[QUOTE=Dave Grubb;911383]While there are those that have unquestioned selfishness for the fruits of their good fortune, there are those that regard their success as a blessing, partially earned, partially a result of good fortune. Those that understand that success is not all of their doing realize they have an obligation to those not as blessed as they have been.
Only getting the job in the first place may be partly due to "good fortune". Sticking with that job for many, many years, and moving ahead is 99 percent EARNING IT. And "the fruits" are EARNED "fruits" for you and especially for your family----and the decisions of when, where and how to spend it----or how much to "give" are yours----and yours only. I don't question or tell others how they should spend their "earned" money and I don't expect them to advise me on that situation --unless I ask them to. Most folks don't question paying taxes----until those collecting begin WASTING AND OVERSPENDING those monies--AND KEEP WANTING MORE. This is when it turns from "taxing" to "stealing".