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Thread: Does he stay or does he go?

  1. #46
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    Well you go right ahead and choose which "truths" and from which place has the right one, you want to believe in. I have seen enough of this admin to form my opinion of how they operate. If my level of proof doesnt jive with yours, then so be it, you know where I stand and I do not need a multitude of sources to pick from, to see which way I will slant today. If the way Barry and his goons have run things into the ground, IMHO, then you can just cower and go along with the rest of the lemmings. It seems like there is no shortage of the Obama zealots, which is in part, the major problem.

  2. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2ndthyme View Post

    facts matter very little when they don't fit for ideology, hey
    Comparable to your hatred for Palin I assume.

  3. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    Comparable to your hatred for Palin I assume.
    well I can't stand Palin, but I don't make up things and claim she said them, she gives me all the material I can use!!!!

    bumpersticker by NT Candy, on Flickr

  4. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by TxMusky View Post
    Well you go right ahead and choose which "truths" and from which place has the right one, you want to believe in. I have seen enough of this admin to form my opinion of how they operate. If my level of proof doesnt jive with yours, then so be it, you know where I stand and I do not need a multitude of sources to pick from, to see which way I will slant today. If the way Barry and his goons have run things into the ground, IMHO, then you can just cower and go along with the rest of the lemmings. It seems like there is no shortage of the Obama zealots, which is in part, the major problem.

    and this makes it perfectly acceptable to you, to claim someone said something even if they didn't... you know them well enough to assume you know what they've said on any given subject? amazing clarity you have

    bumpersticker by NT Candy, on Flickr

  5. #50
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    Sources my dear sources. And dont discount your hatred of religion as well. You and I both do our fair share of slinging, it just gets to a point of personal belief, and I dont put as much faith into the political scene as some do. Just like the people that cant stand Rush or O'Reilly, doesnt mean they are wrong with what they report, just some refuse to see it their way.

  6. #51
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    Well you go right ahead and choose which "truths" and from which place has the right one, you want to believe in. I have seen enough of this admin to form my opinion of how they operate. If my level of proof doesnt jive with yours, then so be it, you know where I stand and I do not need a multitude of sources to pick from, to see which way I will slant today. If the way Barry and his goons have run things into the ground, IMHO, then you can just cower and go along with the rest of the lemmings. It seems like there is no shortage of the Obama zealots, which is in part, the major problem.
    What interpretation one puts on facts is, of course, a matter of opinion.

    What is not, though, are the facts themselves. You've made claims that are not backed up by facts and when called upon to produce the source of your information, either cannot or call other people lazy for not doing your homework for you.

    The approach you are taking to determining truth does not correspond to any sort of logic or reason. It is simply you choosing what you wish to believe without any reference to empirical facts. My children used to do that but their education tried to teach them that reliance on facts, deductions, reason, etc., is a more adult method of relating to society.

    When they were children, they thought as children, they spoke as children. When they became adults, they put away childish things. Maybe there's a lesson in there.

  7. #52
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    Enough people saw fit to believe in the lies that Obama touted in his campaign run to elect him. He has done none of the changes he said, or better yet, none that have made any difference for the better of the country. Altho there was reporting that stated "facts" about what he could AND COULD NOT ACCOMPLISH, bymany different credible sources, it could be taken as "truth" or not. The CBO has came out with revised figures for what they now know, but when they were running the numbers the House and Senate gave them, it was touted as fact. We now know it to be different, but at the time, most saw it as the gospel. I got beatup over that BS as well, so I'm not going to lose sleep over this little pissing match.

  8. #53
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    After that bracing display of anti-intellectualism, you go on to say

    It seems like there is no shortage of the Obama zealots, which is in part, the major problem.
    No, the problem is zealots themselves, including you.

    Zealotry is defined as excessive intolerance of opposing viewpoints. Can you show that you have any tolerance for those that support Obama? I doubt it. This makes you part of the problem, not part of the solution.

  9. #54
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    And your point is? I dont give a chit if someone knows I dont care for Obamas politics, woo hoo, grand deduction there Watson.

  10. #55
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    Enough people saw fit to believe in the lies that Obama touted in his campaign run to elect him. He has done none of the changes he said, or better yet, none that have made any difference for the better of the country. Altho there was reporting that stated "facts" about what he could AND COULD NOT ACCOMPLISH, bymany different credible sources, it could be taken as "truth" or not. The CBO has came out with revised figures for what they now know, but when they were running the numbers the House and Senate gave them, it was touted as fact. We now know it to be different, but at the time, most saw it as the gospel. I got beatup over that BS as well, so I'm not going to lose sleep over this little pissing match.
    So, in response, you've decided to make up your own facts? Brilliant.

    Do you even know what a "fact" is, Tx? It isn't a budget estimate by the CBO. That is a "projection" based on the best data at the time. "Facts" are incontrovertible truths. Something either happened or it did not - that is the nature of a "fact". You've claimed that Mexican leaders encouraged illegal aliens to smuggle drugs. That is either a fact or it is not. You cannot show where anyone actually said that, so it is not a fact. It did not happen, apparently.

    You've also said that McChrystal got "shafted" by Obama and that is why he chose to resign. That is either a fact or it is not but since you cannot show any evidence to that effect, it apparently is yet another example of you dreaming up stuff.

    You denigrate the attempt by others to find facts before making decisions. You decide, in contrast, to believe what you wish to believe and then make up the facts to justify your beliefs. Why go to all the bother of making up stuff? Just do as you have been - believing what you choose without worrying about if it is based in reality or not. It will save time.

  11. #56
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    And your point is? I dont give a chit if someone knows I dont care for Obamas politics, woo hoo, grand deduction there Watson.
    Because you are guilty of the same thing you accuse others of doing - making up stuff that supports your own viewpoint instead of trying to weigh facts and arrive at a conclusion.

    You are exactly the same as those you denigrate, Tx. For exactly the same reasons.

  12. #57
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    Both examples you show doesnt mean it didnt happen, just means your sources are covering what they want you to know. This isnt a trial where it is written down, what is and what isnt to be accepted by legal standards, probably why the great imposter has skated on everything he does. Not the right kind of evidence counsel, so its thrown out. heheh

  13. #58
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    The "just because there isn't any evidence doesn't mean that it didn't happen" is used by those who believe in aliens controlling our lives with a mind ray from Mars as well. Not the best company to keep.

    You are still ducking the issue - on what, if ANYTHING, did you base your statements in those two examples, Tx? You see, I'm all about the data and facts. If you have any sort of data or facts to substantiate your statements, I'm ready to reassess my opinion. I don't think that the same can be said for you, however.

    Unless, of course, you are an expert in this as well as all the other things you claim expertise in...

  14. #59
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    Like usual, you want to be the one who justifies who is what. In my field of expertise you alluded to a newspaper clipping instead of what I see and do everyday, so excuse me if I find your judgment of "experts" sorely lacking, but its okay, if it helps to stroke your ego by being right(if only in your own mind) so be it. There is no way anyone can win anything fighting a losing battle of wits with a person that refuses to acknowledge any other "facts" except for the ones the person fells are "acceptable". Feel free to claim victory and garner the spoils....woo hoo!

  15. #60
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    All Over
    In my field of expertise you alluded to a newspaper clipping instead of what I see and do everyday....
    You clearly demonstrated your level of expertise early on in the BP disaster with your statements about drilling safety and claiming safety originates with the workers on a drill site and is not reflective of a corporate culture.

    Driving a honey dipper truck does not make one a sewage treatment expert.
    "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity, an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty” ---Sir Winston Churchill
    "Political extremism involves two prime ingredients: an excessively simple diagnosis of the world's ills, and a conviction that there are identifiable villains back of it all." ---John W. Gardner
    “You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” ---C. S. Lewis

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