    Extremists on either side of the political spectrum is bad.

    +1 from here.

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  7. #7
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    "Extremism In The Defense Of Liberty Is No Vice."

    Believed it the first time I voted, and believe it now.
    “You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.” — Too fundamental to have an attribution

  8. #8
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    Well I'll tell you where I am.. given that people on the far right and the far left believe in their ideals and are not willing to compromise on them to me shows strength of conviction, on either side. Take abortion as an example. If you are for it, you are for it. If you are against it you are against it. If you're kinda wishy washy on it, then grow a set and take a stance. Same with gun control, or any other agenda really. If you are "moderate", then what do you really believe in, and how much are you willing to compromise your beliefs? If you are willing to compromise them, then how much do you really believe in them? Yes, the extremes on either side make it harder to get things done, but I for one admire their ability to take a stand for what they believe...
    "Illegal Immigrant" is not a race....

    ‎"We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion . . . Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." ~John Adams

  9. #9
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    where the deer and the antelope play (no, *not* Texas!)
    If you are "moderate", then what do you really believe in
    I can't believe there is still confusion about this.
    Moderate does not mean someone is on the fence, or lacks conviction or something. It just means that rather than believing an issue is a black and white you realize the world doesn't actually work that way.

    Taking your abortion example. There are those who think abortion is NEVER ok. Ever. There are those who think it should ALWAYS be an option, no strings attached.
    However, most people fall somewhere in between those two extremes. The mother's life is at stake. The mother was raped by her own father and would never be able to bear to carry the evidence of that. Allowed, but only after extensive counseling. Allowed, but only with parental permission. Etc, etc.

    Just because one can see that there might be reasonable exceptions or limitations doesn't mean they haven't taken a stand. It means they understand that most of life is not a simple, cut-and-dried yes or no.
    ~*~ Erin ~*~

    Some people do what they they've gotta do to live where they wanna live. Others live where they have to live to be what they want to be. --Baxter Black.

  10. #10
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    So like I said, it becomes a matter of how much you will compromise. If you think abortion is wrong, but are ok with allowing it in the situations you pointed out, then you are willing to compromise your beliefs that it is wrong if those factors are part of the equation. And that's fine, but is is also fine for people to not want to compromise. Everyone is different.
    "Illegal Immigrant" is not a race....

    ‎"We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion . . . Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." ~John Adams

  11. #11
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    where the deer and the antelope play (no, *not* Texas!)
    then you are willing to compromise your beliefs
    No, that isn't compromising your beliefs.

    That IS your belief.
    Believing that abortion is wrong, but should be allowed when the mother might die is not a compromise. That's the belief.
    ~*~ Erin ~*~

    Some people do what they they've gotta do to live where they wanna live. Others live where they have to live to be what they want to be. --Baxter Black.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Erin View Post
    No, that isn't compromising your beliefs.

    That IS your belief.
    Believing that abortion is wrong, but should be allowed when the mother might die is not a compromise. That's the belief.
    Keep telling yourself that, but in your own statement you state "believing that abortion is wrong, but" ... "but" is a compromise. Anytime you make exceptions to something it is a it with someone else or with yourself
    "Illegal Immigrant" is not a race....

    ‎"We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion . . . Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." ~John Adams

  13. #13
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    where the deer and the antelope play (no, *not* Texas!)
    My apologies. Perhaps my example would be more accurate if I'd said "abortion should be allowed only in the most dire of circumstances."

    I think maybe you just don't understand what "compromise" means...
    ~*~ Erin ~*~

    Some people do what they they've gotta do to live where they wanna live. Others live where they have to live to be what they want to be. --Baxter Black.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Erin View Post
    My apologies. Perhaps my example would be more accurate if I'd said "abortion should be allowed only in the most dire of circumstances."

    I think maybe you just don't understand what "compromise" means...
    I know exactly what compromise means. And saying abortion should only be allowed in certain circumstances, means is wrong and should not occur except....which is a compromise on it's being wrong. Note that I'm not criticizing here, I compromise on that belief too. I think it is wrong, but m willing to compromise for the circumstances where it is a risk to the mother's life. I am also willing to compromise for the morning after pill for rape victims...those are my compromises. I just recognize them for what they are...regardless of how you phrase it to make it more palatable.
    "Illegal Immigrant" is not a race....

    ‎"We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion . . . Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." ~John Adams

  15. #15
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    where the deer and the antelope play (no, *not* Texas!)
    No, you're saying that purple is a shade of red.

    I'm saying it's a color of its very own.
    ~*~ Erin ~*~

    Some people do what they they've gotta do to live where they wanna live. Others live where they have to live to be what they want to be. --Baxter Black.

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