It finally arrived after being retrofitted to skim and seperate oil.
The vessel is estimated to be able to skim 21 million gallons of oil a day, at least 250 times the amount that modified fishing vessels currently conducting skimming operations have been able to contain, according to TMT.
Just how fast does this ship go?

The way I caculate it a ship like this can only skim a path as wide as its beam. Just like a lawn mower it will have to go back and forth to skim oil from the water.

When they claim it can skim 21 million gallons of oil a day it would have to be moving at just about the speed of sound to accomplish that feat. It would be processing many times that amount of seawater.

If it does work the way they promise BP should hire it and I will go down to watch it outrun those go-fast boats the drug smugglers are using.
