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Thread: Something Monstrous In The Senate This Way Comes

  1. #31
    DanH's Avatar
    DanH is offline Sept. 06, 1927 - May 24, 2018
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    Quote Originally Posted by chew 'n' spit View Post
    Ah SBA go fly a kite next time a big thunder boomer comes over, worked for Ben, not Truckman, the Franklin one.
    So come Ben Truckman is known abound the Conroe ladies as "Ol' Lightning Rod Ben " ?

  2. #32
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    Any claim that I am against drilling is simply ridiculous--and in all the years I have posted here and at other sites I have never suggested that--what I am against is bad practice--something the oil industry is loaded with.

    Claiming fracking fluids present no dangers to the environment only assures problems--there is no need to provide effective control methods when there are no admitted dangers.

    We have suffered degradation of the environment here--for no real reason other than greed and denial. We now have golden algae killing our fish---in massive kills, brought here innocently by trucks coming up from the Gulf--and dumped into streams with high chloride levels--due to other dumping.

    Tx--you have managed to deplete your credibility by your ongoing claims of denial--denial that any safety violations would ever occur on a drill site, denial that safety isn't a top down issue--denial that fracking fluids come with environmental concerns---I won't keep going on that.

    I want energy as much as anyone else---but I want it in a responsible and safe way--which is possible. However, until we address the issues and choose to be responsible in managing those issues we will continue to have the problems we have in the Gulf, in Alaska, and in my back yard in PA.

    No problem that is denied has ever been, nor ever will be, effectivly managed by those who deny it exists.

    I'm done.
    "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity, an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty” ---Sir Winston Churchill
    "Political extremism involves two prime ingredients: an excessively simple diagnosis of the world's ills, and a conviction that there are identifiable villains back of it all." ---John W. Gardner
    “You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” ---C. S. Lewis

  3. #33
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    Dave, Why would a company want to drive hundreds of miles to dump a load of salt water into your streams? If they did do as you say, they should be prosecuted. I am just trying to understand why a driver would haul a load of salt water right past a legal disposal well in the gulf and drive to Pennsylvania to dump it in a creek, it makes no sense at all. The cost to unload a truck at a disposal site is less than a dollar a barrel, so a truck carrying a full load of 120 bbls would at most be 120 bucks. Yet you claim they drive for two days to dump it in a creek? Somebody somewhere is blowing smoke and you are accusing me of not being credible?

    You do not understand that the flow back "frac water" that comes back out of the well is basically just salt water. Yes it is not good to put down a creek and should not be done under any circumstance, it should be taken to a legal disposal site and disposed of. That usually means a well that is drilled into the same formation that the oil is being produced from. They actually use the water to push the oil up higher, because as you know oil floats on water, to get more oil instead of water out of the ground. just about all water that is produced with oil, and it happens in every oil well that water comes out with the oil, is salt water. That fact alone gives a good indication that the fresh water wells that everyone is using and has used for years is untainted. If the two zones were mixed the water would not be usable my friend, and would never have been. Remember the oil/gas water mixture is under pressure, so it is not like a fracture crack induced at one spot in a zone thousands of feet below the fresh water zone to produce the oil is going to have much effect on that. If the illegal dumping of "produced water" (as we call it) it would seem that some regulations are not being followed. Find who is doing it and shut them down, but to just randomly blame everyone for one or two companies acting in a reckless manner is silly. Thats like shutting down all the drilling in the Gulf because of BP and their stupidity.

    I never intended for you to take my claims as safety violations or shoddy practices dont happen at all on any site that has to do with oil production. I did state that every worker has the right to stand up and file a complaint and refuse to do anything that is not safe or is against the law and not be punished for it. If a worker knowingly does either of those things, then they are just as wrong as the next guy. I am just trying to add some on the job-hands on information to your knowledge base, and instead of trying to use that, you instead ridicule and throw insults at me for trying to give you some info that may help you make a decision that is fact based instead of media based. I am damned if I do and damned if I dont, but at least I tried. Use it if you so choose, but at least investigate some of what I am saying.

  4. #34
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    I had no intention of being back--but I will respond on this.

    Reread my post--the golden algae and high chlorides did not show up in the same truck.

    This event is like so many similar events--and in fact exactly like what happened in the Gulf--a combination of factors, anyone of which would have been benign on their own--but disastrous when combined.

    We had low flow conditions due to natural drought conditions, we had very high water temperatures due to high ambient temperatures and low flow, we had high chloride levels due to illegal dumping from a holding lagoon---and we had a transport truck pull drill water from the stream which carried the algae spore from the Gulf.

    We never had Golden Algae prior to that---it could not exist here---but we have it now---and along with that we had a TOTAL fish kill in more than 20 miles in that stream.

    You constantly begin with blanket statements about how responsible and paternal the industry is--and then when confronted with the reality you dismiss them as being exceptions--a bad egg or two in the company of purity---well--it isn't purity. It is an industry driven by extreme greed and tremendous political clout that rides rough shod over those charged with the responsibility to regulate and control. It isn't salt residue on the floor---it is a critical component to generate a tremendous algae bloom and fish kill. It is the same "stuff" that on its own "spilled" in wetlands which has killed not only animal but plant life--this is not salt residue on the floor!

    Until we have enough balls to stand up and be responsible we will continue to get what we deserve---and while you might enjoy it--I don't.
    "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity, an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty” ---Sir Winston Churchill
    "Political extremism involves two prime ingredients: an excessively simple diagnosis of the world's ills, and a conviction that there are identifiable villains back of it all." ---John W. Gardner
    “You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” ---C. S. Lewis

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Grubb View Post

    Until we have enough balls to stand up and be responsible we will continue to get what we deserve---and while you might enjoy it--I don't.
    That is the truth and covers a wide spectrum of things. Never said I enjoy it, it is just something that happens when there is no respect for the laws. I believe that the company and individual that would dump anything illegally should be faced with a huge penalty, pay for the cost of cleanup (as BP has been forced to) and even serve jailtime for the infraction.

    Look at the things that are going on around us in just the last 60 days, specifically the immigration fight. The laws of the country are not being enforced and it is affecting SOME people, but the rest of them are not at all affected, so some radicals can say, just go ahead and do it. You have a few bad apples that are polluting your streams, it doesnt affect anybody else across the country, so why should they care....... its the law and illegal, is why they should care!!

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    .......Look at the things that are going on around us in just the last 60 days, specifically the immigration fight. The laws of the country are not being enforced and it is affecting SOME people, but the rest of them are not at all affected, so some radicals can say, just go ahead and do it. You have a few bad apples that are polluting your streams, it doesnt affect anybody else across the country, so why should they care....... its the law and illegal, is why they should care!!
    Dumb analogy when you consider that this administration has done more than the rest. Which isn't enough for some.

    "Everyday I beat my own previous record for number of consecutive days I've
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    'Take care of yourself, and each other.'

  7. #37
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    Really Fred? WTF have they done other than make a half assed, no not even half attempt at doing something, that is not going to stand, the people do not like it and all of their "hard work" will be repealed or rewritten the first chance the new Congress gets. I would not call more, than anything. The stupid part is having to do something twice because you didnt do it right the first time.

    You are right, it isnt enough for some, in fact it is just the opposite for most. I guess you havent checked the approval ratings on many of the "more" things you point out. The are abysmal to say the very least, and should be downright embarrassing for the dolts that thought the rookie could do anything worthwhile. But then again, if all a person has to do to impress the simple people is to keep telling the same story, no matter how much the public opinions go the other direction, he's doing a great job of screwing things completely up.

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