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Thread: Just saw an AD for Palin

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Middletown NJ
    And if you say it enough people might actually start believing it. Not this person though.

    Funny how these republicans mentioned in this article are backed by the tea party which is NOT A THIRD PARTY.

    Try as you might you cannot convince me it is a third party or any other person who is smart.

  2. #17
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    WTF is wrong with 2 sets of people having some of the same ideas and principles? Is there some law against this I missed? Who cares....I'm pretty sure that neither one of them need your silly approval to run anything. You and the rest of the slackers are going to see what happens when you piss enough good people off. We have been taken advantage of for long enough and since that prick Obozo couldnt hold his word and the Repubs are almost as useless, then another group will step in and fill the bill.

    Who cares what the name is as long as the message that the masses want to back is what they are saying. Obama promised the junkies and meatheads a whole pack of lies and you morons fell for it, hook line and sinker. You claim to be so smart, but the math that was needed to figure all that was promised vs all that could be accomplished was way off and could never add up. The lying bastards got caught, and couldnt make the majority of the people fall for the same BS and now will pay for it with their jobs. Too bad our grandchildren will also pay for the stupidity of their parents and grandparents who were not smart enough to figure out that they were being duped.

    Dont worry tho, the ones who have figured it out and the ones who saw it coming all along are working tirelessly to rectify the stupidity of 2 years ago.

  3. #18
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    Mesa, Arizona
    Quote Originally Posted by Compu Doc View Post
    The "Tea Party" is not in any way shape or form a third party. It consists of all republicans. All she is doing is putting sheepskin on them and calling it something else. Now if they all want to drop their memberships from the RNC then sign on with the tea party as a third party then I can somewhat believe it to be a third party.

    Now that I think about it maybe not putting sheep skin on but putting lipstick on a pig

    [edited by Mike]
    Since this is not the political jokes forum, the image posted here was not appropriate. Feel free to post it in the proper forum.
    Similar to the democrats not being a real party, either. They are just recloaked Socialists. What you are missing is that the tea party is a group of people that are agains tthe same old thing, that has been happening in Washington for years. If the democratic party was the same democratic party that existed prior to 1960, it would be sorely tempting to look at voting for them. That version of the Democratic party understood that businesses needed money to grow and prosper. Let alone all the other social programs that have been instituted in the past 40 years.

    As for McCain Palin, I voted for them because I had greater hope that they would be successful in running the country then the bumbling fools that are currently inflicting their ideals on the nation.
    If you don't make someone elses life better, what good is yours?

    Weighty decisions are easy to make, when you aren't burdened by all the necessary information

    The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings. The inherent virtue of communism is the sharing of misery. -Winston Churchill

    If you think the United States is bad, think of another country that wants to put troops on the border to keep illegal aliens out, instead of walling in their citizenry

  4. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    I second that motion.

    My vote was not so much FOR McCain and Palin, but AGAINST dumb and dumber. Lessor of two evils in a contest where the choices were slim and none. Palin is a cheerleader and nothing else...and look at the damage she has inflicted on the Dem party! They can laugh all they want but that so-called "dumb broad" has almost single handed rallied the troops all across the nation to start a viable third party, get the attention of the Repub party and drive a stake into the heart of the Dem party. The candidates she has backed in the primaries won 75% of their races, the ones Obama backed were far far less than that,not to mention that the majority of the Dems still in races are avoiding Barry like he was an STD, again not bad for a "dumb broad".

    Is she a rocket scientist, not by any means, but she has outfoxed the very people whose main focus was to destroy her and destroyed them. She is not done yet either, Nov 2 will be another day that will bring cries of anguish and blank looks from her adversaries. The rookie Dem got a very valuable political lesson, what where you step, the landmines you lay for others may become you own trap. He won one election, but failed miserably in all other aspects of his career. Palin lost the first one, but is taking it to the house on her new job and as a side note, getting paid more money for her efforts,and not losing any sleep worrying about having to please everybody!
    She sure is easy on the eyes also.....she was on yesterday, and looked hotter than a firecracker....she's out foxed all the Dems in more ways than one....
    "Illegal Immigrant" is not a race....

    ‎"We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion . . . Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." ~John Adams

  5. #20
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    Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Mike View Post
    I'd vote for a one eyed monkey and a three legged dog before I would have voted for Obama and Biden.
    And don't they say that people get the govenment they deserve.....


  6. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by RED-PSD-VAN View Post
    And don't they say that people get the govenment they deserve.....

    And we'd be better off with a monkey and a three legged dog than obama and Biden...
    "Illegal Immigrant" is not a race....

    ‎"We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion . . . Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." ~John Adams

  7. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by RED-PSD-VAN View Post
    And don't they say that people get the govenment they deserve.....

    Yea but why punish us normal folks because the azzhats wanted to have a feel good moment by electing a half black man with radical ties who has never held a job before?
    They wanted a ringleader and all they got was a car full of clowns running around making a bunch of noise and getting nothing accomplished that is meaningful. It took those morons over a year and a half to pass a healthcare bill when they had an untouchable majority from day one. Yep, the Dems got what they deserved, but it sure screwed the rest of us.

  8. #23
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    Houston, Tx
    Quote Originally Posted by Compu Doc View Post
    And if you say it enough people might actually start believing it. Not this person though.

    Funny how these republicans mentioned in this article are backed by the tea party which is NOT A THIRD PARTY.

    Try as you might you cannot convince me it is a third party or any other person who is smart.
    the funny thing you seem to keep hammering on is that it is, in fact, not a third party. Yes they back conservative to ultra conservative Republicans, primarily because the party can be changed a lot easier than trying to get federal monies and notoriety to begin an additional party, in a well entrenched two party system. Their planning has worked to the end goal of changing the political structure back to the right, ousted incumbents all over the country with the same system, and they have never claimed it to be the starting point to a third party. there is no single leader of the idea. there is no main office. there is barely a loosely fitted organization and communication network setup, and anything that happens comes from the labor of love of regional members calling around and making pland with other regional members. it is one true grass roots organization, that without proper future planning, will burn itself out because the body needs a head to bring it all together and keep it focused. I'm not talking about the RNC either, because they would only ruin what was started! if anything, it is more like a PAC or lobby group.
    Guns don't kill people. Zombies kill people.

  9. #24
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    Boca Raton, Fla.
    I believe that our elections are less than who we vote FOR---and more for who we vote AGAINST. A protest vote, if you will. Our choices are few and our knowledge of candidates is purposely limited as kind of a disguise. WE ALL KNOW AND BELIEVE POLITICIANS CAN'T BE TRUSTED---Have you seen where the People rate them? Below a used car salesman.
    Check it out yourselves. How about that dude you've never heard of; way down there on the ballot running for some local office we didn't even know existed. Where do you put your mark?

    The big parties----Dems and Repubs---know this----and have known this for many decades. Their "colors" and "symbols" are to guide those that really don't know the candidate or would pay more attention to the "Buffys" on TV rather than the fewer and farther between Debates.
    On second thought---those supposed "Debates" are pretty close to worthless too. Too many really stupid questions (from a supposedly non-biased Monitor) asked of the potentially BIG POWERFUL candidates and way too few positive or negative detailed answers. Generalities and hypotheticals should not accepted.. Also it should NOT be "will you debate?" It should be "you WILL debate and on a regular schedule" maybe 3 to 4 times and you will be graded on your answers.

    Nothing wrong with this----it's basically all we've got until some giant group of non-partisan folks---like the League of Women Voters used to be---can put out expanded and better---if not detailed---info on each and every candidate.

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