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Thread: Islam: This guy nails it !

  1. #1
    DanH's Avatar
    DanH is offline Sept. 06, 1927 - May 24, 2018
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    Islam: This guy nails it !


  2. #2
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    Hard to find any argument with what he said...of course they'll probably issue a fatwa saying he should be beheaded...
    "Illegal Immigrant" is not a race....

    ‎"We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion . . . Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." ~John Adams

  3. #3
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    Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada
    I give the rant a +4 out of a possible 10.

    Lots of sarcasm, and I could have given it as much as an +7 or even +8.

    But too many blanket statements that do not apply nearly as universally as he would have you believe, shot down at least 3 points worth of his credibility to where only a true xenophobe would actually believe everything he was saying was true.....


  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by RED-PSD-VAN View Post
    I give the rant a +4 out of a possible 10.

    Lots of sarcasm, and I could have given it as much as an +7 or even +8.

    But too many blanket statements that do not apply nearly as universally as he would have you believe, shot down at least 3 points worth of his credibility to where only a true xenophobe would actually believe everything he was saying was true.....

    Care to point out the parts you disagree with, or are you just mudslinging?
    "Illegal Immigrant" is not a race....

    ‎"We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion . . . Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." ~John Adams

  5. #5
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    Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by LawDog View Post
    Care to point out the parts you disagree with, or are you just mudslinging?

    Where did that come from.......?

    Claims not true? - How about: - All Muslims treat their women as second class citizens - or worse.

    Simply is not true.

    And you should know better than to think it is.


  6. #6
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    San Antonio, Tx.
    Be easy on Gary, guys, if he agreed any more than he admits he will run afoul of the Canadian Human Rights Commission which prosecuted Mark Steyn to the 'nth degree for much milder stuff before they lost for the only time in their infamous history. I doubt poor Gary has the legal talent and wallet to fight his country's kowtowing to Muzzie sensibilities.
    “You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.” — Too fundamental to have an attribution

  7. #7
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    Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by wacojoe View Post
    Be easy on Gary, guys, if he agreed any more than he admits he will run afoul of the Canadian Human Rights Commission which prosecuted Mark Steyn to the 'nth degree for much milder stuff before they lost for the only time in their infamous history. I doubt poor Gary has the legal talent and wallet to fight his country's kowtowing to Muzzie sensibilities.
    Where did you read that? - Faux News?

    Are you sure they weren't lying to you?

    Canada has laws against hate crimes.

    You defame and insult a group of our citizens, which Steyn clearly has, they have every right to complain and hold you accountable.

    That he got off, only shows that much of what he said was actually true, and that our system worked exactly as it should have......


  8. #8
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    East of the sun - West of the moon
    Nothing more than rhetoric on the same olde theme.

    This vid has been around for 4 or 5 years - same guy spouts same stuff. - It has NOT happened yet.

    I debated a like thyme a couple of months ago with Dan, wherein I gave a point by point rebuttle on a so-called letter to the editor with a lot of outlandish claims.

    It's strictley hate mail/video - you can find it all over some of the garbage sites - you don't even have to dig too deep.

    Nice try but I vote it -1 on the scale.

    Keep with the BIG AZZ girls Dan.

    I have lived MOST of my life W. B. G. (well before Googgle)

  9. #9
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    San Antonio, Tx.
    Who is that guy? I would like to see some more of his vids.

    And, yeah, that's hate speech...j-u-s-t-i-f-i-e-d hate speech...and what's wrong with that? Would the "Hate Crimes Laws" of Canada and other do-gooder states prosecute me if I showed up there carrying a sign hating skin-heads and other nazis? Face it, some things need, have earned and deserve hate. Islam has engendered actions inimical to civilized thought and life like no other since Jesuits hundreds of year ago, which various orders and clans of these barbarians have done consistently for 1200 years continuing as we speak. Today, one has but to draw a circle around Mohammedan dominated regions in the Middle East and borders (plus an enclave notable for barbarity in the Philippines), and it will be a demarcation of a Ring Of Religious Fire perpetrated in one direction — violence from Islamic Jihadists toward anyone & everyone else — punctuated by random beheadings, bombings of civilians, shootings and mayhem of all descriptions. A sizable percentage of Muslims variously estimated to be anywhere from 10% minimum up to 20%, want fervently and assiduously to murder, maim and destroy me, mine and my dog. If that doesn't deserve my hate, then nothing does.

    The abuses of women common among Islamics everywhere even if not universal is but one aspect of this religion that earns opprobrium. The list is too long and too well-known to need repeating here. You all know what they do to earn our disgust. If you think they deserve a chance to "grow out of it" like the afore-mentioned jesuits did, you must be forgetting they have had 1200 years to do that and it is only getting worse lately as weapons to prosecute their Jihad have become easier to get and more deadly. We can all hardly wait until the Shiites, who comprise half of the scourge, in Iran who believe their six year-old 12th Imam has been hiding in a well since the 7th century (to illustrate their rationality), get nuclear weapons to pave the way for His return. Nitwits with Nukes, Oh, Great!

    SBA is dead-on.
    Last edited by wacojoe; 03-30-2011 at 09:26 AM.
    “You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.” — Too fundamental to have an attribution

  10. #10
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    In the Village...
    Quote Originally Posted by wacojoe View Post
    Islam has engendered actions inimical to civilized thought
    I learned a new word this morning and it's not even 9:00 yet......Ben
    The future is forged on the anvil of history...The interpreter of history wields the hammer... - Unknown author...

  11. #11
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    Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by bigbluthundr View Post
    Nothing more than rhetoric on the same olde theme.

    This vid has been around for 4 or 5 years - same guy spouts same stuff. - It has NOT happened yet.

    I debated a like thyme a couple of months ago with Dan, wherein I gave a point by point rebuttle on a so-called letter to the editor with a lot of outlandish claims.

    It's strictley hate mail/video - you can find it all over some of the garbage sites - you don't even have to dig too deep.

    Nice try but I vote it -1 on the scale.

    Keep with the BIG AZZ girls Dan.

    How true!

    Thank you!


  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by RED-PSD-VAN View Post

    Claims not true? - How about: - All Muslims treat their women as second class citizens - or worse.

    Simply is not true.

    And you should know better than to think it is.

    Tell that to the women that get raped over there, and then get beaten or stoned if they don't have 4 witnesses to it to prove they weren't just having sex....
    Tell that to the women who get beaten if they go outside without their burkhas.
    Tell that to the victims of honor killings.
    Tell that to the young ones promised to old men in arranged marriages

    Muslim's respect their Jack Nicholson says...."Sell crazy somewhere else...."
    "Illegal Immigrant" is not a race....

    ‎"We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion . . . Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." ~John Adams

  13. #13
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    Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by wacojoe View Post
    Who is that guy? I would like to see some more of his vids.

    And, yeah, that's hate speech...j-u-s-t-i-f-i-e-d hate speech...and what's wrong with that? Would the "Hate Crimes Laws" of Canada and other do-gooder states prosecute me if I showed up there carrying a sign hating skin-heads and other nazis? Face it, some things need, have earned and deserve hate. Islam has engendered actions inimical to civilized thought and life like no other since Jesuits hundreds of year ago, which various orders and clans of these barbarians have done consistently for 1200 years continuing as we speak. Today, one has but to draw a circle around Mohammedan dominated regions in the Middle East and borders (plus an enclave notable for barbarity in the Philippines), and it will be a demarcation of a Ring Of Religious Fire perpetrated in one direction — violence from Islamic Jihadists toward anyone & everyone else — punctuated by random beheadings, bombings of civilians, shootings and mayhem of all descriptions. A sizable percentage of Muslims variously estimated to be anywhere from 10% minimum up to 20%, want fervently and assiduously to murder, maim and destroy me, mine and my dog. If that doesn't deserve my hate, then nothing does.

    The abuses of women common among Islamics everywhere even if not universal is but one aspect of this religion that earns opprobrium. The list is too long and too well-known to need repeating here. You all know what they do to earn our disgust. If you think they deserve a chance to "grow out of it" like the afore-mentioned jesuits did, you must be forgetting they have had 1200 years to do that and it is only getting worse lately as weapons to prosecute their Jihad have become easier to get and more deadly. We can all hardly wait until the Shiites, who comprise half of the scourge, in Iran who believe their six year-old 12th Imam has been hiding in a well since the 7th century (to illustrate their rationality), get nuclear weapons to pave the way for His return. Nitwits with Nukes, Oh, Great!

    SBA is dead-on.
    There are several 'problems' with your approach.

    The biggest one is that it paints ALL muslims with the same brush.

    A brush that is typically only justified when discussing a minority of zealots; fanatics and terrorists within some muslim nations.

    EVERY ONE of the complaints you listed can be found in people of all western nations, as practiced by our own class of people who abuse women; are perverts or pedophiles; fanatics and even terrorists.

    Would you have any problem if other nations included you as the same as those few among us....???

    Where you have the biggest problem is that there are many if not the majority of muslims who are moderates, do not support of act in the negative manner they have been accused of, and are not enemies of our culture.

    By ignoring that reality, do you not see any problem with paintaing all with the brush of only some.......?

    My experience with the Americans I have met and work with daily is that most Americans actually know very few muslims.

    It seems all they know is what the media pictures them. (All too frequently with a sensationalized perspective, and a distorted reality - becuase that's what sells....!!)

    Yes the fervent muslims try to integrate their secular lives with their religious beliefs, but claims that they all are abusers of human rights, women, children, and that they only follow sharia law, and support the over-throw of western society through terrorism, is frankly a total and blatent lie.

    All the muslims I have worked with are reasonable and peace-loving model citizens. We have A LOT in our area, (as well as people from everywhere else in the world......), and most are well-integrated high achievers within our culture.

    As an example, my (former) neighbour is very much a practicing muslim and close friend, and has used her initiative to progress in her field through senior VP positions in IBM Canada, followed by even more senior VP positions with Microsoft at their Seattle headquarters.

    Her banker husband (Muslim too) has had similar success within the banking industry.

    Do these people sound like the women-hating terrorists you characterize muslims as being?

    They are not exceptions, as I have worked with muslims in senior management positions who are as 'western' in their views as anyone else here, even though they have often immigrated to here only relatively recently.

    If you weren't so wrong in your vioews I would let it go.

    But you clearly are...


  14. #14
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    Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by LawDog View Post
    Tell that to the women that get raped over there, and then get beaten or stoned if they don't have 4 witnesses to it to prove they weren't just having sex....
    ALL MUSLIMS do that???


    We have rape and crimes agains women here as well as you have it where you live.

    You comfortable of being accused of being a mysogynist and a women hater, even though only some people where you live are like that...??

    Quote Originally Posted by LawDog View Post
    Tell that to the women who get beaten if they go outside without their burkhas.
    You have no women who are assaulted or have crimes committed against them where you live?

    There are some parts of the US where men will not go unarmed at night.....

    Try again!!

    Quote Originally Posted by LawDog View Post
    Tell that to the victims of honor killings.
    So they ALL do that?

    Get real........!

    Next you will be trying to tell me people don't commit murder in the US....!!

    Good luck with that!!

    Quote Originally Posted by LawDog View Post
    Tell that to the young ones promised to old men in arranged marriages

    Muslim's respect their Jack Nicholson says...."Sell crazy somewhere else...."
    There are many places in the world that practice arranged marriages. - Not just muslim nations either.

    There are even places in the world where men mave multiple wives, and there are problems with child abuse and refusing to send them to school.

    Is UTAH and other states close enough to home for you....

    You really think you can make a case for the claim that all muslims abuse women.......??

    Try again, because your first attempt failed miserably....


  15. #15
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    Yeah, women get raped here, but I have have yeet to see one beaten for it because she didn't have 4 witnesses.....nice try.
    Honor killings here are not permitted, they are prosecuted....
    And polygamy is illegal in Utah...
    "Illegal Immigrant" is not a race....

    ‎"We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion . . . Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." ~John Adams

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