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Thread: Emperor Obama goes to London ...with 500 flunkies in tow.

  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by FredK View Post
    Or the treatment to the tune of 160K on your prostrate not that is a bad thing.
    That was just lower than low Fred. I think Dan has done his time to afford that small pittance. Obama has got you all screwed up when you can compare saving a friends life to a liberal dirtbag spending taxpayer cash like a drunken sailor. That was chickenchit

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    That was just lower than low Fred. I think Dan has done his time to afford that small pittance. Obama has got you all screwed up when you can compare saving a friends life to a liberal dirtbag spending taxpayer cash like a drunken sailor. That was chickenchit
    Well Tx, to be fair I do think Dan served his time, but it is still a legit question. BO has nothing to do with it.

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  3. #33
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    DanH is offline Sept. 06, 1927 - May 24, 2018
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    Quote Originally Posted by Compu Doc View Post
    So it was ok for Bush to bring 700 people?. It was ok for Bush to spend money tacking down WMD's that never existed?. It was ok for Bush to spend billions on two wars?. Did Bush ever make your sh!t list?
    IF y'all Compu Doc followed any of my Bush era posts, you will note I consider him the dumbest, most arrogant idiot that ever occupied the White House. Yes, I voted for him the first time ... I didn't pay much attention to his qualifications then because I assumed the Republican Party had more smarts than to run a retard. BUT, the minute this azzhole got up on TV blathering "WMD.... WMD ... WMD" and we have to invade Iraq to save the USA, he went on my sh!t list for good. I worked in the mideast for years with the US Army Mideast Div., I've been to Iraq and know plenty of military Iraqis there, and knew there were no WMDs nor any chance of Saddam doing anything after getting his azz beat in Gulf War I. So Saddam was a S.O.B. - that's what it takes to run any Islamic country. I was unaware of Bush's 700 flunky extravaganza, BUT, the USA was not going down the economic drain then. No doubt in my mind that GW Bush was the biggest disaster as President in the history of the USA. Along comes Obama out of nowhere and gets elected because (1) He is an effective public speaker and promised to clean up the government, and (2) The American populance was so fed up with Bush's neo-con Republican B/S that they would have elected any Democrat. If I was in charge of the USA today, I'd have Commander-In-Chief Bush tried for derelection of duty/war crimes and, since, per Bush, it's "Wartime" , recommend he be hung just like the Allies did with the loser leaders after WW II.

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    That was just lower than low Fred. I think Dan has done his time to afford that small pittance. Obama has got you all screwed up when you can compare saving a friends life to a liberal dirtbag spending taxpayer cash like a drunken sailor. That was chickenchit
    I think Fred served his time too, TX. He may or may not be out of line but thats probably for SBA to decide.

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  5. #35
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    DanH is offline Sept. 06, 1927 - May 24, 2018
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    Quote Originally Posted by FredK View Post
    Not that I really care as to when you became so frugal with Uncle sam's money, but weren't you the guy blowing up chit in Vietnam just wasting a bunch of it? Or the treatment to the tune of 160K on your prostrate not that is a bad thing. Or like others have pointed out the waste of former presidents.

    Just wondering as to why now you want to save a buck, Dan?
    Well ,for starters, "blowing up chit in Vietnam" was part of the US Forces mission in being there, and the mission was decided by head-shed dudes far up the line from my mere AO-6 'Field Grade' shack. As for the $160K radiation therapy at Stanford U. Hospital, this was the 'Bill' and I seriously doubt the VA paid that amount. Regardless, I am just one of undoubtedly mega-thousands of Veterans getting old and getting postrate cancer treatment, and more regardless, the VA told me to get the treatment, so I have to presume I was no extravagant exception.

  6. #36
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    oh boy...............anybody having fun yet...............not

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by SBA View Post
    Well ,for starters, "blowing up chit in Vietnam" was part of the US Forces mission in being there, and the mission was decided by head-shed dudes far up the line from my mere AO-6 'Field Grade' shack. As for the $160K radiation therapy at Stanford U. Hospital, this was the 'Bill' and I seriously doubt the VA paid that amount. Regardless, I am just one of undoubtedly mega-thousands of Veterans getting old and getting postrate cancer treatment, and more regardless, the VA told me to get the treatment, so I have to presume I was no extravagant exception.
    Dan while I know blowing up chit was part of the mission what I was really hoping for was a response to the wasted money spent. Something like the time you raced to the top of the hotel and just fired off shots. Multiply those times that and other crap done mega amount of times is what I am talking about. Sure we had it and it's there but some dumb taxpayer back in the 60's was footing the bill. Oh I was a taxpayer back then. Heck my unit didn't have the funds to play "war games" up next to Russia but went anyway. Someone found the funds.

    So government waste was back then and it goes on today.

    Unlike some johnny come latelys complaining I can count every President since Kennedy as being an idiot and a wasteful spender. Heck numb nuts Bush Sr started the whole Gulf crap if anyone wants to get serious about having a discussion.

    Still I see the glass half full.

    And am glad your prostrate is ok. Now if you just get started on your book.

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  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by FredK View Post
    BO has nothing to do with it.
    And neither did Dan's prostate, but it didnt stop your diahrrea of the mouth from bringing something like that up! It may be none of my business, but it seemed like a damn cheap shot to say that the radiation treatments Dan received were not deserved if he were going to challenge the spending of money. Explain it away all you want but it was chicken**** for you to say.

  9. #39
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    DanH is offline Sept. 06, 1927 - May 24, 2018
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    Now FredK just for comparison purposes , I spent about 120 days in military hospitals in WW II. At todays hospital daily rates ...

    Consumer Health Ratings - Compare Inpatient Hospital Cost & Prices ...
    Shows average length of stay, occupancy rate, and revenue per day ($1988 per day in hospital, $10498 per discharge), Inpatient charges (prices) are now 365% ... - Cached - Similar

    and throw in the Doctors for $12 per day , thaz $2000 per day x 120 days = $240,000 . Now, put about 60+ years interest that hospital tab could have earned on the money market, and y'all taxpayers spent a chitpot keeping my azz running. However, Obama had a choice whether to squander the taxpayer's money hauling his 500 flunkies to a 3 day meeting, and the servicemen and Vets had no choice about running up hospital bills.

  10. #40
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    [QUOTE=FredK;917100]Dan while I know blowing up chit was part of the mission what I was really hoping for was a response to the wasted money spent.

    [ Well, at the time I assumed somebody, between the President, Pentagon and MACV HQ in Vietnam, knew WTF we were in Vietnam for. Before I left I realized nobody was in charge and it was 'Mission Impossible' ]

    Something like the time you raced to the top of the hotel and just fired off shots. So government waste was back then and it goes on today.

    [Now, them shots off the roof was because I happened to arrive back from leave in HongKong on Tet eve and, having just finished my nightly 'Bier 33' swigging , I forgot it was Tet and thought the compound was under sapper attach, so, naturally, I grabbed my 'grease gun' and started shooting. ]

    Unlike some johnny come latelys complaining I can count every President since Kennedy as being an idiot and a wasteful spender. Heck numb nuts Bush Sr started the whole Gulf crap if anyone wants to get serious about having a discussion.

    [No arguement on the succession of Presidential idiots. Daddy Bush's Gulf War I was totally unnecessay and a waste of the taxpayer's money. Then, as now, Iran was the No.1 enemy in the mideast, and Saddam was the only barrier to stopping them.]

    QUOTE] Thaz all, Folks !

  11. #41
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    Just reflecting further on my radiation therapy costs ... I got 8 weeks of daily radiation at Standord. Stanford called me shortly thereafter and said my part of the bill was $3000.00 . Thinking about this , this was the 20% a Medicare covered patient has to pay while Medicare pays the other 80%. This would make the total tab at $15,000 . When I told them the VA sent me there, she said "Oh, that's right - you don't owe anyhing". They made this mistake because for years I have gone to Stanford Hospital with 'Medi-Gap' insurance and they must have billed my Medi-Gap provider and got turned down as me no longer covered. My Medi-Gap provider was California Farm Bureau for $70/month - a great deal ! Of course, my "farm" was little more than a little garden at the house at Stanford, plus a few pot plants the grad students living next door put there. . Alas, the Farm Bureau went out of the MediGap insurance biz and the dudes that bought it raised the premiums to about $150/mo , so I went back on the VA health care system for free. Anyhow,the VA bills Medicare for all Vets that have Medicare, which everybody over 65 does. So, dudes,I ain't costing y'all taxpayers much more by going to the VA over just any old phart on Medicare.

  12. #42
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    The reason I asked Dan is you and I are part of the problem. We wasted stuff while in the service and ran up a deficit during those years of the Vietnam war. To be fair they weren't much but collectedly it adds up. Those never were repaid and every time they looked for money they went to SS to borrow funds. This financial crisis wasn't done overnight and won't be fixed tomorrow. It was a long time coming and take a long time to redo and get everyone back to work.

    Now what's that got to do with a president needing ex number of people to go to a conference. Nothing but to scream now I'm Mr Frugal is BS.

    I prefer the guy take as many people as he feels he needs for making the meetings, interpreting, cooking his food, driving all those cars, etc and come back in one piece. Not having his head mounted on some fanatic's mantle isn't going to help us or the world. Besides do you really want Joe as president?

    "Everyday I beat my own previous record for number of consecutive days I've
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  13. #43
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    Say what you will about past Presidents, since the Revolution, America has never been as far in debt as they are right now. Something has to change.....remember change? Hopey Changy? Only thing I see being changed is the golf courses he is playing.....( and the speed of play rule when he's out there with 5+ hours rounds)
    "Illegal Immigrant" is not a race....

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  14. #44
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    I have no axe to grind with the POTUS taking as much security with him when he travels, and have said so many times. Sometimes though, extravagant borderlines ridiculous. I think they would all do well to take a lesson from George Washington, who was very careful not to put forth an image as a King.....
    "Illegal Immigrant" is not a race....

    ‎"We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion . . . Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." ~John Adams

  15. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by FredK View Post
    Dan while I know blowing up chit was part of the mission what I was really hoping for was a response to the wasted money spent.

    [ Well, at the time I assumed somebody, between the President, Pentagon and MACV HQ in Vietnam, knew WTF we were in Vietnam for. Before I left I realized nobody was in charge and it was 'Mission Impossible' ]

    Something like the time you raced to the top of the hotel and just fired off shots. So government waste was back then and it goes on today.

    [Now, them shots off the roof was because I happened to arrive back from leave in HongKong on Tet eve and, having just finished my nightly 'Bier 33' swigging , I forgot it was Tet and thought the compound was under sapper attach, so, naturally, I grabbed my 'grease gun' and started shooting. ]

    Unlike some johnny come latelys complaining I can count every President since Kennedy as being an idiot and a wasteful spender. Heck numb nuts Bush Sr started the whole Gulf crap if anyone wants to get serious about having a discussion.

    [No arguement on the succession of Presidential idiots. Daddy Bush's Gulf War I was totally unnecessay and a waste of the taxpayer's money. Then, as now, Iran was the No.1 enemy in the mideast, and Saddam was the only barrier to stopping them.]

    QUOTE] Thaz all, Folks !
    I had no qualms with Bush 41 giving Kuwait its country back. He seemed to realize that keeping Saddam in the area would keep the rest of the nuts in check, so didnt bother with taking him out, which he could have done if he wanted to.

    As to the prostate, shouldnt have showered in so much Agent OJ (my dad is having all kinds of problems because of that now)
    Guns don't kill people. Zombies kill people.

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