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Thread: Big Smile from a big crook

  1. #1
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    Big Smile from a big crook

    "if the glove don't fit you must acquit"..........same thing all over again..............

  2. #2
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    Yep and some people still wonder why our country is heading downhill, people are just not worried about honesty and integrity any longer. Combine that with politicians being more brazen and having the ability to lie their way out of anything and we get the government we, or at least some deserve.

  3. #3
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    Crescent City CA. where the redwoods meet the sea.
    Lets just put him in a corner where he can't bother anyone and let him alone, he is good for a giggle once in a while.

  4. #4
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    Boca Raton, Fla.
    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    Yep and some people still wonder why our country is heading downhill, people are just not worried about honesty and integrity any longer. Combine that with politicians being more brazen and having the ability to lie their way out of anything and we get the government we, or at least some deserve.
    I think those people are way beyond wondering-----they KNOW and DON'T CARE!

  5. #5
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    Mesa, Arizona
    You guys are insensitive and ignorant. The party of the poor, well besides the uber rich that are running it, and fair taxes, besides all the political appointees that are exempted, and ignored, said that is perfectly fine that he has stolen as much as he has, taken as many apartments as he has, in the impoverished area he represents.

    Bunch of jerks...
    If you don't make someone elses life better, what good is yours?

    Weighty decisions are easy to make, when you aren't burdened by all the necessary information

    The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings. The inherent virtue of communism is the sharing of misery. -Winston Churchill

    If you think the United States is bad, think of another country that wants to put troops on the border to keep illegal aliens out, instead of walling in their citizenry

  6. #6
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    and yet some people still think the T Party is worthless and not needed. Actually this clown and the idiots that keep voting for him are the reason the TP has made some major progress.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    and yet some people still think the T Party is worthless and not needed. Actually this clown and the idiots that keep voting for him are the reason the TP has made some major progress.
    Ya know I was sorta thinking the same thing.............although I am quite preplexed by the disdain for the TP by some here , which, I myself do not totally agree with, and I can't stand Palin, who seem to be wishy washy with their political leanings........there is no time for it this round, one side or the other, line in the sand, too bad it's that way but it is. We have forced ourselves into this position. Of course we could be Canada where everything is utopia.

  8. #8
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    Houston, Tx
    I am of the mind that the people who oppose the TEA party do so because of the amount of attention and shear disdain for what they stand for. They are the loud and obnoxious group of the right and are overpowering the loud obnoxious left voices for now.

    The bad thing about the TEA Party is going to be the lack of interest once they get their energy down after the election. this is going to die down for a while, i fear, and we're going to see the ones backed by the TEA Party fall in step with the Rep leaders and party line, get frustrated, and quit. Without cutting off the head of the snake, putting new rattles on the end wont change the way it thinks.
    Guns don't kill people. Zombies kill people.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by haikon View Post
    i fear, and we're going to see the ones backed by the TEA Party fall in step with the Rep leaders and party line, get frustrated, and quit. .
    no they won't, they ran because like every politician they enjoy the celebrity of it. but like every conservative, they get it and realize that their hardline ideology isn't operable in real terms. Abolishing the department of education may sound wonderful until they're shown where many areas of our population left to their own devices will produce substandard learning... but screw'm their dumb luck liv'n in po areas

    bumpersticker by NT Candy, on Flickr

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2ndthyme View Post
    Abolishing the department of education may sound wonderful until they're shown where many areas of our population left to their own devices will produce substandard learning... but screw'm their dumb luck liv'n in po areas
    Okay I have a question......the group that has been in power since 06 has changed the "po areas" how? The Dems have had both houses since 06 and the big 3 since 08 so how come we still have "PO FOLK"?

    Is there a point you are trying to make or just firing from the hip?

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2ndthyme View Post
    no they won't, they ran because like every politician they enjoy the celebrity of it. but like every conservative, they get it and realize that their hardline ideology isn't operable in real terms.
    I actually laughed out loud when I read the above, uh whose hard line ideology is not working now...........just sayin...........

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2ndthyme View Post
    Abolishing the department of education may sound wonderful until they're shown where many areas of our population left to their own devices will produce substandard learning... but screw'm their dumb luck liv'n in po areas
    Which would be different than with the Dept of Education how? Or are you saying that there aren't any areas of our population with sub standard learning now?
    "Illegal Immigrant" is not a race....

    ‎"We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion . . . Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." ~John Adams

  13. #13
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    And for extra credit check on who is the dominant "party" in those areas.

    Keep em stupid and hungry and you have a vote for life.

  14. #14
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    Boca Raton, Fla.
    My take on the T Party folks? Don't knock 'em so hard. That's a really big lot of people------many of whom are finally gettin' up off their azzes to try to make a difference with the ONLY thing we have-----THE VOTE. I say----hope for more of 'em and keep 'em alive and functioning. Who else we got?

  15. #15
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    East of the sun - West of the moon
    "Of course we could be in Canada where everthing is Utopia" LMAO.

    I O W - what happened to "The cream of the crop" - why do we seem to pick "The dregs" lately.

    Methinks the real SMART GUYS come in later as highly paid ADVISORS - they can collect the BIGGG$$$$ - without the hassel of putting up with the unwashed public - and then leave by the back door with a $$GOLDEN PARACHUTE$$ and no explanations needed.

    I have lived MOST of my life W. B. G. (well before Googgle)

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