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Thread: F the tea party ann F the ultra left

  1. #16
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    If against something, it is not because it is right to you, it is because it is wrong to you. Making exceptions that then make it ok is making a compromise. You can call it what you want and tell yourself whatever you need to, but it's what it is...
    "Illegal Immigrant" is not a race....

    ‎"We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion . . . Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." ~John Adams

  2. #17
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    It's unfortunate that the tea party is labelled as a socially conservative group - it's fiscally conservative. Reducing the size of government, reducing crippling taxes isn't hateful, evil, or mean spirited. I'm surprised that the tea party can be so easily redefined by the MSM and progressives - who's forefathers must have been loyalists during the American Revolution.

  3. #18
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    where the deer and the antelope play (no, *not* Texas!)
    Making exceptions that then make it ok is making a compromise
    No, you're still not understanding the usage of the word.

    There are no exceptions. It's part of the definition.
    Going back to your abortion example again, the "exception" as you're calling it, is actually part of the belief.
    That is, believing that abortion should be an option in extreme cases. That's not a compromise. That IS the belief. Someone who thinks it should NEVER be an option is more extreme. That's THEIR belief.
    Someone who thinks abortions should be allowed in most cases with a requirement for ultrasound prior to the procedure has that as THEIR belief. Etc.
    None of these are compromises of any sort. It's part of the belief system itself.

    A compromise would be when someone thinks that abortion should only be allowed in the case of rape/incest or maternal danger, but they concede to legalized abortion because abortion would occur whether legal or not and legality allows for safer procedures.
    They don't like the fact that they had to give in. They think in the ideal world it would only be used as a last resort.

    Moderates are not compromising anything.
    They simply don't believe in the extremes...
    ~*~ Erin ~*~

    Some people do what they they've gotta do to live where they wanna live. Others live where they have to live to be what they want to be. --Baxter Black.

  4. #19
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    Whatever lets you sleep at night....
    "Illegal Immigrant" is not a race....

    ‎"We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion . . . Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." ~John Adams

  5. #20
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    I despise extreme politics. I am sure there are good well intentioned folks in both the Tea Party and the extreme Left, I just have a hard time discerning who they are therefore I don't like either. I really am troubled that we are in a period of history that you almost have to be an extremist to get elected. I have always described myself as fiscally conservation and socially moderate, and I feel like I have no where to go these days.

  6. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by chew 'n' spit View Post
    I despise extreme politics. I am sure there are good well intentioned folks in both the Tea Party and the extreme Left, I just have a hard time discerning who they are therefore I don't like either. I really am troubled that we are in a period of history that you almost have to be an extremist to get elected. I have always described myself as fiscally conservation and socially moderate, and I feel like I have no where to go these days.
    If you look to moderates for an answer you'll have a long wait. Tea Party folks aren't the extremists they're made out to be, rather the Tea Party is being redefined by those wishing to marginalize the Tea Party. Our Founding Fathers stood for the same beliefs the Tea Party does, are they radical extremists by today's measure, and if so, how did America lose it's very basis for existence?

  7. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Greenie View Post
    If you look to moderates for an answer you'll have a long wait. Tea Party folks aren't the extremists they're made out to be, rather the Tea Party is being redefined by those wishing to marginalize the Tea Party. Our Founding Fathers stood for the same beliefs the Tea Party does, are they radical extremists by today's measure, and if so, how did America lose it's very basis for existence?
    You made my point I have no way to look, but I don't give the Tea Party quite the credit you do i.e. having the wisdom of the founding fathers. I see it more as a grass roots right wing movement that is feeding off of O's incompetence.

  8. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by chew 'n' spit View Post
    I have always described myself as fiscally conservation and socially moderate, and I feel like I have no where to go these days.
    That's a good fit for the Tea Party. Give it a real look and don't believe what the media says. Try THIS LINK.

  9. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike View Post
    That's a good fit for the Tea Party. Give it a real look and don't believe what the media says. Try THIS LINK.
    Mike if that were all there was to it, I would be all in, but hidden among those high ideals is an ultra right agenda, so I am unimpressed. Again, I find this apparent extremism at least in mind mind, despicable on both sides. In the end, I know I am going to have to hold my nose and vote, like the last five elections. I voted for Carter, yes I admit it, why, because he was from the south, last naive vote I have made, and last one I will ever make, but then again I was young and dumb.

  10. #25
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    What hidden agendas have you concerned? I havent heard of any that stand out other than the usual left wing rants about bible thumpers and anti abortion crowds, but then again they say that about everybody the isnt a Dem. TEA stands for "Taxed Enough Already" and other than a few crackpots trying to convince folks that the TEA party is going to outlaw abortions, Make it law that you attend church on sundays, or bring back prohibition I cant see anything that is remotely close to the damage that the Dems and Leftys want to do.

    I mean when their agenda goes so far as to put extreme rules on farmers to control dust on farms and handicap businesses from competing with a global market while making sure that unions can bankrupt most companies with wages and benefits packages that are now bringing down State and Local govts and the US Postal Service, that is extreme. A little common sense is called for in these situations and the left has shown no desire to use it in their rush to bring about our downfall in their short term at "driving the bus". Look at what the Socialist, Marxist, what ever "ist" you want to call it, have done to the European countries that many on the left want us to be like. America wasnt founded on those principles, we have always been different and that is why we have been so successful in our short time as a country. Americans are leaders, not followers and our way of thinking is not geared to conforming to what somebody else does. The Chinese invented fireworks but America is the only country to put a man on the moon, the British empire used to run half the world, yet they needed us to help them survive 2 world wars, Americans are the inventors of many technologies that most countries copy. That comes from being different, even our people are different made from a mix of all other countries. To be American you can be Chinese, Korean,English,German, Irish, African, French, name it and it still counts as being an American, different separate but equal and we are all proud of it.

  11. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    What hidden agendas have you concerned? I havent heard of any that stand out other than the usual left wing rants about bible thumpers and anti abortion crowds, but then again they say that about everybody the isnt a Dem. TEA stands for "Taxed Enough Already" and other than a few crackpots trying to convince folks that the TEA party is going to outlaw abortions, Make it law that you attend church on sundays, or bring back prohibition I cant see anything that is remotely close to the damage that the Dems and Leftys want to do.

    I mean when their agenda goes so far as to put extreme rules on farmers to control dust on farms and handicap businesses from competing with a global market while making sure that unions can bankrupt most companies with wages and benefits packages that are now bringing down State and Local govts and the US Postal Service, that is extreme. A little common sense is called for in these situations and the left has shown no desire to use it in their rush to bring about our downfall in their short term at "driving the bus". Look at what the Socialist, Marxist, what ever "ist" you want to call it, have done to the European countries that many on the left want us to be like. America wasnt founded on those principles, we have always been different and that is why we have been so successful in our short time as a country. Americans are leaders, not followers and our way of thinking is not geared to conforming to what somebody else does. The Chinese invented fireworks but America is the only country to put a man on the moon, the British empire used to run half the world, yet they needed us to help them survive 2 world wars, Americans are the inventors of many technologies that most countries copy. That comes from being different, even our people are different made from a mix of all other countries. To be American you can be Chinese, Korean,English,German, Irish, African, French, name it and it still counts as being an American, different separate but equal and we are all proud of it.
    I am sorry that many of my friends here do not see the Tea Party as extreme, I just have to speak my mind as to how I feel. I also appreciate that I am not being attacked for what I think, hell if I were going after the left I would be attacked and berated. I am evaluating, but to ease minds that even care I will not vote for O.

  12. #27
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    In the Village...
    Quote Originally Posted by chew 'n' spit View Post
    I will not vote for O.
    I think we knew that part......Ben
    The future is forged on the anvil of history...The interpreter of history wields the hammer... - Unknown author...

  13. #28
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    Well, in this information age with internet access and 24 hr news cycles, the days of a perfect candidate without some type of baggage is over. It's always been that way of course, it's just that things that used to be able to be hidden, cannot be anymore.
    "Illegal Immigrant" is not a race....

    ‎"We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion . . . Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." ~John Adams

  14. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Truckman View Post
    I think we knew that part......Ben
    Damn am I that

  15. #30
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    Houston, Tx
    Quote Originally Posted by chew 'n' spit View Post
    I will not vote for O.
    we'd have to disown you if you were to do that .

    the question comes from those who are truly moderate, like Tx, and Grist, and Dave, as to whether theyd suck up their hatred for Texas and vote for Perry if it meant removing O from office, just like we had to do with that weakling of a candidate in McCain.
    Guns don't kill people. Zombies kill people.

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