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Thread: Man with neo-Nazi ties leading patrols in AZ

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Colorado Springs , Colorado
    Quote Originally Posted by Truckman View Post
    More on that topic in Sec. 21.02 of this page...It sounds as if a travel trailer which is actually used for travel and not a main residence would not be taxed as real property...Makes sense......Ben
    Under the constitutional amendment those RVs were to be exempt but after it was ratified the governor, Rick Perry said Ha Ha, it only applies to motorhomes and you pull behind owners will have to pay for at least two years before the Legislature is back in session and can put up another constitutional amendment. He insisted the amendment forced pull behind owners who had never been taxed in history now had to be taxed.

    What a jerk!

    Two years later the Texas Lege did and the citizens did and another GOP scheme was thwarted.

  2. #17
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    In the Village...
    Quote Originally Posted by Fulltimer View Post
    Rick Perry said Ha Ha, it only applies to motorhomes and you pull behind owners will have to pay for at least two years before the Legislature is back in session and can put up another constitutional amendment. He insisted the amendment forced pull behind owners who had never been taxed in history now had to be taxed.
    So are you saying Rick Perry ran you out of Texas?......Ben
    The future is forged on the anvil of history...The interpreter of history wields the hammer... - Unknown author...

  3. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Truckman View Post
    So are you saying Rick Perry ran you out of Texas?......Ben
    I need to buy him a beer.

    It sounds as if a travel trailer which is actually used for travel and not a main residence would not be taxed as real property...Makes sense..
    Too much sense is the problem. Otherwise everybody and their dog would be living in an RV fulltime and the whole place would look like a dang trailer park.

  4. #19
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    Colorado Springs , Colorado
    Quote Originally Posted by Truckman View Post
    So are you saying Rick Perry ran you out of Texas?......Ben
    Him and his taxes and the shootouts down Stemmons Freeway and Central every day.

    For 55 years I could stand it but then one day I looked around and said --This Sucks! and sold the farm and left for good.

    Haven't regretted it a bit. There are some really nice places to live in this nation. Texas ain't one of em.


  5. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fulltimer View Post
    Him and his taxes and the shootouts down Stemmons Freeway and Central every day........

    Don, you and I both know there are not and never have been shootouts "every day" down the Stemmons Freeway or the Central Expressway. I'm sure there probably have been a few, but no where near "every day". Your credibility suffers enough without making wild allegations like this...............
    The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible - Arthur C. Clarke

  6. #21
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    I lived up in the metroplex for over 20 years and never got invited to one of those shootouts, maybe you were hanging with a bad crowd.

  7. #22
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    Colorado Springs , Colorado
    Quote Originally Posted by Mike View Post
    Don, you and I both know there are not and never have been shootouts "every day" down the Stemmons Freeway or the Central Expressway. I'm sure there probably have been a few, but no where near "every day". Your credibility suffers enough without making wild allegations like this...............
    Yeah you're right they generally missed the weekends but then the shootings on Elm Street and the West End picked up on the weekends.

    It was and I suppose still is a pretty normal occurance. I spent 5 weeks interning at Dallas County's Parkland Hospital ER and there was not a day there was not a GSW admitted, most of the times multiple ones every day.

    The time that the DC shooters were shooting folks around the Washington area there was a weekend that the Dallas Police Department Homocide Division investigated 13 seperate incidents of gunshot related killings. They said it was a busy weekend.

    Here? If we have a DUI homocide it is the top story for weeks. A murder? For months it is the top story and even a year later everyone is still talking about it.

    You are still as blinded as I was. I suppose it is like boiling that frog. He just doesn't realize how hot the water has become.

    So, are you ready to answer the question about whether a homeowner's association can stop and detain a speeder and collect a "Special Assesment" from him for speeding through their neighborhood?


  8. #23
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    Columbia, S.C.
    So Don; You moved so you wouldn't have to pay taxes and because illegals were shooting up the place? Now that your safe and not paying property taxes who's going to support your views on immigration?
    This is your mind on drugs!

  9. #24
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    Colorado Springs , Colorado
    Quote Originally Posted by mgrist View Post
    So Don; You moved so you wouldn't have to pay taxes and because illegals were shooting up the place? Now that your safe and not paying property taxes who's going to support your views on immigration?
    Those Texas dudes doing the shooting aren't illegals.

    The illegals were quiet and kept a low profile.

    I am paying property taxes on my home just like I did in Texas although a lot less.

    I paid $1300 on my $230,000, 5 BR, 3 bath, 3509 square foot brick home on 2 acres last year.

    I do not have to pay property taxes on my fifth wheel trailer here in Florida and after the Legislature came back into session and submitted a revised amendment I would not have had to pay in Texas either.
    Last edited by Fulltimer; 07-18-2010 at 08:17 PM. Reason: Oops, just looked at the property appraiser's site and I have 3,509 sqft

  10. #25
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    Mesa, Arizona
    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    Speaking of wingnutz....where are all you clowns getting the idea that people are shooting at illegals all over the place? That sounds like that idiot congressman from Kali who acted like a trailer park trash moron at that townhall meeting. If these so-called vigilante groups are shoooting wetbacks coming across the border, they must be terrible shots as the MSM hasnt got it pasted all over the news.
    I don't know about where you are, but most of the shootings that take place in my city have hispanic last names, and are frequently found to be illegal, often having been deported multiple times. By the way, IN MY OPINION, the argument that they are deporting more illegal aliens then ever is kind of moot. If the borders were such they could not cross, and frequently die, while crossing the desert, they would not need any deportations.
    Shoot, I cannot even say that I am totally opposed to granting a pathway to citizneship, but, I don't think it should be as simple as a total amnesty program.
    If you don't make someone elses life better, what good is yours?

    Weighty decisions are easy to make, when you aren't burdened by all the necessary information

    The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings. The inherent virtue of communism is the sharing of misery. -Winston Churchill

    If you think the United States is bad, think of another country that wants to put troops on the border to keep illegal aliens out, instead of walling in their citizenry

  11. #26
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    Colorado Springs , Colorado
    Quote Originally Posted by Scooter View Post
    I don't know about where you are, but most of the shootings that take place in my city have hispanic last names, and are frequently found to be illegal, often having been deported multiple times. By the way, IN MY OPINION, the argument that they are deporting more illegal aliens then ever is kind of moot. If the borders were such they could not cross, and frequently die, while crossing the desert, they would not need any deportations.
    Shoot, I cannot even say that I am totally opposed to granting a pathway to citizneship, but, I don't think it should be as simple as a total amnesty program.
    I am against any amnesty program or any so called "Pathway to citizenship" program.

    Simply make it possible for those who want to work to come here legally and work.

    By forcing the migrant workers to come here illegally we are forcing them to stay once they get here rather than going back home to their families. If a worker could come here and work and then during the off season go back home he would not be bringing his whole family on this one way trip.


  12. #27
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    Mesa, Arizona
    You have not dealt with illegals. The ones that do not want to being their families, don't. They send the money home. Often, they will buy a car here, cash, drive home around Thanksgiving, smuggling as much cash with them as they can, and then cross the border again, illegally, in January, to return to their job. The weather being nicer in the winter is not the only reason most illegal crossings occur in January. Meanwhile they sold the car in Mexico. They also send lots of cash home to Mexico to their families, which is exactly why the Mexican government has a problem with any type of border enforcement. The money earned in the US, sent to Mexico is an amazing percentage of their total economy.
    If you don't make someone elses life better, what good is yours?

    Weighty decisions are easy to make, when you aren't burdened by all the necessary information

    The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings. The inherent virtue of communism is the sharing of misery. -Winston Churchill

    If you think the United States is bad, think of another country that wants to put troops on the border to keep illegal aliens out, instead of walling in their citizenry

  13. #28
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    Colorado Springs , Colorado
    Quote Originally Posted by Scooter View Post
    You have not dealt with illegals. The ones that do not want to being their families, don't. They send the money home. Often, they will buy a car here, cash, drive home around Thanksgiving, smuggling as much cash with them as they can, and then cross the border again, illegally, in January, to return to their job. The weather being nicer in the winter is not the only reason most illegal crossings occur in January. Meanwhile they sold the car in Mexico. They also send lots of cash home to Mexico to their families, which is exactly why the Mexican government has a problem with any type of border enforcement. The money earned in the US, sent to Mexico is an amazing percentage of their total economy.
    OK, well that is the optimal goal I suppose. Is that a problem for you?

    Wouldn't allowing them to come and go take care of your problem when you said:
    The elementary school my kids went to is one of the top rated schools in the state. As of right now, we are a title IX school, as determined by free school lunches. The reason, since I live in a neighborhood that is considered an upper income neighborhood, median home income of $70k, and 95 % of the homes are valued at over $250k, with some in the multi million dollar category, is because of a little tiny trailer park of 200 dilapidated trailers. The trailer park, by all accounts is 80% illegal aliens. Even though many of them are making decent money (Above the national median income) and their cost of living is low, their kids are getting free school lunches, at federal expense, because they have figured out how to work the system. When that happens, there are a lot of unfunded mandates to the states for title IX schools that fall on the local and state governments.

  14. #29
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    Mesa, Arizona
    Sure, if they A. Did not send all the money they make in the United States home to Mexico, against Federal law, by the way. and B. If they did leave their families in Mexico, which is not what is happening.

    And conversely, You are always ranting about low wages, unfair conditions, etc. Don't you understand that because they have no comprehension what the cost of a middle class life style is in the United States, that they are willing to accept lower wages, and thus, drive down the wages for everyone?
    If you don't make someone elses life better, what good is yours?

    Weighty decisions are easy to make, when you aren't burdened by all the necessary information

    The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings. The inherent virtue of communism is the sharing of misery. -Winston Churchill

    If you think the United States is bad, think of another country that wants to put troops on the border to keep illegal aliens out, instead of walling in their citizenry

  15. #30
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    google earth is enlightening..................

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