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Thread: Who Am I Better Than?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Colorado Springs , Colorado

    Who Am I Better Than?

    This is one of "those" emails circulating on the net but it seems to me to make some pretty strong observations.

    "You know when I was a little boy, there was an old negro farmer that lived down the road from us, named Monroe. He was ... (subtle laugh), I guess he was just a little more luckier than my daddy was. He bought himself a mule.

    It was a big deal in round that town. Now my daddy hated that mule. Cause, his friends were always kidding him about, "They saw Monroe out plowing with his new mule and Monroe is going to rent another field now he had a mule."

    One morning that mule showed up dead. They poisoned the water. After that, there wasn't any mention about that mule around my daddy. It just never came up. One time we were driving down that road and we passed Monroe's place and we saw it was empty. He just packed up and left, I guess, he must of went up north or something.

    I looked over at my daddy's face, I knew he done it. He saw that I knew. He was ashamed. I guess he was ashamed. He looked at me and said, "If you ain't better than a nigger son, who are you better than?"" - Agent Anderson, Mississippi Burning

    And welcome to the Tea-hatist mindset. With Barack Obama in charge...who are you going to be better than?

    And don't think some of us recognize the symptom because we are a pack of condescending know-it-all asshats. We are...but that has ****-all to do with the observation.

    It's just that we have seen this before. Up our so-called "enlightened" neck of the woods.

    Want to know the difference between North and South? Well, a man once told me that up North, it is OK to have a Black as your boss, but you will be damned if you will have one for a neighbor. Down South, it is OK to have a Black neighbor...but you will damned if you will have one as a boss.

    So we went through all this Tea Party nonsense up North, about 20-30 years ago. And the reaction was just as vehement, inarticulate, and dumb as what is being spewed now. If you want to see hate and spittle, you should have seen how South Boston reacted to school integration.

    But you would not have seen it 24/7 as you do today. It happened...but not in a perpetual echo chamber. And thank Christ for that.

    And if you think the enlightened liberal North embraced integrated housing with open hearts, think again, It was called "white flight" and it damn near emptied some cities. "Sure, we support excuse us while we move to the suburbs where those Zulus won't be able to spear us with their assegais."

    But white flight was a safety valve. It kept the pressure at reasonable levels. It also prolonged it and led to new levels of stupidity, but you could, after all, vote with your feet. Many did. Many still do.

    OK, the job front was a bit stickier. Northern Industry has always been (at least since the 1950's) largely integrated. Steel Mill owners don't give a **** what your skin color is. Besides, you could only tell on the way into work, on the way out everybody pretty much looked the same.

    But you always knew what hand you were playing, because the cards were mostly dealt face up. Your boss was still white. Your union steward was still white. Your mayor and your chief of police were still white. And, as much as it pains me to tell you this, Michael Steele did not run the GOP. And even if he did, at least up north, you went home at the end of the day to your own private Idaho in the suburbs, and played golf on the weekends at a club where Michael Steele was never going to get in. Well, not the front door

    The workforce may have been integrated, but you still knew who you were better than. Nobody dared yell "You Lie!!" at a white boss.

    Over time, most of that has changed (but if you take a shot every time you can name a Black mayor of a predominantly white New England are going to bed sober). But it took a very conscious effort to change it. Acceptance of diversity does not come easy when the question is: "who are you better than?"

    And now the way the cards were dealt 18 months ago has upset a huge segment of the population. They no longer know who they are better than. They are lashing out. And there is ***-all for a safety valve and it does run 24/7 in a perpetual echo chamber.

    They say it is about "freedoms"...but they can point to no freedoms that have been lost over the last 14 months.

    They say the Constitution is being destroyed, but when you ask them what parts of The General Welfare Clause or Congresses' power to regulate Interstate Commerce are being violated...they stand mute with rage

    They say it is about taxes...but they can find no drastic tax increases in the last 14 months.

    Come to think of it, I don't really remember anyone getting speared with an assegai thirty years ago either. But that didn't stop people screaming about the danger.

    And they say they want their Country Back.

    Well, Bing-*******-O.

    Now we have it. They want to return to a time and place where they at least knew who they were better than.

    And the fact that most of this spittle is flying from the mouths of the poor, the semi-educated, the low information voter, and from By-God Dixie...well, that is only because it is your turn. A lot of the rest of the Country has already gone through this exercise 20-30 years ago. And the same spittle flew from the same confused lips when it was our turn.

    So we don't look on Tea-hatists with scorn because they are alien and unfathomable. We do so because we recognize these very traits as ours and those of our neighbors."All in the Family" wasn't the most popular show in the Northeast because Archie Bunker was despised. It was popular because he was comfortably familiar. But at least he was a character. Nobody tried to run him for President.

    And it ain't just President Obama. It is a lot else: If your job can be done on the Indian sub-continent, who are you better than? If China can launch a spaceship, who are you better than? If the world looks at the mighty Dollar as little better than an American Peso, who are you better than? If an immigrant can work your ass into the ground, and do it smiling for a lot less money, who are you better than?

    A whole lot of life has been shaken and stirred the last couple of decades.

    This whole Tea-Party nonsense will eventually pass. Because there is no "going back". OK, you can move to Idaho, or Montana, and it will feel like you have found what was missing. And you might even be happy. As long as you never watch the POTUS on the national news while you are trying to answer the question: "Who am I better than?"

    But Jesus wept, people are going to keep asking that damned question. Soccer may be watched for it's beauty...American Football is about who is better. We are more of a class society than people want to admit. There is still a very strong vein of Scotch-Irish pride that runs through this Country's character. Unfortunately that pride is seldom based, at least lately, on personal or collective achievement...just who you are better than. You can hear it every time a factory closes in this Country and people cheer. No, they really don't believe that closing the Auto Factories will make America stronger. But it adds a whole bunch of people to the list of those they are better than.

    Still...what the ****. 600 years of violence and oppression was bound to warp the Scotch-Irish a bit. Hell, you can even consider them heroically well adjusted given their, and my, history. And history will eventually change us again once all the dogs adjust to the new Alpha Male reality and find their place again in the pack. Until then we live in the land of flying angry spittle.

    PS - I never wanted to be better than anyone else. Just faster. Cheers
    - Jinx, Advrider

  2. #2
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  3. #3
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    While I can admit that some of the anger in a small segment of people is likely fueled by racism. I cannot and will not try to lay that off on the entire opposition. Its garbage, pure and simple.

    on second thought, let me add this... if you took this sentiment and removed the Obama/political stuff it does ring of more truth. I have to admit, this type of ranking oneself against others is a common flaw... we all do it to some extent, with our nieghbors, relatives, co workers, competitors... the lowlifes buying beer with cash and groceries with foodstamps, the welldressed chica just come from the salon to get her welfare...

    yes, we do it. here's the real kicker.. you all know I'm not religious, but if there's a very important lesson for living, in the Judeo Christian teachings, its that we can't sit in judgment of others because it closes your heart to feeling concern for them. Its ironic as heck... to truely feel better about yourself - is to NOT look down at anyone else.
    Last edited by 2ndthyme; 04-24-2010 at 09:00 AM.

    bumpersticker by NT Candy, on Flickr

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Colorado Springs , Colorado
    From Randy Newman's song "Rednecks" on his "Good Ole Boy's" album.

    "Last night I saw Lester Maddox on a TV show

    With some smart-ass New York Jew
    And the Jew laughed at Lester Maddox
    And the audience laughed at Lester Maddox too
    Well, he may be a fool, but he's our fool
    And if they think they're better than him, they're wrong
    So I went to the park and I took some paper along
    And that's where I made this song".

    No, it is not just about race. It is about folks needing a group they feel they are better than.

    Dick Cavett was not a Jew but the perception was that he was.

    Whether it be the jobs going to India or the illegals taking away jobs here or a black man elected President, it still comes down to bigotry and the self image of the good ole boys.

    "A whole lot of life has been shaken and stirred the last couple of decades."


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apache Junction, AZ
    Can't say much since I think this is the best answer:

    Jesus replied, " `You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.'

    This is the first and greatest commandment.

    A second is equally important: `Love your neighbor as yourself.'

    All the other commandments and all the demands of the prophets are based on these two commandments."

    "Everyday I beat my own previous record for number of consecutive days I've
    stayed alive."

    'Take care of yourself, and each other.'

  6. #6
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    Thank you Fred

    bumpersticker by NT Candy, on Flickr

  7. #7
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    Crescent City CA. where the redwoods meet the sea.
    Tea party bad, Obama good. Why do you on the left let the tea party upset you so bad? If theres nothing to them, then Obama and Congress will win big in 2010 and 2012.

  8. #8
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    I will love my neighbor and do anything I can for them, unless they try to kill me or damage my family then I will go "eye for eye"...............and after I am finished go eat a bowl of spaghetti and sleep like a baby.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike View Post
    Yep, that's the kind of crap garbage you get from the left when they know they are losing....turn everything to race.
    "Illegal Immigrant" is not a race....

    ‎"We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion . . . Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." ~John Adams

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Colorado Springs , Colorado
    Quote Originally Posted by LawDog View Post
    Yep, that's the kind of crap garbage you get from the left when they know they are losing....turn everything to race.
    If the so called "left" is losing why are you always crying and whining so much?


  11. #11
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    Maybe he was referring to some of the opinon polls...............

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by chew 'n' spit View Post
    Maybe he was referring to some of the opinon polls...............
    At least you were smart enough to get it....
    "Illegal Immigrant" is not a race....

    ‎"We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion . . . Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." ~John Adams

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