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Thread: Secretary LaHood: Republicans Tell Me In Private The Stimulus Is Working

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    Secretary LaHood: Republicans Tell Me In Private The Stimulus Is Working

    Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood said on Wednesday that despite all their public criticism, Republican lawmakers tell him in private that they think the administration's stimulus package has been a success.

    "I believe the economic recovery plan has worked," LaHood said, in an interview with the Huffington Post, "and I've had Republican members tell me that when I've gone in and done projects or been with them or visited them in their offices... They know that we have dollars that have put people to work."

    Speaking days before he was set to address a conference of progressive activists, LaHood's remarks were offered as part of a broader defense of the president's economic recovery agenda. The Transportation Secretary has been one of the administration's main pitchmen and administrators for the stimulus package, overseeing the roughly $50 billion that has been set aside for infrastructure projects. But his unique expertise comes from having served -- prior to his current post -- as a Republican member of the House of Representatives.

    LaHood was largely diplomatic when asked to reflect on his former colleagues' criticism. But in saying that Republicans have privately told him that the stimulus is working, he added fuel to the debate over whether the GOP has been duplicitous or unfair in their critiques. Already, there have been numerous press reports of lawmakers attending stimulus-related ribbon cutting ceremonies in their districts as well as lobbying different government agencies for stimulus funds.

    "There would be thousands of people out of work if it weren't for the economic recovery program. Thousands of people," LaHood said of the Recovery Act. "We know that thousands of jobs have been created. We know that thousands of projects are underway. All you have to do is travel around American, see the orange cones, and see the men and women working on infrastructure, working on projects, resurfacing roads... there is a lot of activity in America and a lot of people working. This would not have happened if not for the economic recovery."

    "So what I say to people is, 'Take a few steps in my footsteps.'" He added, "Travel the country like I have for the last 18 months and you will know that America is working and wouldn't be working if it hadn't been for this plan."

    One of the more frank and affable members of the White House, LaHood's Republican roots provide him with a certain credibility in the stimulus debate. To this point, however, he's done much of his work out of the public spotlight, spending his time instead traveling to more than 80 cities and 30 states to launch and oversee various projects. His bullishness with respect to the stimulus is not shared by the public, which is largely skeptical about its reach. To which LaHood blames both the media and the country's prevailing unemployment problem.

    "People don't travel around the country. They get their information from newspaper and blogs or watching television," he said. "The other thing is we have unemployment hovering way up there. It is not at ten percent but it is below ten percent and there are a lot of people looking for work. But if you look at the construction trades and you look at people who build roads, build bridges, resurface, repave, a lot of those people are working today because of the economic recovery."

    Getting people back to work is, of course, the predominant goal for both him and the administration. But LaHood's job also includes overseeing a broad transformation of the country's infrastructure -- a goal that could suffer from congressional penny-pinching. The Transportation Secretary, for instance, has been committed to the construction of a high-speed rail system that would put the country on par with other developed nations. But the price tag for the project is steep ($500 billion) and the investment made by the Recovery Act ($8 billion), while historic, can only go so far.

    This blogger said it best:

    That's OK, the wingnuts will denounce this article as a pack of lies.

    "Everyday I beat my own previous record for number of consecutive days I've
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    'Take care of yourself, and each other.'

  2. #2
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    Crescent City CA. where the redwoods meet the sea.
    Huff and Puff post same as MESSYNBC, just read and weep.

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    Republicans huh, name them.......
    "Illegal Immigrant" is not a race....

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    nine percent through twenty twelve.....................

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    I think you might be closer than most realize.

    The sad fact is that we have an increasing portion of the "work force" that are simply unemployable because they are simply unqualified for todays job market.

    To truly influence this problem we need to take a view that goes beyond our normal two year planning horizon and moves out of our traditional in the box thinking.

    The hurdle we face is a government and an electorate who don't think out of the box.
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    "Political extremism involves two prime ingredients: an excessively simple diagnosis of the world's ills, and a conviction that there are identifiable villains back of it all." ---John W. Gardner
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