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Thread: Does he stay or does he go?

  1. #76
    Join Date
    Boca Raton, Fla.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kevin View Post
    I make political decisions based on facts, not fantasy. As a consequence, if deciding what to do about, say, Afghanistan, I don't predicate my decisions based on an Afghanistan at peace, prosperous, and stable. I base my decisions on the Afghanistan that IS, not the one I fantasize about. Even your idol Joseph Stalin, said as much. Of course, if you choose to believe in delusions instead of reality, there is medication for such conditions.

    Of course, why you idolize Joseph Stalin is a bit murky, but since you've professed such admiration many times, I have to take you at your word. Seems your moral compass might be a little off, though, so maybe you need to recheck that religion thing again. You might be praying at the wrong church.

    Or could it be that you are just relying on what people tell you again, instead of checking things out for yourself? Maybe you are proving to be a useful idiot for some whack job preacher, like you did for Sowell.

    Wanna play some more? I'll accommodate you. If you choose deliberately to make obtuse arguments that accuse me of things I've never said, be prepared for the same in return.
    Wheeewwwwwwww! For a minute I thought you were saying I should rely on what you, in your infinite wisdom, are telling me. Thank God (oh! excuuuuuuuuze me) Thank goodness-----I feel FREEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!

  2. #77
    Join Date
    FREEEEEEEE to base your judgments on delusions! FREEEEEEEEE to not bother doing any checking on facts before spewing another uninformed opinion out on the Internet! FREEEEEEEE to make unfounded accusations or attribute things to people that they never said, just to give yourself some cover in a debate. Yes, you are indeed free.

    Why should I try to inhibit you? You are so entertaining in your exercise of freedom.

    I'll play as long as you want to keep going, Sam. I have to take time out to bury my father-in-law today. He's a man who fought for the freedom you are abusing through your irresponsibility but besides that, we can fill up this board with how much we detest each other. Other than that, I'm all yours.

  3. #78
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    Jeez saggy, I guess we are in the same boat, kinda scary huh? Berated for exercising a voice that doesnt agree with his highness.

    Just bring up the "towel warmer thread" he got so frustrated at it that he threw a hissy fit and disappeared for several months....kinda comical actually, that a person always has to be right.

  4. #79
    Join Date
    Yes, you are both in the same boat.

    Two grown men who act like children.

  5. #80
    Join Date
    Colorado Springs , Colorado
    My condolences to you and your family Kevin on the loss of your Father in Law. It seems to be a part of aging that we start going to more and more funerals of those we care about.


  6. #81
    Join Date
    Boca Raton, Fla.
    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    Jeez saggy, I guess we are in the same boat, kinda scary huh? Berated for exercising a voice that doesnt agree with his highness.

    Just bring up the "towel warmer thread" he got so frustrated at it that he threw a hissy fit and disappeared for several months....kinda comical actually, that a person always has to be right.
    Happy to have you aboard, Tx.
    The idea is to live young as long as possible. And yes, should he care to come aboard, we can supply "Paladin" with a life vest for when the seas get too unruly.

  7. #82
    Join Date
    Thank you, Don, for your consideration. Chet's passing has been difficult for us. He was a wonderful man.

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