Quote Originally Posted by SBA View Post
The I can't stand thread certainly commenced with the winner ... Sarah Palin . I, myself, rate meinself as a 'conservative Republican' and next to GW Bush, Sarah Palin is the dumbest candidate the Republicans ever dreamed up. You'd a thought after the Democrats jumped in and got elected after Bush F'U'd the country, that the Republicans might see the folly of running idiots for President.
Fiction and Fact from Sam's Almanac

Methinks you all are missing something. The Presidential election is not until 2014. The absolute dumbest thing you want to do at this time is select and announce your nominee. You want to give the opposition 3 years to demonize him or her? That's EXACTLY what would happen.
Sooooooo. What do you do? Keep your "List" very close to your chest. Let NO ONE know. And keep the Palins and Backmanns and Romneys out there because they can keep your base alive. You, personally, don't think them good enough-----but they ARE popular and have big followings. Then, when it's time (2013?) introduce your nominee. At that time, the Palins, the Backmanns and Romneys will ENDORSE your " him or her" and bring all their "bases" along with them.
In this meantime---you all are playin' right into the oppositions' hands by helping to destroy these bases. You may not agree with the "spokesmen" or think they are "Potential", but it's the BASES that need to be kept alive and well while protesting present Washington Politics that are dragging you and I right down the sewer. PAY ATTENTION TO THE BASES!!!!
Keep in mind the game of baseball, if you will, You can hit a home run----but if your don't TOUCH THE BASES----it's no good.