Quote Originally Posted by LawDog View Post
Where exactly do you think the fireworks were, attached to the headliner? Gas fumes are extremely volatile. People even ignite themselves talking on the cell phone while filling their gas tanks. And you can't just "open" the valve on a grill bottle, it has a safety. But, having only minored in Fire Investigation and Arson Investigation, with numerous explosive classes under my belt, I'll bow to your expertise on how often that situation would result in an explosion.....
1. Cell phones don't ignite gasoline while fueling. That is a myth.

2. Yes, you can "just open the valve" on the older grill tanks. Unlike the current tanks, there is no safety valve on them. I have at least 3 of older tanks if you'd care to inspect them.

3. Most any idiot could have detonated that car. But, this particular idiot was incompetent.